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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. How's the noise level? How's the nojse level?
  2. I have a friend coming, plans to stay a month or more, and would like to do it in a decent residence hotel rather than an AirBnB. I scanned Everything Pattya but the places I found there were mostly in the cheap category -- maybe not good in terms of safety and convenience? In any case, I was wondering if anyone might have a recommendation for a monthly hotel in a reasonable location with a budget in the 15000 to 25000 range? Or just someplace that they have had a good experience with.
  3. There's also a voice over that some may find annoying. I learned to like it though. And Vince Vaughn isn't my favorite but he captured this character well. He's annoying but he's supposed to be.
  4. Is anyone going to take one for the team and tackle The Brutalist to see if its worth watching?
  5. I'm watching Bad Monkey, which is about a suspended/ex-detective in the Florida Keys who is trying to get his old job back by investigating a wife for the possible murder of her husband for the insurance money. Based on a novel by Carl Hiassen, it's got a little bit of everything: romance, murder, family troubles, and some great locations (and a beautiful Mexican actress). Oh, and also a bad monkey. I like it anyway. Starring Vince Vaughn.
  6. Has anybody tried using authenticator apps for avoiding the need for SMS codes?
  7. Reddit has a crowd sourced list of 2FA codes that work with Google Voice
  8. Joe has completely lost the plot. He's entered Rush Limbaugh territory on his way to Alex Jones. His show is one conspiracy rant after another. The other day he was ranting about fluoride. "It's a MF neurotoxin!". Joe's a prime example of how a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
  9. Immigration guidelines, not laws
  10. The fee was charged in January and it's 200 baht
  11. And who's in a better position to do it than the owner of Starlink.
  12. Well, there was a new charge of 100 baht right after I updated the passbook. I don't know what else it could have been for. And it's the first time I've experienced it too but before there were always update machines with the ATMS. Not anymore.
  13. Hey, Musk kept telling us that all voting should be done in person and by hand. You think maybe he knew something?
  14. I went into an SCB branch today to update my passbook. The update ATM was no longer there so I had to go inside and ask a customer service rep. Imagine my surprise, when I looked at my bank book afterwards and saw that they'd charged me 100 baht for the "service."
  15. That's the charge for credit cards, I think. They sometimes add that on. I've never been charged for my debit card.
  16. Cyber security experts are saying that voting machines were undoubtedly hacked and Musk was probably behind it. The result was that Trump stole the election, irony upon ironies. https://www.planetcritical.com/p/cyber-security-experts-warn-election-hacked
  17. Trump doesn't have to care about what anyone thinks anymore. Now he can do exactly what he wants to do and by the time the American people realize they've been duped, it will be too late. Welcome to the Technopolis Surveillance State.
  18. The same thing happened to me in Jomtien. The woman barber started cutting away without even asking me how I wanted it cut. It ended up being not quite a mullet, more a kind of flat top, the shortest haircut I've had in years. To be honest, I liked it though. And it only cost 200 baht.
  19. The cam copy available is actually pretty good, 1080p, good audio and video, and very limited advertising. I was pleasantly surprised since cam versions are usually unwatchable.
  20. Yeah, who cares about checks and balances, the Constitution, or Congress for that matter. Let's just let one guy from South Africa take over the government and delete any agencies that interfere with his business or he has a politiical aversion to. Great idea!
  21. Now that I look, it was almost two years ago. I applied at the end of March 2023. The mail-in system was already in effect but I made an appointment using the reason "passport services besides adding pages". I lived near the embassy so it seemed silly to go through the hassle of a mail in. They didn't make any objection, they were very nice. They said they'd still process walk-ins if they showed up but otherwise wanted people to use the mail-in system. I had to buy an EMS envelope at the thai post kiosk and write my address on it. They wouldn't allow a pick up. They also said they didn't allow you to keep your old passport anymore. You have to think that there are some people who, for whatever reason, need to do it in person. I don't know what people do who are traveling around and don't have an address for the return EMS , for instance. I can tell you the consular services office was practically empty though.
  22. I did a walk-in appointment, though it was a while ago. They don't let you keep your passport, even if you do a walk-in. At least, they didn't let me keep mine. I can't remember what I made an appointment for but they didn't make any objection when I said I wanted to renew my passport. This was a lot easier for me because I live close to the Embassy. Appointments usually take a few weeks though. If you want to do it faster than that you have to check in every day and hope somebody cancels to create an opening. They won't let you walk in without an appointment, however.
  23. Had the opposite experience. Mine lasted about 6 months. And I was very careful with it. And, yes, if you scratch Teflon you should get rid of it.
  24. Why is a Norwegian studying the British? Why doesn't he study the vaccinated in his country where the vaccination rate is around 80%?
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