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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Having lived with a go go dancer from Patpong my opinion differs from yours. At least you didn't trot out the "Thai man no goot " line that so many buy into.
  2. Not only should gays be allowed to marry, they should be forced to do so, and live forever in a monogamous relationship. Beware of what you wish for my gay friends. There's a price to pay if one enters a legitimate marriage. No more fast tracking, poppers and bath houses for you my friends. Your mate must be all things to you.
  3. I'd be quite happy if she gave me the same come hither look she gave Obammy back in 2012
  4. The jealous geezers want the young guy deported. If your old ladies were in the bar they'd be scrapping for his young dick too. There does have to be more to this story. Isn't the bar in question a tranny bar? The "girlfriend" in the photo looks a dude.
  5. 10,000 baht per day for 6 hours of begging? Make it believable. Thaksin and his family would be out there dancing the jig and washing windshields for that kind of cash. Is begging prohibited on a retirement extension?
  6. They're business people whose business model revolves around high risk loans and high interest payments to offset the risk. If word gets out that the "sharks" are just "guppies" it would be very bad for business.
  7. No, just a few tourists who were caught below decks when she sprang a leak. A friend of mine and I took a very similar boat over to Koh Larn back in 2006 and were horrified about the way the vessel was over loaded and operated.
  8. My first Thai gf's family bankrupted themselves in this manner. Her father developed rheumatoid arthritis and could no longer work. Doctors couldn't do anything back then, so the family turned to all manner of quacks performing their quackery until their resources were exhausted. Then papa died and there were years of considerable hardship.
  9. If you'd ever been on your last brick, you'd know. Poor people are forced into making short term decisions regarding everything. The predators, be they thugs on motorbikes or thugs in suits, sitting behind desks, are waiting in the shallows for those poor souls.
  10. Actually, he is just current with his information. Aside from a few sub Saharan countries the rest of the world's population is in varying, irreversible, states of decline. There's a lot of information easily available if you're curious about the subject. I certainly don't trust any of the models being bandied about these days, whether they be from the climate kooks or the lockdown freaks, but the population trends are hard numbers. Have you heard that the entire population of the world could live in Texas, with the population density of New York City? The math is sound but the logistics wouldn't work out.
  11. Not just the math. How many grandparents are happy to spend their final years raising their grandchildren? Kids are exhausting. How fun is it for a woman to send a large portion of her income up to the village to support people she rarely even sees? The whole model for poor and working class people is a mess, the world over. At least the Asians have the good sense to not import the third world and all of their ancient feuds. If there's a societal collapse we foreigners will be hunted for sport.
  12. "The people who committed these crimes were not human, they were a variety of insect. The world needs less of these parasitical insects" Hmm, where have I heard that kind of talk before? Maybe we should gas those "insects".
  13. I came to live in Pattaya for all of the things (except ladyboys) that the geezers here bellyache about. Not keen on ladyboys, but they've got a right to exist and ply their trade. At home we only get stories about trannies beating women in sports. You never hear about them robbing and thrashing tourists who are out for a leisurely stroll at 4am.
  14. Yeah, I didn't get that "satanland " thing either. I see so much good from Thai people in my daily life that I need to read the news to remind myself that it isn't Disneyland. Must be the honeymoon phase.
  15. It looks like Bob Smith spit the bit. Couldn't hack it and turned in his wings. Who is going to get sent to Top Gun?
  16. Was it as disturbing as it sounds? I watched the whole video and there were kernels of truth interspersed with groveling and simping. It does amuse me when wholesome foreigners such as this fellow fail to realize that Pattaya was built as a monument to the sin they so vehemently decry.
  17. Close, but "shes" a ringer for Mickey Rourke with bolt ons.
  18. The full article makes more sense. The couple made a vow years ago, when they were deeply in debt, that if they were granted good luck and paid off their debts they would return to the site and cater an event for the spirits. And they did, to the tune of 100k baht.
  19. The Thais are incredibly kind and generous with people who are down on their luck. It sounds like this guy is a druggie or mentally ill. Already a thin man, he won't be gaining any weight on the monkey house fare.
  20. Time to top up the Christmas beer fund! I'll break out the wig + dress and spend a few hours on the baht buses and Beach Road. Maybe I'll strike paydirt with one of those Indian tourists who walks around with 500k in his pocket and a kilo of gold jewelry on his person.
  21. People with drug addicted family members need to be forced to watch "Old Yellar ". When the movie ends, hand them a shotgun and send them out behind the shed to carry out their parental responsibilities.
  22. Just tragic. It was a woman who shot him. A man would probably have just roughed him up. Now the loan shark will get zero baht and perhaps a stretch in the monkey house.
  23. A cake for his gf beside the marital bed?
  24. The gates are electrified and apply a painful jolt to the groin which incapacitates the suspect until an immigration official attends and overrides the system. The system has been tested extensively in Australia, NZ and Canada, albeit on swine.
  25. Clear as mud that was. Is a card stunt some sort of a hazing ritual ?
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