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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. This post smelled strongly of bovine fecal matter, so I fact checked it (on my own, no Snopes). Baltimore has had Democrat mayors since 1967. Memphis has a Democrat mayor, as does Chicago - who didn't learn their lesson from that Beetlejuice thing the last time around. Don't feel bad, the liberals north of the border play free and loose with the truth as well.
  2. Shirt off at the beach is fine. Bloated, bald, tattooed slobs wandering the streets without their shirts on is what spurred my comment. Pattaya is crawling with them again. Time to cut the UK's generous benefits plans and keep those fellas back on the council estates. Maybe the £ will drop down to 32 and keep them at home.
  3. Why? So they can wash themselves down the gutter like the Western nations have done? Virtue signaling at the expense of their own populace. The biggest mistake any country can make is to open their borders to a single refugee, even one. Build a camp on the other side of their border and send in supplies when needed. The reason Thailand remains a high trust nation is because of the homogeneous population. Look at the West now, protests by foreigners over wars being fought on the other side of the world. Who needs that crap? Put them in containers and send them back via the Red Sea. The Houthis will be the trial by ordeal. I applaud Thailand's tough stance on immigration and citizenship.
  4. Trudeau would take Boystown by storm. He'd be up on stage, slapping the faces of the fellas in gyno row with his schlong and tossing loonies out to the crowd. He can come out of the closet now that "Sophie the Beard" has moved on to a hetero man. One thing I'll say about Americans and Canadians is that they have the decency to keep their shirts on and don't parade around the beach in a banana hammock and black dress socks. The number of shirtless yobs from the UK is quite disturbing.
  5. Sober up and post again. Engines don't run under water because air is required for combustion. Water in the fuel will stall the motor. Electrical shorts will stall the motor. No investigation has taken place yet, so how can all of the Columbos here already know that this is a case of negligence or incompetence ? The speedboats in Pattaya are made of marine plywood/epoxy with paint over the wood. It's a perfectly acceptable way to construct a boat. We don't know what caused the vessel to sink. Did he hit a deadhead? A rock? Did the hull break apart in heavy seas? Swamped due to overloading? We have no idea. Hell, there isn't even a mention of how big the boat was. As someone who spent much of my life working on a boat, I'll confess to being very cautious about passage on the boats here. You wouldn't catch me dead below decks on one of the narrow beamed ferries, thats for sure, and many of the speedboat operators drive like they stole it.
  6. Then why withhold Ivermectin from people? The injections have turned out to be a sick joke, the proof of which is the pudding. Booster uptake is less than 3 percent in the U.S. At best, it is useless. No need to rattle on about excess deaths because that problem is self limiting. Please, all of you who took the shots, continue getting boosted. Boost long, deep, and often. Let the terror of a common cold course through your spirit. Be sure to inject your children first, and often, because children have always had heart attacks whilst playing in the schoolyard. Most importantly, leave the rest of us the hell alone. I'm still waiting for my winter of death. My guess is that it will come at the hands of a Thai motorist.
  7. Politically motivated prosecutions shouldn't be given credence. Only fools stick around to be prosecuted in Thailand. "The driver (or captain) fled the scene" because he knew how things work here. Let the situation cool off, show contrition, and blame the "invisible hand" so no living person loses face. Some form of reparation and you'll be back behind the wheel (or in the wheelhouse) in no time.
  8. A shot of this before exiting the cab would be the best revenge in such a situation.
  9. He repaired her shoes? I missed that part.
  10. Perhaps she richly deserved a beating and he let her off with the soft touch. Plenty of noise from the peanut gallery here at TV; how many have driven a taxi or worked with the public, in any capacity? The shocking part is a woman playing the victim. We all know that women never embellish anything and always give both sides of the story. One night last year I stopped in at a bar on Soi Pothole. Bought a drink for myself and one for the lady who served me. Ordered another round for both of us not long after and I'll be damned if she didn't call me a monkey's a s shole in Issan. According to local custom she richly deserved a beating for speaking to a customer in such a fashion. I coaxed her out of the bar and told her to call a Thai man out on the soi what she had just said to me. Absolute terror on her face and she went straight back into the bar. I told the guy that she looked at him and said something about "daak ling " so I wanted to find out why she said that about a man out on the street. Then I paid my bill, blew her a kiss, and left.
  11. I don't know any of what you have stated as fact. The guy who was involved in the failed ferry from Sattahip to Koh Samui spoke of inspections for their ship. The design of the vessel that sank disturbs me more than a lack of inspections. The beam is narrow and there's a lot of superstructure above the deck. The high center of gravity would cause pronounced rolling in rough water. There's also a large amount of sail area, so you wouldn't want to take wind on the beam. I've got to ask, are you an a s shole in person or just when your fingers are on a keyboard? If Thailand makes you so miserable there are hourly flights from BKK that can whisk you back to what used to be civilization, though you might find things back home less to your liking than they were a few years ago.
  12. To remove the water being taken on and keep the vessel afloat.
  13. As someone who was responsible for passenger safety and evacuations on a 400 passenger ferry, I'm impressed with what I see. The life raft appears to be a 150 passenger raft (they can hold 10 percent more) properly deployed, passengers are at the muster point with life jackets donned correctly and it appears to have been done in an orderly fashion. It's not surprising to see the deck hands (usually Cambodians) not wearing work vests because they would view them as an encumbrance. If the engine room was flooded it could have shorted out the bilge pump or knocked out the generator. We did drills every week that depicted a problem that lead to an evacuation of the boat. Some people can't keep their head straight, even on a drill. Imagine how it would be in open water on a boat like the one that sank.
  14. The following is from Canada's tax treaty with Thailand. I suggest that people read their own country's tax treaty and work it out for themselves. There's no need for me to file a tax return in Thailand because my income is from a pension which can not be taxed by Thailand. There's none of this "credit for taxes paid" crap that I keep reading in these threads. Taxing my pension beyond what I've already paid would violate an international agreement. Edit to add: The taxes paid in Canada are higher than what I would pay in Thailand. Will the Thai government demand a tax return and issue me a refund cheque for overpayment of taxes?
  15. Is he serious about riding? There are different types of mountain bikes, some of which have only front suspension (hardtails) and others which have front and rear suspension (all mountain, cross country and downhill bikes). Mountain bikes are "solid"; that's why they were devised back in the late 70's and early 80's. My estimate is that you could get a new hardtail from SV bikes starting at 8k baht and not have to worry about it breaking down. A name brand bike would cost considerably more.
  16. How much did that system cost? It would be a fortune back home.
  17. Do bike hashers refer to themselves as "drinkers with a cycling problem"? My old Hasher friends refer to themselves as "drinkers with a running problem". That was in Phuket and Pattaya; they said that places like Tokyo and Singapore were more couple and family oriented. Is there a Dirt Road for cycle hashers? I can't imagine what a post Dirt would be like on a bicycle.
  18. I didn't know that. Is MCT oil more heat tolerant? I don't touch marijuana because the smoke kills my lungs and edibles make me feel like crap.
  19. Do dopers really not know what shake is? It's the leavings after the buds have been trimmed, mostly leaves. People used to render it down to make butter or oil for edibles. The people I know now use buds rendered in grapeseed oil, but they're amateurs and there are probably other ways of doing it.
  20. I had immense respect for Chomsky until he said that. https://nationalpost.com/news/world/noam-chomsky-says-the-unvaccinated-should-just-remove-themselves-from-society There's a lot of incoherent babbling in the interview. Hell, the dude's in his 90's. Perhaps it wasn't a direct mention of camps, but rather isolation, and "how those isolated people get food is their own problem". Pretty damned authoritarian. Even this former genius failed to explain how someone who was unvaccinated against a disease could be a danger to someone who was. A first year philosophy student would mop the floor with him now.
  21. Is that the interview where Chomsky wanted to round up the unvaccinated and put them in camps? Kind of rich coming from a Jew. I didn't hear about any Japanese Americans/Canadians advocating for the same.
  22. Where? I've got a friend who would love to have a couple of those.
  23. What is this trash? Sam is supposed to play "As Time Goes By".
  24. Pattaya is filled with slaves I'm too young to have had a mammy, but I do remember Obammy and his mammy, whom the world seems to forget was white.
  25. I moved to an apartment building where most of the inhabitants are Thai. Started wearing a codpiece around the building and down to the pool and gym. While nobody has sourced a copiece as of yet, several of my neighbours appear to be stuffing socks or cloths into their underwear and shorts.
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