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Keep Right

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Everything posted by Keep Right

  1. Very sad indeed and I certainly wish him well but, maybe the news of this accident will prevent more foreigners from getting on a motorbike in Thailand and putting their life in severe danger. It seems like every week or more often you read about another life threatening motorbike accident. Only a fool rides a motorbike in Thailand. I have done it in the past and I admit, I was a stupid fool. It is only a matter of time, the odds will catch up to you.
  2. Nothing says low class and tramp than tats, especially on a woman, no matter how beautiful they are.
  3. Seems like there are a lot of old unhealthy people on this board.
  4. You got me interested with the bit about being re-incarnated as a soi dog. Up until now, I have not been interested in a Thai citizenship.
  5. I once considered building a home in Thailand but decided not to because of the possibility of bad neighbors. After living in Thailand for many years I am so glad I never did that. Thailand has a very serious dog problem that is potentially dangerous.
  6. I think this forum has really gone off the rails.
  7. 500 More reasons never to ride a motorbike in Thailand. Riding a motorbike in Thailand is like riding a death wish.
  8. Many Tom Boys bind their breasts to appear more Man like so maybe her driving was restricted and coordination affected by this restriction. I have also noted some Tom Boys to passive aggressive and this might have also been relevant to her driving.
  9. Interesting how Fox News crushes every other left wing news outlets such as MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS news programs in viewership. I would think this is because viewers trust Fox News as a much more reliable news outlets than the others.
  10. First they cut down many trees along Beach Road to make the parking area larger and then they ban parking along Beach Road. I think the Thais are born without a brain. Maybe they are banning parking to make room for the many buses full of Chinese that are soon to invade Pattaya.
  11. You got that right Banana, this guy needs way more Tats to really fit in with the expats. It would also help if he would gain some weight and shave his head.
  12. I purchased the 70mai A800 4K with Rear Dash Cam Kit from Lazada awhile back. The front camera will record in 4K but the rear camera does not. When both are operating together, the front camera does not record in 4K but the resolution is still very nice. I like the fact that both cameras will record together on one flash drive.
  13. Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense for the US during most of the Vietnam war, once claimed that the reason the US lost the war in Vietnam was because "life is cheap in Vietnam." So it seems life is also cheap in Thailand by the careless way most drivers conduct themselves.
  14. I learned my lesson well, never again.
  15. I believe this story! A number of years ago I sold my Audi to a Russian. Somehow he did not register the car properly and I started to receive speeding tickets in my mail under my name. It took me months to track down this Russian. I found out he was using my car for a taxi service for Russians coming into the airport. I reported this to the police and we finally got it all figured out but it cost me thousands of BAHT in fees and attorney costs.
  16. Only a fool rides a motorbike in Thailand regardless if you have insurance, helmet, boots, leather. It just does not matter, the rule of probability will catch up to you and you will either die or get seriously hurt.
  17. Not only junk but very unhealthy, saturated with salt, oil and sugar and an occasional chicken foot.
  18. So true, only fools and people with no money ride motorbikes in Thailand. It's a death wish.
  19. OK, call me a zealot, climate change is overblown!
  20. Biden allows US Embassy to fly gay flags and promote ideology.
  21. In England, you would have to wait several months before a doctor would see you.
  22. "Oxymoron An oxymoron is a figure of speech that juxtaposes concepts with opposing meanings within a word or phrase that creates an ostensible self-contradiction. An oxymoron can be used as a rhetorical device to illustrate a rhetorical point or to reveal a paradox.Wikipedia" Obviously, you are looking through socialist colored glasses. The paradox is American verses the socialist, communist sympathizer Biden.
  23. That certainly is a quandary, being American and having a senile, old globalist, socialist, communist sympathizer for President. It certainly is an oxymoron, and I understand why so many Americans are having trouble identifying with their sex and just who they are.
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