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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. I forgot to mention that this transaction was from Bangkok to Cincinnati, OH. Cheers
  2. I had some tax documents (payments) last month to send to the IRS and I used Fed Ex with tracking. My documents arrived safely and I was able to track these until they arrived at the IRS office. I am not recommending Fed Ex but merely explaining my experience.
  3. What a hypocrite old sleepy Joe is. Now that it is discovered that old Joe is hiding classified documents, is the FBI going to raid the White House?
  4. The courts are corrupt in Thailand and take many years for any type of settlement. Then you have appeals that take another few years. Not worth the time and money.
  5. A pathetic excuse for a country, not only the police force. Everyone is corrupt in Thailand, its in their DNA. The Thais are born with a corrupt gene that is passed on to generation after generation.
  6. And this is the reason you see so many obese, bald, uneducated, ugly old geezers with young Thai women. The Thai men are worthless.
  7. This is funny as the Seattle Public School system is one of the most left wing systems in the United States. https://mynorthwest.com/2525568/rantz-seattle-public-schools-radical-blm-anti-police-lessons/
  8. And this is the reason that Thai Immigration requires insurance for expats, because many expats stiff the Thai medical establishments. Thai government hospitals are for Thai citizens not free loading expats that should never be in Thailand in the first place because of their medical condition.
  9. So very true and its like corruption is genetically implanted in the Thais from birth. These people have zero ethics.
  10. None for me. I do not support a far left, woke company such as this.
  11. The reasons never to get on a motorbike in Thailand just keep piling up. There is no justification for this insanity.
  12. I was referring to foreigners who do have a choice but yet for some reason, (money, ignorance, stupidity, etc) get on a motorbike.
  13. Very sad but just another reason never to get on a motorbike in Thailand unless you have a death wish.
  14. Another reason never to get on a motorbike in Thailand unless you have a death wish.
  15. Thank you Justice Roberts for your wise decision. Of course old sleepy Joe will be angry now that his illegal Mexicans will temporarily be stopped from impeding on the United States sovereign ground.
  16. I have seen prison cells look better than that. I am sure you do not live this way in your Western country, why live that way here? I just do not get it.
  17. Much more effective:
  18. That word "troll" is used very loosely on these forums to censor information. While I have no interest in the subject manner of gay-friendly Bangkok, I would think the author should have the right to ask the question as well as someone expressing their opinion on the matter.
  19. I hope not but DeSantis is the best candidate in my humble opinion.
  20. I think he was booed by the far left socialists who oppose his disclosure of Twitters censorship of conservatives. The left just cannot stand freedom of speech.
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