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Everything posted by NextG

  1. Semantics indeed. They determine whether your use of language makes any sense or not. But in all your excitement, you failed to notice…that I was the very first person to ask about the model/brand 😊 So the issue wasn’t about him asking about the model/brand, because I had already asked that. I was simply pointing out that it wasn’t a TV/Phone combination, but a TV/laptop combo. I couldn’t be arguing against the common sense of asking about the model/brand of the devices, since I had done so prior to anyone else asking 😊 If someone seems to think that instead a Smartphone is involved, then it is an absolutely normal thing to do to correct them. You foolishly interjected and now you have to spend time wiping the egg off your face.
  2. Yes, I comprehended that the question was with regard to a TV and LAPTOP. Somewhat ironic that you appear to be questioning MY ability to comprehend.
  3. The post to which I referred asked for model/brand of TV and PHONE. The OP is using a LAPTOP. Calm yourself. You make mistakes when overly excited.
  4. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=855840353213145&set=a.477053097758541&type=3 It’s amongst the pictures
  5. You are posting nonsense. No need to ‘tailor’. Just use reasonable English.
  6. “I have MSIG” is poor communication. What would happen if there was no Google? Obviously we have different standards. Let’s leave it at that 😊
  7. So that makes two of you then…
  8. Don’t know about Manchester. That’s far north isn’t it? 😊
  9. Boring… You should not have to go to Google. People should communicate in clearly understandable ways for all. There’s a reason why this is an English language forum. Of course we could just write in any language we want, as there’s Google Translate… idiotic. Just write sensibly in the first place.
  10. 5GHz. People often confuse the two terms.
  11. That doesn’t sound like 5G. Sounds like a dual band router that supports 5GHz. 5G is Mobile broadband.
  12. Rent a studio WHERE for £600? ☺️ Cannot be referring to London.
  13. No they don’t and actually I agree with NSJ on this occasion. “I have MSIG” is poorly written and makes no sense at all to someone who has no knowledge of them. “I’m insured by/with MSIG” puts the sentence into context. “I have MSIG” could mean that he has some strange disease.. 🦠
  14. Flight delay is not an issue. Your original ticket is what they would want to see in any claim. So even if you were delayed, the trip would still be covered.
  15. It actually states United/Air Japan within the graphics.. Random dates
  16. Then take up PJ71’s offer. Of course you won’t, as you just want to exploit someone with having to compensate them fairly.
  17. You don’t need to stay in your seat for the whole flight 😊
  18. Already posted… didn’t you notice? 😊
  19. What’s is “Islanmic terrorsim”? How about you stop posting poop? What about Israeli terrorism? Let’s talk about that shall we? I bet you don’t.
  20. Then post ‘which slant’ each of them represent, in order to make some sense of your assertion. Otherwise it just looks like a foolish Troll. If it walks like a duck… I didn’t ‘tout’ anything, you actually quoted another poster. Didn’t you notice?
  21. No, I’m asking you, SmartyPants. Since you made the comment with regard to Al Jazeera, you should be able to differentiate them from the others mentioned. But of course you cannot; it’s was just a foolish reflex comment on your part.
  22. No way… it’s just more nonsense.
  23. Haven’t tried it myself: https://facebook.com/people/The-Chinese-Takeaway-By-Pimmy/100063615640112/ But recommended elsewhere on this forum
  24. What is the format of the others mentioned?
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