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Everything posted by LS24

  1. When was there an extradition order? Call me names as much as you like, but back up your statements with substance, please.
  2. I'm not much of one. But I grew a well sustaining carambola / star fruit in a 12 inch pot. Just needed to replenish the soil and trip the root ball occasionally. 12 Inch is too small if you want a productive citrus. 24inch would be minimum for a dwarf variety, I'm guessing.
  3. Did the child leave the country with his passport or not? If he left with his passport, then what help did he need? Maybe it is not me who needs to wake up 🙂
  4. That says a whole more about you than it does on the locals. It must be a laugh for anyone in earshot of the locals that have to endure you.
  5. Not hung up at all. Just home with a head cold and bored mainly. I was just playing on your previous post to me. I'm not more hung up than you it seems but you needed to point it out. Tomato/tomato. They are both red fruits. Okay, semantics aside. I never accused you of anything. You draw conclusions. I have no idea what the 300 million was allegedly used for. That is your story. Can you demonstrate where the funds were allegedly used for influence and how the total does not include the compensation? Influence and bribery and the subtle differences between the two. That would be an interesting topic.
  6. As noted in the article "Pattaya police are continuing their investigation, and additional charges may be filed against the perpetrators. It is unclear at this point if the victims will face any counter charges such as for reportedly shoving another customer out of the bar or allegedly breaking the nose of one of the guards." Don't be suprised if these tourists end up in trouble over this. The video from inside the bar seems to show that they probably have to answer for starting this violence.
  7. Clearly less than 60 days. Look at its intention to get your answer. Thai immigration don't want sustained working. Doing business would encompass meetings, training, on-boarding and things of that nature.
  8. I'm the opposite. I thoroughly enjoy a thick, rich flavourful Begian beer. I enjoy an ice cold Singha after a hot day. And love to savour a warming Speyside single malt in the evening. I really don't enjoy the effects or after affects of alcohol, though. As for the king. Elvis died and soon after in the early 1980s a new King arrived all dressed in regal Maroon. And his name was Wally.
  9. If you have already offered a money supply, the respect was already gone.
  10. Then you would have got a real kicking from his tiny wife. Real coward's act to glass someone. What a thing to consider. Especially after your recent comments on the soi 6 guards. Where is your 'mate' going to go for a beer now that the only western place in 'the sticks' won't have him back? Classless act ruining your 'mate's' place for a cold one.
  11. Yep and there is another one on the left if you keep walking further down soi 22
  12. Are you aware that payments to family in lieu of court is a common thing in Thailand? I worked with a guy once who killed the family family breadwinner in a road crash. No court. The family and the guy came to an agreement or payment and terms with the police as adjudicator and everyone went back to their lives. Why are you saying this guy should be treated differently? And the statute of limitations have been and gone.
  13. Is a translation typo of "heiress" the point, though? Why are you hung up on such a thing? I take it that you don't speak Thai language. If you did, you would understand how simple it is to make such errors in translation of the masculine and feminine. What you suggest is not under question. I replied to a poster that stated that all the family could piss off which I took as suggesting all of the family should be held responsible for the actions of the son apparently killing a cop. That is why I responded with what I did. Where is your evidence of someone paying a bribe? People pay compensation for death in this country as a matter of course. As far as I am aware it has been done this way for eons. Why is this person's payment any different? If you know more facts than others, please do share them and back it up with why you know it is factual. Most here would be interested in knowing.
  14. Are you happy to be held responsible for the actions of your children, siblings or parents? Why should this parent?
  15. They may be made of sticky rice but at least he has balls
  16. That is an interesting point you raise.
  17. And less area to clean up.
  18. If I did have an obsession with them, yours would be wholely unsatisfying do to their size and insignificance. Be careful out and about today. It is lunch time and school girls may be around. Don't give them any side eye or they might give you a whooping. Or worse still their little sisters might join in.
  19. That tends to happen when someone has minuscule plums.
  20. If the defendants can't substantiate their claims, then yes. Even if they can substantiate their claims it may not go in their favour. Who will bank roll their defense costs?
  21. As a nurse in a hospital? Shift work in the medical profession is a drag.
  22. Idiots hit people in the head. Idiots and cowards. A good body shot to the liver is the way to go if the desire to inflict pain strikes. And I don't condone doing so but just to highlight the further lack of awareness of people who choose to use violence. Skulls are hard and beside the jaw hinge, are reasonably unyielding. Bones in one's hands likewise. Punch someone in the head and the probability of hand damage at impact or injury from teeth is very probable. The puncher is likely to sustain more lasting damage than the punchee.
  23. The star fruit will be fine in a pot. you can still get large yields from a small plant. Limes will need a decent sized pot. unsure on the others.
  24. Who would look after the gold left in the shop then?
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