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Everything posted by PPGuy

  1. Could this be related to the 7% VAT that is charged, even on goods that are zero rated. for customs duty Maybe the OP could advise on listed cost of the hearing aid. I have imported a number of notebooks, both new and repaired from UK via DHL over the years and only ever been charged the VAT element. Have always found DHL to offer an excellent service on imported items.
  2. Just reminds me of the days of Chalerm. That was his forte, giving out similar clues and making himself sound knowledgeable when in reality he was an absolute buffoon with a pink Bentley.
  3. With some UK banking apps cheques can be scanned and credited to your account once cleared. Takes maybe 2 or 3 days. I have used this service with Halifax and no doubt there are other banks.
  4. Is this to provide a bit of TLC to his recently damaged Bugatti Veyron????? Can see there being a fair number of cheesed off United supporters if they have paid the extortionate sums for a ticket to the game.
  5. Interesting Guardian article about a rather tenacious crypto-sceptic, Molly White. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jul/02/crypto-sceptic-molly-white-could-be-the-new-jk-galbraith-just-much-tougher
  6. PPGuy

    4th Covid shot.

    Pattaya City Hospital seems to be one of the current goto places. https://aseannow.com/topic/1263417-where-to-go-for-second-booster-in-pattaya-now-moderna-or-pfizer/#comment-17439967
  7. Yep, that is also my experience with the Bkk Bank App. Luckily I also have the SCB App and QR code and scan payments to PEA work just fine with that.
  8. My 3BB connection was finally fixed yesterday (29th) after being off since last Tuesday (21st). This in East Pattaya (Khao Noi). Also had a couple of days down the previous week. Many phone calls, little info except this Monday when they indicated the main problem was fixed on Sunday but an engineer needed to come and fix the house connection. No idea why a house visit was needed as it was working fine before the big break (PEA fault per 3BB). Took some time for the engineers to get the connection working. No idea why. Just happy it is back Since then have had at least 3 calls asking if all now OK. Was fine with the 1st call but after 3 it gets a bit wearing. Have requested a credit for the down time. Not holding my breath, but did pay for additional data from my Truemobile link as a Hotspot. So will keep pushing for that just out of principle.
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