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Everything posted by Gknrd

  1. Under statement if there ever was one. That area is a ticking time bomb IMO. China is sitting on the side lines letting this happen. Loco IMO.
  2. Odd how TAT and the social media runs 180 degrees to the actual truth of the economy in Thailand.
  3. It's a set up, Burma migrant workers did it.
  4. I have a friend that flew in from Santiago de Querétaro Mexico last night. I have not been to her place in a few years and the first thing out of her mouth when I asked about Queretaro was... Get this! Chinese and South Korean's are taking over. She said they are building factories every where and opening businesses. There is so much work and construction it bringing in thousands of migrants. She also said she hates it. And all the big cities around that area are flooded with Chinese, Koreans, opening factories and businesses. She also said they don't want to leave, they are marrying the women doing everything possible to stay in Mexico and not go home. Thailand is dropping off the map. It could have been a hub of commerce but it favored China. Now that whole region is in a downward spiral. Even the Asian business people with money don't want to live and invest there anymore. They want out! I keep a home in Southern Texas and it is the same here. One of the richest areas for commerce in the world at the moment. That whole area in SE Asia fragmenting and China has dragged down the economy and will continue to drag it down IMO. No one wants to live there and put up with an Autocracy not even the Chinese. And Thailand is to far gone to ever recover at this point.
  5. Personally I throw away those air miles BS , and go with the lowest fair. I know a guy the fly's on business and his company pays for the same airline for him to travel ,and he cashes in on the air miles when he goes on vacation with the family. Me, I fly allot and go with the cheapest fair and forget the air miles. I used them once and it was a royal pain. Not worth it for me.
  6. Thailand neutral hahaha, politically they shout neutrality, but march to the beat of Beijing. Actions speak volumes. Thailand is a "mini me" of China in many ways.
  7. There is no upside! Not sure about the rest of the countries. But, for US retiree's it is ridiculous. I am thinking buying some land and building a small house in Mexico or Colombia. I own it there. Not only that but with residency I have local health care and all the perks. I lived in Thailand for years. But, not somewhere I would ever consider for retirement. Haha, 80 and up doing a 90 day report, Yearly retirement visas. Nuts. Here I can have a resident visa and forget about it.
  8. You would be surprised at the people that have saved all their lives that don't know a thing about taxes. Capital gains taxes alone in Thailand will bring in billions in taxes from stupid westerners. The Thai's know how this will play out, the same as the 800K rule change for the rich western countries. That showed them that westerners will do anything for ..., period. It's not rocket science. They will push it as far as they can. I would to if I were in charge. It's a windfall, free money.
  9. This tax is for the 99.9% of foreigners that never leave their front porch in Thailand. Business people that follow the law etc. They have made staying in Thailand without a retirement visa so difficult, that many will pay and not say much.
  10. My prediction has come true. I predicted TAT would predict more tourists this year.
  11. All depends on how and if China is hit with sanctions or the water ways become dangerous. It is intended strictly for China. Look at a map. Only thing that could muck this up is India. China better start bending over and kissing India's A$$.
  12. Wow, 900K. For 5 years. Must be selling to business people that can write it off.
  13. I agree about the deficit. What a mess in the US. Right now everyone is pumping their extra cash into the US so it's not a problem. But, if there is ever a hiccup it will throw us in a serious recession IMO. China? way to late. Their deficit is taking them down as we speak. Housing, western decoupling. China has no tax base, they rely on trade. Basically with China in 10 years it will no longer be much of a power. Hopefully the US will reign its debt. If not there is trouble ahead if there is a major problem of some kind. My opinion anyway. So, for now the US is fine. Future who knows. US politicians spend like there is no tomorrow. It will eventually cause a huge problem for the US people.
  14. Joke of the day. S&P just hit record highs. The US is and has been on an upward trajectory for the last few months. My US and Mexico stocks are ALL in the green by a wide margin. China has lost Trillions, IMO will never be a player again. Thailand is right on Chinas coat tails. Most US retirees and tourists are finally fed up with the nonsense in Thailand. You can take your TM30, 1 year visa extension, 800K and stick it where the sun don:t shine. P.S. I forgot the 90 day reports.
  15. Thailand bet on China and snubbed the Western countries. What can you say,, bye bye Thailand. We will see if China will throw you a life jacket as you go under. But don:t worry you won:t have long to wait for your brothers in China to keep you company.
  16. Throwing him a bone to quiet the other democratic countries. Doesn't matter. Thailand will never be democratic again.
  17. Their strategy was set when the constitution was ratified with the last coup. Thailand will never be a democratic nation. And the path forward is follow China. Not much to worry about now. And too late for the Thai people to do anything about it. just hope for the best.
  18. This should not go any farther than the model on the desk.
  19. Another reason I left , I like to travel, and was in Kolok doing some birding. They would not let me do the 90 day report there, I had to fly back to Chiang Mai?? To do a 90 day report. Screw their 90 day report. And , all their ongoing rules and reg's. I have been in countries that make Thailand look like a 1'st world utopia, and did not have half the problems with immigration. IMO just another Autocratic run country that will fall to the wayside eventually.
  20. Joke of the day, I think we all have your number now comrade.
  21. Appreciated. I have been looking into solar. Yep you are the one that posted the video. I will head over there now.
  22. Are you really that dense.. Same reason people and I order parts from auto parts houses in the US. And by the way the parts advertised from your comrade were advertised and boxed in Toyota boxes and advertised as OEM products. Curious where you are from, and why you are on a thread about cars it you know nothing about them? Here is a flash for you comrade, They sell Toyota's in China.. Toyota parts are the same quality world wide. Comrad
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