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Everything posted by bbko

  1. What area of Thailand are you wanting to tour?
  2. Check this thread for the fillable TM 7 form.
  3. Their money, their choice. Who want's live in condo where the neighbors are a bunch of looky loos? So concerned about other's delivery/ordering habits? Blechhh.
  4. Yes, “Citigroup” to Close Banking Operations in 13 Countries Including Thailand https://www.kaohoon.com/breakingnews/437730อ่านเรื่องนี้ต่อที่: https://www.kaohoon.com/breakingnews/437730
  5. I can't read Thai but this Chicken pate is cheap and tasty.
  6. These mass shootings reports from the US are almost as frequent at Thailand's news of traffic accidents.
  7. He mentioned the landlord early in this thread. "the landlord is in BKK and asked me to see what can be done ."
  8. Yes, over a year ago he had the same problem but it was with his wife. "Now she wants 3 million or she walks. I still support her every month with 40000 bhat and it’s still not enough. I am in UK at moment working and now she threatens to burn my condo documents if she doesn’t get the money."
  9. Keep any and all text messages/emails where's she's threatening to burn the chanote, then if/when she does, you'll have evidence for the needed police report. Then kick her out, she's biting the had that's feeding her, a few days out in the real world will show her how good she used to have it.
  10. The 2 ladies that work the Family desk at Jomtien Immigration can be picky sometimes, you should go there ahead of time and ask for their checklist, I did my extension based on marriage and got a checklist from them (see attached). While you're there you should ask them specifically about the photos, because last time I came with 4x6 photos and they said I needed them to be full size on A4 paper. Then make 2 sets of paperwork, stacked identical to each other, and sign the bottom of each paper ( I used blue ink). Good luck.
  11. Why not get on the gravy train and buy some stock in CP? https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/CPALL:TB
  12. Why not make this situation public? It may help others that now think just cause weed is legal now, it's entirely harmless.
  13. What? You think prices of Thai medical care is too expensive???
  14. Found this honey flavored substitute on Shoppe, I'm assuming some low level street sellers will buy this and will try to pass it off as the real stuff, same with the 20b orange juice sellers. https://shopee.co.th/aro-Honey-Syrup-1000-g-เอโร่-น้ำเชื่อมรสน้ำผึ้ง-1000-กรัม-รหัสสินค้า-126090-i.50027683.10351641037?gclid=Cj0KCQjwtvqVBhCVARIsAFUxcRv1YjjDBOeHHWb_-hKEKedWgGf56aU0rB_Kjbiw8JSLEfcDstwl_5QaAhIDEALw_wcB
  15. When I was in the US and my older car had a bad headlight, I went to the local car part store and noticed just like lightbulbs for the house they come in different strengths. For the car if you're going to install the light yourself, make sure you don't touch the glass bulb as the oil on your fingers will cause it to burn out faster.
  16. Many years back when flying Los Angeles to BKK, I was seated next to a lady that was constantly coughing, I tried my best to keep my head turned away from her but within 24 hours of me arriving in Thailand I came down with a fever/cough, ended up being strep throat. It took away 3 of my 10 day holiday. Sitting elbow to elbow in a crowded airplane for hours is risk, I don't know if a mask would have prevented me catching strep throat, but I'm sure it would have lessened the chance. Mask up in confined spaces.
  17. Seven Ways to Tell If Your Olive Oil Is Fake https://www.epicurious.com/ingredients/seven-ways-to-tell-the-difference-between-real-and-fake-olive-oil-article
  18. Using that analogy, my sperm is an ingredient to make a baby, I guess you'd call call me a serial mass murderer since I was 14.
  19. I'm an American citizen, my wife is Thai and our 15 y/o son has dual citizenship, my son was born in Thailand and has never left Thailand but we're in the process of getting my wife a green card and then all of us will move to the US for few years. My son has both a Thai & US passport. I plan on flying back to the US a few months ahead of my wife and son to get things ready (home, car, work, school). Would I need to get a letter (like the attached photo) allowing my wife to fly with my son to come and stay with me in the US? TIA.
  20. You're renting so this shouldn't be a big hassle for you as it's the owner's responsibility. Eliminate the hassle and go to Home Pro on Sukhumvit, buy a new pump (Mitsubishi water pump EP 155 or EP 205), then go to the front customer service desk and tell them you need someone to install it, then deduct all the costs from the next months rental fee.
  21. I won 4,000b one time, gave my wife my ticket to get the money and never saw a single satang after that....555.
  22. Huskies are known for their ability to adapt to any climate, including those ranging from below 75 degrees Fahrenheit to climates such as South Florida and other tropical places. However, just because your dog can adapt to a hotter temperature doesn't mean that you have nothing to worry about. Read more at: https://wagwalking.com/sense/can-husky-dogs-live-in-hot-weather
  23. Looks like fun, even when the rocket fail. As for "losing limbs", I would want to spectate not launch the rockets...555.
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