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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. I worked with Russians for over 20 years and got along very well with them. Russians have very dark humour and I strongly advise against drinking with them. If a drunk Russian asks "do you respect me?" It's time to get the hell out of there. It's like a switch goes off in their heads and they suddenly snap. The women can be beautiful and charming, but can be difficult to manage. Nowhere as bad as Iranian women though.
  2. Thanks, I've yet to spend time in the agricultural regions of the country yet and don't know about their practices. The air pollution I know all too well.
  3. The mushroom angle is new to me, but there are reasons and benefits beside mushrooms. The people who burn the crops are likely the farmers themselves. https://arkansascrops.uada.edu/posts/fertility/residue_burning.aspx
  4. It was a training session. His mia noi lives at VT6. A fall from that height can cause life altering injuries, especially to the spine, knees and hips. The young lad might wish he'd jumped from higher.
  5. Good to hear that you can get away from work for that long. Did you get a feel for how it would be to live here? My first extended stay was back in 2007 and I knew from then that living here wouldn't be a problem for me. I rode over to the Arcadia properties and found the locations to be inconvenient. Didn't see any scumbags or freaks roaming around, but my visit was during the day, and as the song goes "the freaks come out at night". I did see a freak on Buakhao this morning at around 6am. It was a young foreign guy wearing a tutu, blouse and heavy makeup. Maybe he was heading back to Arcadia after a night on the town.
  6. Asean Now is the extent of my social media and I haven't watched traditional media since my hair was black. I love oil and anybody with an ounce of common sense should kiss the ground beneath their feet and show gratitude for the miracle of oil and petroleum products. We wouldn't have a single modern convenience without it. No fertilizer, no mines, no EVs. There wouldn't be flights to Thailand without oil, so we would miss out on this stimulating exchange.
  7. Does Thailand have a version of Butterbean?
  8. I don't blame you. The Thais most seriously impacted are also the wealthiest and most influential citizens. The type who can run over cops and crash van loads of professors with impunity. This should be an interesting battle.
  9. "Climate" lockdowns by 2025. If I'm wrong, I'll eat a bug. If I'm right we will all be eating them.
  10. Like hospitals for 30 baht per month? Plenty of geezers would happily pay tax if they had access to medical care.
  11. I'm drawing a pension that is fully taxed in Canada and is under a tax treaty, so I suspect the worst in store for me is some additional paperwork. The globalist nonsense is of far more concern, like rainbow crosswalks and the other issues at home I was happy to escape.
  12. Leave, but to where? Didn't we have some big global event around 3 years ago when the governments of the world, despite all of the language and cultural barriers, reached the same conclusions and took the exact same measures in almost perfect lockstep? Looks like we're getting another taste of it. Colombia and Thailand are very disparate cultures on opposite sides of the world, yet are adopting the same tax measures as Western nations. Let me know if you find a bolt hole to escape this globalist madness and the first drinking binge is on me.
  13. Did you follow the link and read the whole article? Asking for a friend. The linked article indicates that there are more pieces to this puzzle than the summation would have us believe. The article is worth reading. Edit to add this pearl: " to address Thailand’s inequality problem" This has the stench of Klaus and his merry band of globalists all over it.
  14. I think he's like Dame Edna, but with a far more pronounced "package".
  15. I only cook one at a time.
  16. Reading the permissions for those type of apps makes my skin crawl. I don't know about the 7/11 app, but many others want access to everything on my phone. Why would an app want access to my camera and microphone? Seems like a pretty high price to pay for a few baht discount. Like a priest whipping out his schlong and requesting access to an altar boy in exchange for an extra communion wafer and swig of wine.
  17. I found tuk tuks to be the worst of both worlds, the heat and filthy air you'd get on a motorbike combined with the lack of mobility that comes with riding in a car.
  18. Sounds like a "boy meets boy" story. It also happens in the back of the songtaews with the fellas who parade around in dresses. I've never taken a jeepney because I can't stand being crammed into anything. Only ride on the outside of the songtaew as well.
  19. So if I want to stay in my 2k/month room, eat noodles and pull my wire all day I'm rich on 10k. Guess I better wash up before Robin Leach comes over to do a piece on me.
  20. In what respect? I was curious about the subject as I purchase the same items from 7/11 every couple of days and have gone from getting 5 stamps down to one stamp, and lately have had a few employees try to screw me out of getting any stamps. The "no hab" <deleted> doesn't work with me, so it's "solly " and a single stamp gets handed over. I give the stamps to a waitress who serves me breakfast. She is delighted to get them because she wants a Minions bag.
  21. Until a strapping young fella with a mop of hair walks into the bar. The ladies sure seem to get pleasure from their work. Have you ever hit a dry hole?
  22. Government subsidies and higher prices.
  23. Plenty of rich guys on this board by that definition. What if you're a homo? Wasn't there some rich guy in the US who was attacked with a hammer by his rented boy? Seems like quite the headache to me.
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