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Everything posted by bbko

  1. I believe the term is "Reefer Madness".
  2. Yes, mask wearing out in the public is optional, private businesses can have their own mask policy.
  3. This from the link, it's seems like it's at least worth looking into; Since the decriminalisation of cannabis, hemp and their extracts, with THC content of less than 0.2 percent by weight, on June 9th, there have been several cases of people being sent for treatment after consuming cannabis, including a few cases of self-harm.
  4. Confrontation over what? A 200-400-600b traffic fine? Is it really worth the potential trouble?
  5. This being Thailand, my guess is to come back with a bigger gang.
  6. The American Taliban (aka the far right) won't rest till they have total control over you.
  7. Some people are wound too tight & think too mutt. I feel sorry for those that have to interact with them.
  8. Old grumpy farts are a staple here on Asean Now. ignore those hate filled morons. Complaining is a way of like for these cherry picking lett;e
  9. Let's take a look at the average age of the farange customer in the Pattaya bars, most are 50, 60,70 plus. Too many farangs want to focus on the the girls and not their fat, old, disgusting bodies. For the love of ghod, you're decrepit body is disgusting, get over yourself.
  10. What is it about some people that think "I do it this way, so why aren't other following my style?" Get over yourself.
  11. Yes, cause the vision and reaction time of a 17 y/o is exactly the same as someone that's 73. On a similar note, why isn't George Forman going to fight Tyson Fury?
  12. As with many things in Thailand, no one situation is handled the exact same way for each & every person. My license was expired due to covid, when I could return to Thailand I renewed both car and motorbike license and didn't have to do the whole thing again, IIRC, watched a video, eye color test, depth perception test and brake test.
  13. I was in a bar and met a fellow American and he proceeded to tell me of his taxi trauma, he said he was on the motorway and the taxi driver was going super fast and the American was shouting at him to slow down, I asked how fast was he going, "100 miles per hour", I asked, how do you know it was 100 mph? Cause he was looking at the speedometer and the needle was on 100, I tell him, "you know cars here are labeled in kilometers, blank stare....555.
  14. Sounds like hyperbole or a straight up troll.
  15. Oh, thank my white anglo saxon ghod, now I can carry an AR-15 into a school, just as the founding fathers wanted it.
  16. Ever notice, those hired "best people" have a high rate of "turning on him"? Why is that?
  17. Do younger attractive women in our home countries like to deep French kiss men in their 60's/70's?
  18. Perhaps it's their way of saying you need to check your breath?
  19. Someone remind me, how many officials in his administration pled guilty to crimes or were convicted and went to prison?
  20. Traveling at speed? Is that a UK term for speeding? If I walk in my garden I'm traveling at a speed. am I not?
  21. This attack and the other news attack with a German, seems like the returning tourists are bringing a lot of aggression.
  22. Apply online and get a 1000b coupon; https://direct.axa.co.th/PA/GetQuote Also it's possible to get accident insurance if 66-70 y/o, check their "AXA Sabuyjai My Plus" plan. https://www.axa.co.th/en/AXA-PA-Sabuyjai-My-Plus
  23. Many years back when I used to do the one day van visa runs to nearby Cambodian boarders, I used to see the driver's helper carrying small stacks of passports, yet those people weren't in the van. So you might be able to stay "home", but your passport will have to leave the country and re-enter.
  24. TM 7, Application for extension of temporary stay in the Kingdom TM 87, Application for Visa
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