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Everything posted by PPGuy

  1. Received the PEA bill for January (23rd) a couple of days back. The FT rate remained at 0.9343, being same as that of last month. Was expecting the increase as noted in the previous posts. Maybe next month?
  2. Maybe give BTV a try if it services your area?
  3. The recent posts on this this long topic will give you the latest info. Next month may be a possible restart. https://aseannow.com/topic/1256433-seahorse-ferry/
  4. Had DHF about 10 years back and spent 5 days in a Pattaya hospital. Recovered fairly quickly and was able to travel to Cairo for work after about a week with no issues. Then another bout last month, just before Christmas. No real advance warning - just a mild headache. But next morning I collapsed at home and literally couldn't even crawl back to my bed. Recovered a bit and, luckily, my wife was around and she arranged for me to be driven to the hospital. Was there for 4 days. Still feeling the effects now, 3 weeks later, with painful wrists/fingers, neck and back. No way I could travel like previously. Maybe just age related (70ish) or the effects of a 2nd bout. Either way, not too pleasant.
  5. Pattaya City Hospital offer Pfizer every Friday from 9am to 12noon. No preregistration needed and free.
  6. I delayed renewing my son's UK passport (by about 2/3 years) until he was eligible for a 10 year passport. He had a valid Thai passport and the fact his previous UK passport had expired was not a problem when the 10 year passport was applied for. This was about 8 years ago but don't see any recent changes that would impact on a similar decision now.
  7. My recent experience of online 90 report at Jomtien is: 30Dec22 - notification that next appointment is due on 15Jan23 03Jan23 (13.50) - confirmation of receipt of application 04Jan23 (10.38) - application has been approved email Looks good with no apparent delay in processing.
  8. Well, you do seem to be rather confused. Maybe it's you who is dreaming. My A21s with spec as noted is doing just fine. Some posters seem to think they know more than they actually do............might be an idea to quit while you are behind.
  9. Been using it for 2 years. Or am i dreaming?
  10. I bought a Samsung A21s (Ram 6gb / Rom 64gb) with 5G about 2 years back for Bt5,380. Superiphone on Lazada. May be a bit dated but still 100% happy with it.
  11. Could this be the one? https://aseannow.com/topic/1001829-what-to-do-when-an-ex-pat-dies-in-thailand/
  12. Renewed my UK passport in March 2021, two actually and both were 'live' at the time. Downsized to only one at that time. Both old ones had the corner snipped. Seems that YMMV!!
  13. I would guess that some of the local underground lottery guys would have been wiped out unless they were able to hedge these with some of the major national players who can better balance their books. But likely a good few who kept the stakes thinking they were in for a killing. Look for the houses with angry mobs outside............
  14. Would be good to get more detail on these recent transfers. I arranged a UK bank to Wise to SCB transfer on Thirsday 15th with 'general expenses' as a reason. This was at 7pm Thai time. Took 4 seconds. On 30th Nov I arranged my retirement extension transfer, UK bank to Wise to BBank, with 'Funds for long term stay in Thailand' as reason. Arrived 2pm on 1st December as FTT. No delays.
  15. Headed to Ahmedabad and Vadodara for work related issued. Not the most scenic part of India but may have time for a couple of days to Goa, except likely to be inundated with fleeing Russians so may look to go elsewhere. Not the season, just now, but have been watching the youtuber, Riding with Gavi, and his recent trip to Northern India was quite impressive. Thanks again.
  16. Just an update. I completed the eVisa application yesterday (8th) after seeing that the UK had been added as per the press reports (thanks @Mahseer). Had a few missteps in both the downloading files and payment process. Eventually completed all the steps and the eVisa popped into my inbox this morning. Went for a 1 year tourist visa. Cost was $41 which compared rather favourably with the normal visa fee (around Bt5,500) not to mention the hassle and expense of a trip to VFS in Bangkok. So, good timing by the Indian government to allow us Brits onto the eVisa scheme. Likely headed to India in the coming weeks. Can't wait.......
  17. For me, works for the SCB App, but not possible for Bangkok Bank App.
  18. Thanks for that update. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/travel-news/india-restores-e-visa-facility-for-british-passport-holders/articleshow/96024317.cms I did a quick check on the application form and see that. on the one I looked at, the citizenship option still excludes UK, but not country of Birth which always has had UK as an option. The article does say that an upgrade is under process. My experience of India government IT issues is that this may take a bit of time....... Good news anyway.
  19. i believe so, but have not tried it myself. Maybe give it a go?
  20. Nope. Maybe you have not heard about the online lottery option......
  21. Thanks for your comment. Luckily my reason for needing to travel at this time disappeared but not before having a go at filling in the visa application form. Had a problem getting it printed and contacted VFS for their assistance. This was about a week back - still waiting for any response from them!! But have moved on from that. Sounds like I avoided additional heartaches further into the application process... Had applied for a few eVisas 3/4 years back with no problem but UK are now off the list (one of only a very few countries) due to quid pro quo issues on UK visas for Indians...... Maybe Sunak can get this sorted!! Been working in/traveling to India since 1999 and the need to surmount any number of hurdles never fails. My company has just concluded a Supreme Court case after going through the many appeal levels for the past 20 years. An absolute nightmare. Now having issues with our local bankers and having to get RBI assistance to resolve. Still not there yet. Paying a fortune to local advisors - the system certainly benefits them, so no desire to change the process. The hardest part is explaining all this to my UK company!!
  22. I believe that was another accident that is reported here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1279284-accident-traphaya-rd-at-pratumnak-traffic-signal-friday-2511/
  23. GB News have recently picked up on the Frozen Pensions issue. Yes, their footprint is rather small but this video has gathered 218k views since 22Nov. Every little helps!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBa_p4jcIKI
  24. Fry Group, a UK based financial / pension advice company but with an office in Singapore, have received some good reviews in the past. May be worth a contact to see what they can offer. I have used them in the past and found them very professional. As with all such actions, caveat emptor should be uppermost.
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