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Everything posted by Joebuzzz

  1. Really? It appears the son held a grudge for his father due to the separation with his mother.
  2. Honestly, if you've never been out ona boat, do you know if you get sea sick? Before you waste big bucks I'd try just go out. Ive known many that say they don't, but when the rocking starts, they find out. Take a speed boat to Koh Larn on a windy day.
  3. If you drink coffee, put your used coffee rounds your garden, flower beds, plant pots, etc. If water accumulates they will go somewhere else breed. So they say ...
  4. Might want to read the first few words under the photo. 😁
  5. Reminds me of a bank robber a few years ago in the USA. He filled out a deposit slip correctly, then changed his mind and wrote a robbery note on the back before he handed it to the teller. No brains, no headaches.
  6. Are you aware, that in Russia, they believe that someone walking around smiling is a fool? As in, has mental problems. I've known couple, nice guys, but they almost never sit around smiling.
  7. My take .... From Bangkok Post article. About 6 weeks ago the government said they would be cracking down on mule accounts. The accounts were related to foreign entities running fake Thai businesses and property transactions. They bankroll a Thai person to, for example, start a motorbike rental agency. They make all the money, pay little or no tax because they rent to foreigners. No way to trace actual income. The Thai makes a little, they're happy, the foreigner makes a bundle. The meat of the article was aimed at businesses in Bangkok. Restaurants, property rentals, realty agents, etc. I think the immigration agencies are just being cautious for now. What they are doing isn't taking much away from the tax base because you make a bit of interest money having 800K in the bank. Furthermore, foreigners with embassies that give an income verification letter need not have 800K deposited. Being an American, my embassy is too lazy to help us.
  8. I believe the truck and the white car blocked their view and had no time to react before impact. I'm tall, I can see over most cars. It's obvious to me shorter people can't.
  9. In 2016 walking in Jomtien a baht bus driver pulls over and takes a whiz on a wall. Middle of the day, middle of Jomtien, and a guy, his wife and 3 kids around 5 to 10 years old were on the sidewalk approaching from about 20 meters. Driver couldn't care less. Piss ran across the sidewalk and the family decided to cross the street.
  10. Well, she does appear to be pointing his face out in a photo. So if the face & the address match, he's probably busted. If the face don't fit ..... You must acquit!
  11. Thank you! Last renewal they said I had to return in 90 days to prove my 800K. When I showed up, it was a joke. They didn't seem to care that they ordered me back in 90 days. I realised then, that there is no continuity between my new visa and 3 months 800K account holding.
  12. Sorry for lack of clarity. March I will just do extension myself, again. It's not difficult. After that I want to send most all my money home due to the difficulty my family would have recovering $25K if I dropped dead. I don't plan on leaving. So let's say, April I send most all my money back, wait until next year, get an agent. That would work? My error on the 65K a month. Been doing it because I spend most of it anyway. Thanks for your reply DrJack.
  13. Greetings all, I'll ask a question a different way. My 3rd year non-O renewal is coming. Always had 800K plus. Don't want to continue that way. No problem in March, I'll take care of it myself. However, after that I want to send most of my money back home. So let's say I send back 800K, leave 200K here at BB. Come next year, March 2026, will an agent have trouble extending my retirement visa? Then, if I do that, could I just send most of my cash back and woul I need to continue the 65K a month to my BB account? Thank in advance.
  14. She sold him Viagra. He said it was fake. He said he'd prove it. She caught him lying.
  15. Your complaint about hand rails isn't valid as even in regulation heavy USA, handrails would not be "REQUIRED". Note that there are four steps. In the US typical rise is 7 inches. If these steps are close to that, let's say about 30 inches or less. No handrail required under 36 inches. Yeah, I was a building inspector. So the blame is nowhere other than, in my opinion, bad luck for that guy. When it's your time, it's your time. RIP traveler.
  16. And the Buddha says "Fret not, you'll be back in no time".
  17. I do know but can't put it out. It's available "everywhere", including 7/11. Humans use it every day. Deadly for dogs.
  18. I actually had one of those. My neighbors kinda freaked out seeing it. I called it "The most dangerous saw in the world". However, I have/had, literally thousands of hours experience with a 4" grinder. Yet, I was still a bit scary. The guard wasn't big enough for the 4 1/2" blade.
  19. Honestly, I really don't give a rats ass about anyone on the f'ing planet. I'm actually rooting for a comet strike. I believe this DNA chain is defective.
  20. 4th of July weekend in Chicago... 109 shot, 19 dead.
  21. You need to continue your search for someone who gives a rats ass about your opinions. It ain't me.
  22. Tough? The guy has more padding that a 1950's sofa.
  23. Please tell us how a guy on a barstool is throwing trash in the ocean. Does he collect it in his pockets, walk it out to the beach and give it a toss? Maybe there's a secret farang cult, specifically for lazy farangs, going bar to bar and for a small fee will collect the cigarette butts and trash from said farangs, and dump it at the beach?
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