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Everything posted by PPGuy

  1. https://aseannow.com/topic/1261014-iphone-6-plus-needs-new-battery/#comment-17385141 This earlier topic has some pointers. I have used IOSRestore, as noted in the link, and also resolved the OP problem.
  2. PPGuy

    Electricity bill

    My average PEA rate for May to Aug has been around 4.83 based on monthly units ranging from 1,036 to 1,237. Next bill due on 22Sep so will see what the increase is at that time, hopefully not too much.
  3. Think you need to recheck the '35,000 baht figure' as provided by another poster. It is out by a factor of 10x. Yes, really, truly. honestly!!
  4. Maybe you need to revisit your calculation......
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOTx0aLabVg This is an interview conducted by Tim Sebastian for DW. it is with Andrei Kolesnikov who is based in Moscow and has very forthright views on Putin and the war. How long he remains at liberty to express such views remains to be seen. He finishes with a rather chilling conclusion that, win or lose, Putin will remain dangerous, but defeat may make him more dangerous because he has a nuclear weapon.
  6. Butterflies may be a better bet. https://www.technologyreview.com/2011/02/22/196987/when-the-butterfly-effect-took-flight/
  7. 'In Thailand'. Hmm. https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/local/car-gets-stuck-in-hole-neighbors-frustrated/289-dc4878dc-fb95-47e9-84ca-2ff9eb95370f
  8. Was married there nearly 30 years ago. Thought about a return trip a few times over the years.
  9. PPGuy

    Seahorse Ferry

    https://thepattayanews.com/2022/09/11/the-blue-dolphin-ferry-successfully-launches-its-first-route-of-pattaya-samui-on-saturday/ Looks like the new service is getting under way. This was a test run with possible regular sailings by end of September. Good luck to @HammerMan
  10. This might be of interest to those needing an FET and considering using Wise. Note the comments in the 'Additional Information' section. https://wise.com/help/articles/2932335/guide-to-thb-transfers
  11. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11178241/Dementia-hit-grandfather-81-confused-bruised-arrest-police-went-WRONG-house.html They needed 10 officers in 6 vehicles to deal with this. Hmm.
  12. Philippines. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/habalhabal-filipino-motorcycle-taxi-not-for-the-faint-heart--13581236364452556/
  13. Just to update. I contacted Halifax by App initially but was advised to then call their customer service as there was a block on my CC, which was news to me. So, rang them today and after much farting about was advised that the block was a credit score issue for issuing new cards. I can only surmise that was maybe caused by a miss-match between addresses, as the credit check co's still have my previous UK address on their records (with no electoral role noted) whereas Halifax have my Thai address. Anyway that was a 'computer says no' issue. May look to change my address back to the UK but no hassle as I have other UK CC options for now. Interestingly none of the folk I spoke with mentioned Thailand as a no go issue. Even though all were aware that I was looking to send a new card to Thailand. So others may be successful, or that may create another 'computer says no' response. Good luck.
  14. That is interesting news. Thanks. I have Halifax CC (Clarity) which expired a year or so back and was refused a mail out to my registered Thailand address. Was looking to change my address back to that of a UK family member as that was the address used when I set up with Halifax about 5 years back and was in the UK to verify my ID. So, will give it another try in the next few days and see what happens.
  15. PPGuy

    Car rental

    Agree with BP rentals. Have hired a car and a few motorbikes over the past few years with no hassle.
  16. Well, I receive letters from NW sent to my Thai address on a fairly regular basis (not statements as I can access them online). So, I would expect their mailing system can distinguish between local UK mail and overseas directed mail. Not sure, but I seem to recall that for overseas mailing it is routed via Netherlands, or other non UK locations, presumably as a cost saving process. Would think NW are fully aware of the overseas mailing issue.
  17. As others have noted and IME, Nationwide have no issues with a Thai address, sending new cards as needed. They do have a problem with non UK mobiles for OTP's and the like as my Thai mobile is not usable but I do have a UK number so that is an easy fix for me. I used their change of address form about 10 years back to advise them of the change to a Thai address and that was accepted without a problem.
  18. Have had Samsonites for well over 20 years. Initially had the version with extendable handle. That lasted a few years until LHR handlers caused the extendable to change to detachable. That was on a flight from KL and was a problem as I was only in UK for a couple of days before flying off to Egypt. However BA set me up with a replacement Samsonite in Cairo, this time the version with a small handle inset into the case. Now had that for nearly 20 years and still in great condition.
  19. 555 That would likely be considered as 'unacceptable and will not be tolerated' by Bristol City. It would have to be Bristol City..........???? https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/aug/06/bristol-city-womens-manager-told-to-stay-in-the-kitchen-at-match PC gone mad.
  20. This gives some info on what is available in Pattaya area. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YGMYWwCxPY&t=1s
  21. This might be of interest. Not stating it is correct as due dilligence on such important matters is always a good idea. https://www.samuiforsale.com/knowledge/inheritance-laws-thailand.html#:~:text=The surviving spouse is a statutory heir but their entitlement,in to four equal shares.
  22. Watched the U20's last week and was impressed by Boonson's showing in the 100m event. He finished 4th and only a poor start deprived him of a bronze medal. The top 2 were a class apart but being only 16 years old he clearly has immense potential.
  23. Not Emirates but Qatar experience of a family connection. Applied for position as air hostess and passed the initial checking process then asked to attend an interview in Thailand with a Qatar based rep. This was held in Chiang Mai and, after passing that test, was then sent to Doha for initial training during a probationary period. Still with them after 3+ years. So maybe a bit suspicious of not being interviewed by an Emirates rep ahead of travelling to Dubai. But, as noted, that was Qatar..........
  24. If sending to Krung Thai, by Wise, there is a maximum of Bt50k per transfer. This doesn't apply to BBK / SCB / Kasikorn where the maximum remains at Bt2m per transfer. https://wise.com/help/articles/2932335/guide-to-thb-transfers
  25. Maybe also factor in the USD/THB rate. Been rising steadily this year, now close to 37.
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