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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. I guess Chuwit's worried about the competition
  2. You can't "run" for PM. Chuwit ran for governor of Bangkok twice and lost both times. He did win a seat in parliament but he was kicked out by the Constitutional Court. If he wanted to be PM, he'd have to find a party to support him -- not that anybody in the senate would vote for him,
  3. What a waste of money. It's amazing that they're still trying to spin this rather than admitting guilt and getting it out of the news as quickly as possible.
  4. But they have your deposit slip. The passport is usually just for identification purposes. Under the government's new money laundering rules, banks are supposed to verify the identity of depositors (or so I was told). The government also planned to have people making deposits at ATM's sign in with their ATM card but temporarily shelved that idea after protests from businesses. On the other hand, it could also be that the banks are taking avantage of this situation to dissuade customers from using the tellers.
  5. Carry a picture of your phone. They'll accept that usually.
  6. He still would have had the same problems. He just would have had them earlier in the day. Everything he said about the bureaucratic hurdles you have to go through here is true. I don't know why anybody would even bother contesting it.
  7. There's nothing illegal about a 1 month rental. It's only illegal to rent residential condos for less than 30 days.
  8. The question "where are you from" is one of the most annoying. Even when you tell them that you've been abroad for decades, some still insist on asking, "Yes, but where are you from originally?" Who cares?
  9. all you need are body cams. They should be required anyway.
  10. I used the same thing as Sheryl last year. I tried to find a suitable free tax software provider but there were so many limitations, it was useless. Using the IRS site was relatively painless but I didn't have a very complicated tax return.
  11. Give me a break. If that were the case, they'd be avoiding you, turning away when you talk to them, and you'd have the nutcases glaring at you. Once the mandates were dropped, they stopped caring. Not once has anyone even given me a second look for not wearing a mask. You really don't know how Thailand works, do you?
  12. The solution offered by the police is to spread your money over several bank accounts and only keep in the online account as much as you need to transact business. Never mind how difficult it is to open even one account.
  13. It's the same in the United States particularly with Venmo apparently which has been mired in controversy.
  14. Most people store their passwords and user ID's on their phones, which makes them vulnerable to hackers. However, financial and other institutions seem determined to make us more and more dependent on our phones whether we like it or not. I don't think security is the only reason either -- when they have access to your phone, they have access to practially your whole life.
  15. The only drug I've seen recommended her is marijuana, which is less harmful than alcohol. All of the drugs Elvis took (and Michael Jackson) were prescribed by his doctors.
  16. If you're working in a foreign country, it's my understanding that tax compliance is up to the individual not the company you might be working for or the brokerage. When I was working in Japan, for instance, Japanese companies had nothing to do with U.S. tax laws. There was an information sharing agreement between the U.S. and Japan but in general that was only relevant in the case of audits. You weren't allowed to hold U.S. mutual funds sold in Japan however.
  17. One more reason to stay away from phone financial apps.
  18. Or Asavant. They have specialists in all areas. Dr. Aubonrutt is a peridontist trained in the U.S. and American board certified. Speaks good English but personality is a little abrasive. http://www.bangkokperiodontist.com/?utm_source=pocket_saves
  19. I have a question about google voice. You can't link a foreign phone number to it, is that correct?
  20. Does anybody require medallion signatures for bank sign up? Where would you even get one.
  21. I see, at Fidelity they're all the same, CD's too.
  22. I don't quite understand. You also need a brokerage account to purchase and hold mutual funds.
  23. What I find amusing is that when the mask mandates were in place, if I lowered my mask even for a second, somebody was sure to tell me to put it back on. I remember I was in Foodland once and one of the employees literally became hysterical because I had lowered my mask in an area where there was no other people. "Put your mask on! Put your mask on!" Now, I go everywhere without a mask on and despite the fact that 99% of the Thais around me are still wearing masks, nobody cares at all.
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