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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. Indian food gives me bad diarrhea. I do not know what it is that causes that. Maybe unsanitary food preparation or spoiled food. I guess the Indians are used to bad food and preparation and it does not bother them. I went to India once and took my own food but also got sicker than a dog. Never again.
  2. So what else is new, you live in a third world county where corruption is the norm.
  3. I just bought some two days ago at Tops in Central Plaza.
  4. If there was an organization dedicated to eliminating these feral diseased animals, I would donate to them.
  5. We give them a right to live until we want to eat them, even dogs and cats are eaten in some countries.
  6. I would recommend you not rent or ride a bike in Thailand. It is extremely dangerous. Better to take a taxi.
  7. Riding a motorcycle in Thailand is not safe. A better alternative would be to buy a car or take a taxi. There is allot of parking for cars in Terminal 21.
  8. Money usurps ethics in Thailand, always. It seems this is ingrained in the Thai minds from birth. It is excepted without questioning, nothing else matters.
  9. I agree, good for her and lets hope more spineless Thais support Ukraine and speak out against the little tyrant Pootin.
  10. The mind of the Thais. Treat the feral dog, give it pain killers and then release it to continue to roam the streets of Thailand to potentially hurt innocent citizens. Thainess in its glory.
  11. Another reason never to ride a motorbike in Thailand, but there are just so many reasons that you are just taking your life in your own hands when you get on a motorbike. And you think your insurance will cover you for injury? Ha, think again.
  12. This is very sad and she mostly likely cut herself as an act of desperation. Not much different than many Thai girls in Thailand that you see living with old geezzer expats. It's out of desperation, not love.
  13. "Why anyone would advertise via loud exhaust they are insecure in their manhood, ( small penis), is beyond reason." This would also include most Harley owners.
  14. "Extreme passivity" So very true and this is baffling. Another aspect of Thai Style that has allowed the continuation of corruption in Thailand.
  15. “God believes in sovereignty, and national identity, and the sanctity of family, and all the things that we’ve lived with from the beginning of time,” Logan responded. Her comments were transcribed by the news site Mediaite. She is one of the few that are speaking out against the globalists that no longer recognize borders. I hope one of the best news sites, Newsmax, is not also catering to the left wing globalists.
  16. There must be better places to live than in this congested, low budget, polluted area.
  17. And another reason why I always drive my car or take a taxi rather than get on a very dangerous motorbike in Thailand.
  18. I have been riding motorcycles for over 45 years and have even raced motocross. I will never get on a motorbike in Thailand. I do not have a death wish.
  19. This is one of the bad traits of "Thai Style" especially a concern for pedestrians.
  20. I have had no problems with ordering from Makro. I do feel guilty for using a motorbike driver to deliver to my condo. Motorbikes are so dangerous in Thailand and I hate to see anyone get hurt or killed.
  21. Motorbikes are very dangerous to ride in Thailand. No sane person should get on a bike in Thailand. A car is a much better alternative.
  22. Very sad indeed but Thailand is a third world country.
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