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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. British English lists an alternate spelling as recognise, but the main entry is recognize. Seams the main british spelling is bastardized as well... 555
  2. I am 76 and avoid doctors and hospitals and medical tests as much as possible... but if my body tells me it is not feeling good I acknowledge it's wish to work on that... my opinion is that tests for the sake of tests to see if you feel good are a waste of time and effort at our age... if I feel good then I am happy and healthy... I don't need a standardized test to tell me that fact.
  3. Is that your word for the day when comparisons are made that are irony and sarcasm... SAD
  4. Good to see that you have taken the most beneficial advice of all and started an activity routine instead of sitting around all day and waiting for the magic pill to do its thing... good job on reducing you meat portion at meals as well...
  5. According to those same posters the horse knew what she was doing so it's her fault for being involved.
  6. Never said it would be easy or cheap...
  7. Talk about a deflection... the topic being discussed was trump requesting national guard... not bad actors at a civil protest...
  8. And today many more will die the slow death that comes with Air Quality Index of 175 in Chiang Mai this morning... weather report says mostly cloudy... 555... that's not clouds folks... that's smoke.
  9. Can be depending on Amphur level of English proficiency... but this is Thailand and there is no directive that English be spoken... they don't come to your country and demand that Thai be spoken. Hire a translator.
  10. As opposed to you the original schoolyard bully boy... congrats
  11. Much like the witch hunt surrounding the January 6th resurrection so far... no proof just attributed claims... goes both ways until a verdict is in... and even then it's just an attributed verdict.
  12. That should be outlined in the divorce document... specifically listing what is yours to keep... so if she doesn't agree then an uncontested divorce goes out the window and now becomes a contested divorce with the lawyers and judges and all the trappings... she still is not required to talk to you.
  13. This just in... try to stay up to date... you are so last year... "The Jan. 6 congressional committee allegedly falsely claimed it did not have evidence that showed former President Trump’s administration requested National Guard assistance, according to a report detailing a "hidden transcript" that was recently released. "The former J6 Select Committee apparently withheld Mr. Ornato’s critical witness testimony from the American people because it contradicted their pre-determined narrative. Mr. Ornato’s testimony proves what Mr. Meadows has said all along: President Trump did in fact offer 10,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. Capitol, which was turned down," Georgia Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk said in a statement on Friday. Loudermilk released a transcript of former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato’s interview with the congressional committee investigating Jan. 6 on Friday, following The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway, also a Fox News contributor, reporting, "Former Rep. Liz Cheney’s January 6 Committee suppressed evidence" that the Trump administration pushed for 10,000 National Guard members to be on the streets. Ornato’s interview was conducted in January 2022 and attended by Cheney, among other members on the committee. In addition to serving as deputy chief of staff under Trump, Ornato served in the Secret Service for decades."
  14. NO... I was referring to the meaning of sarcasm and the spelling of "recognizing"
  15. SAD... go away... you are probably one of those bad actors unhappy with his miserable life.
  16. Another "NO ANSWER" to my question... I know that they understand the math... my question is WHY? ANSWER... because they manipulate the data to fit their agenda and fool the people into believing whatever is the flavor of the day... they have ulterior motives that reflect where they want the economy and their profits to be and need to downplay the rocking of the boat... TRANSITORY inflation is affecting the way of life for millions of Americans as they are being mislead... much like NZ
  17. Your original post was an INFLATION graphic... Now you are on about CPI. Even though they are related in many ways they are determined differently in the USA...
  18. Right on... where is the $7BILLION going... no one knows... it's "pork"... that joe and his cabal had hidden in the bill. You have a very narrow view of what pork is... it is a broad term as defined below. PORK... Pork barrel politics refers the legislative practice of slipping funding for a project into a broader budget, even when said project may have little or nothing to do with the larger bill.
  19. DO THE MATH... if you can... when statistical data is either added to or omitted from the formulary the result is skewed in that direction.
  20. I see I am talking about the $7= BILLION (that's correct... BILLION) missing from the allocations listed above... that's the pork in this bill. If you would take the time to investigate before you run your mouth then you would understand more... PS... I am all for supporting our allies... just do it individually without the $7 BILLION "pork" bill.
  21. NO they are not precise they are what the government says and not based on what is actually being paid by the people... Still begs the question of WHY they are left out of formula for inflation.
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