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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. There is a place for religion in the world... the problem lies with the religion that vilifies other people while they themselves are the villains... I stand by my post
  2. The real evil in the world is muslims...“There’s no place to sit on a fence here. You’re either condemning it or you’re condoning it,”
  3. Get with it man... that was THREE YEARS ago... move on to what's happening today.
  4. No it doesn't... not in Thailand where vehicles are parked daily everywhere... lot's of times even on the right of way because it's time to stop for a bite to eat.
  5. GOOGLE it... it's not rocket science... typical reaction from someone without a genuine rebuttal.
  6. Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of the economy today. Since Biden took office, the typical American family has effectively lost $7,300 in annual income. The monthly mortgage payment on a median price home has more than doubled. It will cost 25 percent more to heat your home this winter. Rents are at record highs. Americans are drowning in over $1 trillion of credit card debt.
  7. The ultimate blame game... a parked immobile car was at fault... really?
  8. Turns out that the best bomb shelters at least from Israeli bombs are hospitals... that's where Hamas is hiding.
  9. Ignorance would not be a legitimate excuse... but if you must... do it. In the mean time I do NOT hate nor am I bigoted toward Palestinians... however, I do not especially like a nation who has done absolutely nothing for the betterment of their own people and blame a different nation for their woes based on a perverted religious/social immorality... it's time for them to move beyond the entrenched mind set and learn that the world is full of diversity and people different from themselves and adapt their behavior rather than demand everyone else to alter their society to fit one that is uncivilized at best.
  10. The workers wolf whistled (or whatever young uncouth men do nowadays) at the girl and she told her brother or cousin or boyfriend... so they came by to kill the swine.
  11. Palestinians don't know the meaning of living in peace... Palestinians oppresses themselves with their hate and bigotry relegating themselves to their poverty and ignorance... what have they proposed to build their community... nothing.
  12. Joe's policies remind me of what the police have become now in most of the world... reactionary after the fact and when seconds count, they are minutes away.
  13. Until there is a fundamental change in attitude (hate and bigotry) toward jews by the muslim arabs nothing will change... most of the western world that has not been infiltrated by arab muslims support letting Israel live in peace...
  14. Isn't it sad that the best and the brightest of the democrat party is trailing Trump in the polls... doesn't speak well does it.
  15. One of your more stupid posts... let's go fight in the schoolyard approach.
  16. Not universally true... at least not true in Chiang Mai IO
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