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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. I also do all the things I'm supposed to be doing; I watch my diet, exercise religiously, I do breathing exercises daily, avoid stress as much as possible, I did Tai Chi for years...Even so, my blood presssure bounces between 140 and 150. I took Losartan, made my blood pressure go up, and now take a low dose of Amlodipine. It helps but not enough. For some people, lifestyle changes aren't going to work. My father had high blood pressure, my mother, my grandmother. My mother and grandmother still lived to their ninties.
  2. James Nestor wrote the book "Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art," which became an international best seller. It discusses the history of breathing techniques and the importance of correct breathing (especially breathing through the nose and not the mouth). Coherent breathing is the basic technique for synchronizing the various organs of the body. The Wim Hof technique is popular for boosting the immune system and improving general health. The 4-7-8 technique was developed by Andrew Weil, an old buddy of Timothy Leary's back in the day and now quite famous as the founder of integrative medicine, a hoistic approach to wellness. He proposed as a method of relaxing and, in particular, a sleep aid.
  3. Thailand ratified the International Covenant for Human Rights. The United States is simply pointing out its obligations under that treaty. You can't sign and international treaty and then turn around and say, "Oh, it doesn't really apply, because we're a sovreign nation." Huh?
  4. I didn't take this post seriously. So how about that?
  5. Are you sure? That was the quote they gave me for handling everything including the financial requirements. That's expensive but most agents don't deal with Chaeng Wattana. Maybe they don't do just the walk through though.
  6. In that case, it's hard to justify the 22,000 baht charge. That's more than the fee most agents charge for covering the financial requirements.
  7. It means obviously that both Republicans and Democrats are to blame. Total borrowing under the Trump administration was 8.1 trillion. Under Biden, it's been 4.3 trillion. Minus the Covid spending, Trump still increased the debt by 4.8 trillion, 2 trillion of that was for tax cuts that he didn't pay for (and which he's promising more of). (All figures from Fox news) More importantly, it was Reagan who started the paradigm of ignoring the debt problem as he increased spending while cutting taxes. The debt was only 780 billion when he took office. It rose to 1.6 trillion by the time he left. If you're counting on Trump to the cut the deficit, you're delusional. If you're expecting fiscal responsibility from either party or the FED, you're also delusional.
  8. Thai Visa Centre deals with visas from provincial immigration offices. If you want a visa from Chaeng Wattana, try Thai Visa Expert
  9. Natsu is the Japanese word for summer. Aki is the word for fall or autumn. Both are used in names (Natsuko, Akiko).
  10. Location is of primary importance, though Thai Visa Centre will will handle retirement extension requests from anywhere in the country via EMS.
  11. Donald Trump increased the debt by 7 trillion, George W Bush by 4 trillion. But the grandaddy of them all was Ronald Reagan, who increased the national debt by 160 percent. Now, I wonder what those 3 have in common.
  12. The rhytym method is approved. It's actually quite effective if you follow the guidelines: chart temperature monthly, avoid sex while ovulating as well as a week before and a week after. That gives you about a two week window for binge sex and since anything but straight intercourse is forbidden, each session shouldn't take that long.
  13. In the book "Eat, Love, Pray," Elizabeth Gilbert becomes acquainted with a local woman who specialized in fertility issues in Bali. The woman said that invariably Indonesian men would refuse to accept any responsibility for the inability to conceive even when it was clearly their fault. To solve the problem, she would turn to the local motorcycle taxi drivers and usually the woman was happy to oblige so long as she could conceive a baby.
  14. Wow, a lot of men seem to have gotten vasectomies. I didn't realize how popular they are. Apparently, 25 percent of men in New Zealand, 20 percent in the US, UK, and Canada rely on vasectomies for birth control. In Bhutan, a Buddhist country, it's 40 percent. They seem less popular in Asian countries, though, including Thailand. In Japan, the pill was banned until 1999 and diaphragms aren't widely used, so the main type of birth control, even in marriage, was condoms The result was that by the time they were in their 40's, most women had had 2-3 abortions. Although abortions are legally a gray area, they are widely available, with small abortion clinics around most major stations. In Thailand, it seems condoms are also the birth control of choice, which probably accounts for the high rate of teenage pregnancies. Boys refusing to use them or using them incorrectly. It's hard to believe, though, that most people in long-term relationships rely consistently on condoms for protection.
  15. I know SCB has a 30,000 withdrawal limit for domestic users but it seems to be 20,000 for international cards. At least, I haven't been able to get the 30,000 with my Fidelity card.
  16. Just out of curiosity, I was wondering what kind of contraception members use with a girlfriend or wife. Does anybody actually use a condom every time? If not, what are the other options? Are diaphragms readily available in Thaiand? The pill? Or is the rhythm method preferred. I have seen studies that claim the rhythm method is just as effective as condoms if it's used correctly. I know from personal experience, however, that it's easy to have an accident. Personally, I dislike condoms , so I consider one of the big benefits of a steady relationship is that you can dispense with them if you prefer. Also, if you do hook up with somebody and are thinking of entering into a long-term relationship, do you insist on having them tested first? And yourself? To make sure there are no hidden issues. I've never done that but I wonder if it would be wise.
  17. In principle I agree with you, I did have problems with one Chinese brand. I have a Hanabishi induction cooker and a Kashiwa halogen and both have worked fine. Basically you can forget about the warranty though. More trouble than it's worth
  18. Everybody can laugh as much as they want but I had herpes for more than twenty years. Used to have a couple of outbreaks every year. I always had to worry about shedding even if no sores were visible. Now, nothing. I haven't an outbreak in years.
  19. Disturbing you? I don't even notice it. The one drawback of a halogen oven is that that the haogen light bulb that does the cooking will burn out over time but I've had my current one for three years and it still works fine. I just wouldn't recommend the cheapest Chinese models.
  20. So nobody has anything to say about View Talay Residences? I know they're low-rise but the basic format seems to be the same, a one-room studio of 48 sq m with an attached kitchen. No amentities other than the pool. I guess the smaller buildings have pros and cons. Fewer residents and therefore a more peaceful atmosphere I would imagine but the low floors might mean more street noise. None of these projects seem to have very good security. Anybody can just walk in. I guess that's not a problem? Also VT 7 seems to be more expensive than the others, around 18,000 and up for a studio. Is that because it's mainly used for short-term rentals? Or what's the logic there?
  21. Just buy a halogen oven. You can get one at Big C for around 1000 baht. More expensive models are available if you are so inclined. They're small, easy to clean, and you can put them anywhere there's an electrical outlet. The temperature gauge might not be entrely accurate on the cheaper models but you can figure out the appropriate settings with a little trial and error. Importantly, the won't heat up your kitchen. I've cooked everything from roast chicken and baked potatoes to pizza and enchiladas in them without any problem. Also good for baking bread.
  22. There is a cure for herpes although I can't post it on this forum. It worked for me though
  23. Among the many View Talays, VT 7 is, from what I've heard, generally considered the best and View Talay 1 the worst (excluding the View Talay Residences, which I don't know much about.) Does anybody know why this would be the case. Is VT 7 really better than VT 5? And nobody seems to like VT 8 -- what would be the reason for that? And what about the VT Residences? How do they compare? Nobody seems to talk about them much either. Just curious
  24. I've been reading "Drunk: How We Sipped, Danced, and Stumbled Our Way to Civilization" by Edward Singerland, which, as the title implies, is about the important role alcohol has played in most cultures. Interesting reading especially now that alcohol is under attack for its alleged health hazards. I also read the two Penguin books, "Death and the Penguin" and "Penguin Lost" by Andrei Kurkov, a Ukranian writer. Highlights the sad politics of Ukraine through the eyes of a would be novelist who has been reduced to writing obituaries of people who are about to die. Kafkeque is the way I would describe it.
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