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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. How many boosters have you taken and when is your next one scheduled for? I ask because forums are full of assorted tripe yet the uptake of boosters is less than 3 percent, so there's a lot of "do as I say, not as I do" going on these days. Being uninjected myself, I'm all for very frequent boosters for the virtuous. As a matter of fact, the vaccinated should be forced to ride that train until the end of the line, their children and infants first, as we all know the peril they face from covid. Remember that without a booster in the last 3 months you're filth in the eyes of the lord; no better than the dirty refusniks who killed untold millions of grandmothers the world over, as if they wielded the ligature with their own unclean hands. TLDR: every fool knows that you can't make vaccines for corona viruses because they mutate too quickly.
  2. I use my Buddha amulet that I bought from a monk on Khao San Road during a night of heavy drinking and shagging. It only cost 5000 baht and I, too, have been free from illness for many years.
  3. Na, you'll just have to cater to the drunken heathens and the tarts + ladyboys who ride in with them. Maybe peddle a little dope and after hour "massage" service to them and you'll come out ahead.
  4. Maybe they're reading about the trigger happy rich kid who is about to get away with murdering a Chinese citizen in a shopping mall. Maybe they're considering a different destination where their citizens are treated with more respect.
  5. What if the powers that be wanted chaos and none of us went along with it? If everyone turned off their TV and just lived in the real world the clowns would have no power over us.
  6. Brother, you drank the kool-aid and lost your way. America kills democracy and installs murderous dictators who sell out their own citizens to US corporate interests. Now those chickens are coming home to roost. Americans are damned good people who are stuck with an evil government. Sorry, I've drifted off the subject.
  7. Mate, the Russians who come here, especially to Phuket, could buy and sell you all day. Have you ever set foot in an establishment that serves Russians? Way more expensive than what Westerners pay, and they don't whinge about the prices. Anyways, back to the mainstream propaganda rags with you.
  8. Both statements are true. I also ironed my own clothes from the age of nine or ten, and my older sisters paid me to iron theirs. My Latina gf nearly had a heart attack when I ironed a cotton shirt before we went out for dinner - she even took pictures because she'd never seen a man wield an iron.
  9. Initially I had the same view that you espouse now. The only photos I've seen from the island showed fully developed young women who could have as easily been over 18 as under. Dried up old hags calling that paedophilia doesn't make it so. Perhaps the first visit wasn't coerced but later visits may have been. Wealthy, worldly middle aged adults have power over poor, ignorant teenaged girls. It wasn't paedophilia, but it sure as hell wasn't right, and my guess is that few of us would behave in the same manner. Calling Trump a "serial liar" is a very rudimentary fallacy that ignores all of the evidence and statements regarding the Epstein affair thus far. "Should be in jail" ? Perhaps, but not for this. The "get him at any cost" mentality is precisely why he will win the next election. You guys are making a martyr of him.
  10. What do they become, trannies? There's a term for ten year olds looking after themselves: neglect.
  11. "The motives behind the murder are speculated to involve either adultery or a conflict with a client. As per the police report, Witchuda maintained close relationships with multiple men, including her male colleagues, suggesting that the shooting may have stemmed from jealousy" Smearing a dead lady who worked at a gas station. How low can the police go?
  12. The isolation is what worries me. I've got a friend who retired to Pattaya fifteen years ago. All of his friends either died or moved back home. He spends most of his time alone and can no longer properly care for himself. No family or house back in Canada to return to. I told him that if he went back to Canada they would pressure him into assisted suicide. He said it wouldn't require any pressure at all, he's ready to go.
  13. Sounds pretty dire. The geezer sitting on the edge of his bed, staring into space was probably a board member trying to conjure up a witty retort to a post on AN.
  14. Maybe the Chinese government will assassinate the punk. Let things cool off and use a car or arrange some other sort of "accident".
  15. A more useful reply. These are 28 baht at 7/11
  16. You make me regret hiding in the condo last night. I saw the fireworks but didn't realize how much else was going on. It's great the way they celebrate so many events here in Pattaya. Joy was outlawed in my home city of Vancouver decades ago.
  17. See number 3 on the list. I've read enough imbicilic comments from you. Time to employ the block function .
  18. I want some of what you're smoking. The places you've listed are filthy, corrupt, more expensive than Thailand, and, worst of all, extremely violent. Try staggering drunk along the beach in any of those countries and see what happens. You'll be relieved of your possessions and end up in the hospital or morgue.
  19. Something about guys riding bikes around Buakhao makes me want to lasso and drag them behind my scooter, like the Roman Tribune in Ben Hurr or hapless victims in old Western movies. If ever you're on Buakhao and witness such a scene you'll know that it was I, Bob the Gimp, who has the rope tied to his pommel.
  20. So were the priests who had a go at the boys in our area - always the boys. What the priests lacked in experience they made up for with vigour. I sat in class with those poor boys in elementary school. Atheism became all the rage. My ex wife and I used to listen to the Sunday Night Sex Show back in the early 90's. There was a caller (it must have been a hoax) who stated that she weighed over 300lbs and her bf wouldn't go down on her. She eventually got to the part about not being able to properly remove the feces from her skin folds, and the aroma might have been what caused her bf's reticence. I still laugh when I remember that story. When I wanted to last longer during sex it was Sue Johanson's image that prevented premature ejaculation, but sometimes it crossed the line into sexual dysfunction.
  21. All of my children are bastards, and spread out all over Isan. Where is he teaching?
  22. If it's for your sack and nether regions it's much better to have it waxed. Get them to do your taint for an extra 50 baht.
  23. Article says he's 52. That might have been "elderly" in Mesopotamia, but it's considered "middle aged" these days. I thought it was a drunken Richard Harris wearing urban camo whilst dodging cars. Every day I have farangs step out in front of my scooter, not facing traffic and taking for granted that I will stop. I usually issue a blood curdling "Wilhelm Scream" right into their hairy old ear as I pass a foot away. Sometimes I wish I was driving my 8000 lb pickup from back home. That'd knock some sense into them. The Thai girls should sue the bag off of him, have his benefits cheques garnished and party outside of his room at Nirun.
  24. Are the "Seven Dangerous Days" anything like the "Winter of Death" we kept being hammered with a couple of years back? I'm terrified.
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