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Everything posted by LS24

  1. On the rare occasion it has happened to me, I've simply said that I don't want to sit at that other table because I can see a ghost there. But are you are being directed somewhere because it is cooler or there is a fan nearby. It may be that the staff want you out of the way because of body odour or looks. It may be that they farted and don't want you smelling it. The only way you will know is if you ask. What has you so apprehensive about asking? There only seems to be one regular poster here that is universally hated by Thai shop keeps and staff. Their pitiful stories haven't put you off asking, have they?
  2. Okay, spineless. now give me a high C
  3. I'm not your mate. And my post stands. Peas for plums.
  4. But it is only Thais who act like the Soi 6 guards, no? Sounds like you were afraid of the Thai wife of the Brit owner. You are apparently hated everywhere you go it seems and you are fearful of a kicking from a little girl. You might get a gig as a castrati with those plums the size of peas. How is your falsetto?
  5. The video I saw from starting in the bar shows some 4th guy getting pushed down the stair and onto the soi. Don't think he was actually involved. Then white shirt arcs up and gets pushy with pudgy guard. White shirt fires one off at guard. White shirt gets pushed/punched and loses balance and regains balance on the soi. Then it got busier. Grey shirt was still trying to keep the peace at this stage. The pudgy guard started throwing fairly ordinary overhands but kept advancing. A straight left or right would have nailed him when the fight got outside (as the video in portrait mode earlier on this page shows). Old grey shirt got a bit of a touch up and white shirt owes him big time. If white shirt hadn't lost his cool, everyone would have had less bruises.
  6. Again, poor logic from posters here and poor translation to english have caused people to jump to ludicrous conclusions. Clearly the police are not pursuing the fight because the alleged victims have not raised concerns. Have you never heard the statement "the victim refuses to press charges" in the west for minor altercations? The police see it as a run of the mill fight with a bit of kicking. Everyone got paid or payback and the matter is resolved unless someone makes a formal complaint. Happens in the west all the time. Now of course if there was a death or serious injury the police would investigate. Do you not see the difference in your statement? Now, if the white shirt guy is in a coma, it should be reasonably easy to identify the hospital he is in. Has any press released a hospital name? if the white shirt was dead, the embassy of his nation would need to informed. Simple freedom of information request gets that information. But has that death been reported in the press? Just idiots on social media and places like here with less than half a clue claiming hearsay and loss of translation as fact. Seriously, some regular posters have the comprehension of a child.
  7. Go to the gas station. Empty half the bottle in and then fill the tank to get the injector cleaner mixed in. Get the bike started and bounce it off redline regularly in low gears. Continue to use the top half of the rev range more often. Should see a difference before half a tank if it is the inlet system. Also check the air filter and all the plumbing to the filter.
  8. White shirt started the fight. If he goes to the cops, he gets charged.
  9. In the case that it was the accused's daughter being hit on, can a grown woman not politely or more strenuously not tell a guy that she is not interested? If she is not a grown woman what the hell was she doing at a 2am pool party in Pattaya? Daddy's little girl or is that daddy's little possession?
  10. Firstly, it is clear that people who react in such a way don't trust their woman to defuse the situation themselves. It shows that the male's deep insecurity that just anyone could walk up to his partner and sweep her away from him. And maybe the most ugly of all is that the male think the partner is his possession - something that he owns and could be stolen from him. A weak excuse for a human are such people in my not so humble opinion.
  11. oh my. movie lines " Would you f*** me? I'd f*** me" and "It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again" immediately come to mind.
  12. Saw that vid. Couldn't see a time stamp though.
  13. Microsoft's built in Defender anti virus is all you need.
  14. This is all a terrible situation. tragedies like this are never good. But let's break this down. There seems to be a lot of opinions on this incident but very little of it seems based on facts as available in this thread. From the video in the Irish Sun: 1. Bike riding from right to left on screen is in screen for approximately 4 seconds. 2. there is then approximately a 3 second section with no moving vehicles on screen. 3. a sliding bike then appears throwing sparks and continues to slide until it apparently hits a pole. 4. It is wet conditions. - Now, what sort of speed is needed to slide a bike from off screen all that distance to not only reach the pole but to impact it the way it did to cause what looks to be like a bent frame? - Anyone who has ever been in a position to slide a bike down the road with awareness will be in a position to know the speed that the scooter must have been traveling at. - Looks to be a residential area. - Seems that the Thai local had a headlight on but it may have been reflection. - It seems the Thai rider when pulled up was on the correct side of the road. I understand logic is not a common trait at this forum and people's biases override general logic mostly, but the above cannot be easily disputed.
  15. I'm not big on this types of videos on either side. But this does explain how Trump is attempting to deal with the courts.
  16. Any recent mobile phone would likely offer a better result than a web cam. There is software for Android named Microsoft Lens. It will allow you to take quality photos of documents and has an auto feature to square up the docs and save as jpg or PDF. I'm sure there are now other apps available, but I only use Lens and the results are of a high quality.
  17. Well a flat blade screw driver has the ability to either compress or expand a circlip. Based on its position will depend on if it is compressing, expanding (tensioning) or doing buggar all (technical term). Avoid doing buggar all. Add a tension and twist and robert's your mother's brother with a rag to catch it.
  18. I have always used a flat blade screw driver to fix and remove circlips and never had a failure. If you don't feel comfortable, use a rag to cover the area to catch the circlip if if it flies off.
  19. Dremel with a thin wheel might be okay. Failing that an agle grinder with a thin wheel. Get as many revs on the blade as possible to make the cut clean.
  20. Just as an aside, and knowing that Taiwan is not in the EU, they require IDP for any car hire and are very strict on it.
  21. Try this. https://linustechtips.com/topic/1398560-windows-subsystem-for-android-has-no-internet-access-even-though-i-am-connected-to-the-internet/?do=findComment&comment=15326332 Please keep us informed. I will look at the android VM at some stage and if you have a result, it will be good to keep a record of it.
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