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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Australia is not the west... check your globe.
  2. HAHA... I have encountered Singaporeans whose native language is english and they do not speak it very well... much like the british with all that mumbling
  3. '“Employing words like ‘vermin’ to describe anyone who makes use of their basic right to criticise the government ‘echoes dictators’ like Hitler and Mussolini,” the White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said' "Vermin"... NOT OK "Deplorables"... OK "Nutters"... OK Now children enough of that... grow up.
  4. Just choose which way you want to kill yourself... poor eating habits or statins... I chose poor eating habits because it's lots more fun than taking pills and am still going strong at 76... 555
  5. %%%... Turkish man gives prostitute money allegedly to buy booze... and he files a police report... what a douche.
  6. Please wait while we reinvent the wheel... I guess that AN didn't backup anything and are starting from scratch... Thai IT
  7. So what you're saying is that ignorant or stupid users are the problem... not the app or the bank.
  8. That's more about his driving and the roads than it is about the car... hit a pothole at speed and you can crack any wheel from any country.
  9. Britain sending their best and brightest... smart men do not take their go-go bar "girlfriend" to a different go-go bar... unless he was looking for a good beatdown... I heard from a friend that that is a british thing.
  10. The most desired features and all the upgrades that were recently installed have disappeared once again with the reboot of ASEAN NOW... No way to delete notifications... No back to top of page button... pop up ads all over the place.
  11. When I lived in Orlando... Disney World gave me discounts for being a resident... when I lived in Idaho... I got discounts for Yellowstone National Park for being a resident... When I lived in California I got discounts to the parks and restricted beaches for being a resident... The countries you mentioned give discounts to senior citizens at a lot of different venues for a multitude of reasons... What you fail to understand is that it is not illegal to give discounts to specific groups of people in any of those countries and it is not illegal to give Thais a discount in Thailand... it's not dual pricing... it's discounts.
  12. So wrong on so many levels... I'm glad that I do not know you... you are part of the problem in the world today.
  13. Waaaa! You are not and never will be Thai... In Thailand you are a tourist and as such will pay the going rate for tourists... this is done on a worldwide basis... citizens always get discounts in every country even yours... you want a discount go home and get it.
  14. Then why was he not found guilty??? TWICE the democrapts failed... they charged ahead without an investigation first... then they found out that their evidence wasn't honest or factual. The republicans are investigating first... as it should be done... and then we will find out if there are criminal or impeachable acts
  15. Listen to yourself... an inquiry or investigation done properly is the means that is used to determine if there was criminal activity... it's not a follow up... as the democrrapts keep doing... that states that there was a criminal activity now we are going to investigate.
  16. Where did you get permission to state that probable cause is required before there can be an investigation... you watch too much TV... Probable cause is a requirement in criminal law that must be met before a police officer can make an arrest, conduct a search, seize property, or get a warrant. Says nothing about "investigating"... in fact investigating is how they get enough evidence to satisfy the probable cause requirement... don't keep making things up... you really should try google then you wouldn't be so stupid.
  17. Since a 10% loss is considered a cost of business... where are the other 9 "tourists" with their stash?
  18. The lag is you accepting that inflation is an economic ok thing to have... tax and spend caused it... one more time for you... if the price for a loaf of bread is $1 and then inflates to $2 and then goes to $1.50... that is not a savings... it is still a loss.
  19. Who says that is the usual standard... investigation means what it means... now you want to redefine that.
  20. “Are the Thai police that bad?” he asked" Short answer... your prime minister thinks so.
  21. Just proves the point that criminals carry guns all over the world...
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