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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. THIS IS ON HAMAS... what part of that do they not understand... go after the leaders of Hamas that are living in other arab muslim countries... they are the real criminals.
  2. I f you can't ride a motorcycle then you sure as hell have no chance on a bicycle...
  3. Wars add to the GDP which is soooo important to show how well the economy is doing... ask any democrat
  4. They just can't help themselves... it is a sickness... DTS
  5. Everybody should block everybody else and put out a written copy of their ignore list so that those being ignored will know that they have retreated to their safe place and are guarding the feelings... what a crock... HAHAHA
  6. First of all there is more than the uk in this world... Secondly you are intentionally omitting from all your posting that it the right of way may be taken by emergency vehicles if it is deemed by the driver to be safe...
  7. So your article is the end all information source... I have found many other articles that say it was anywhere from your 34k to over a million... When you use search engines for your information it is not ethical to only pick and choose which source has the honest truth... it's only right to read them all and state ranges of all the articles
  8. Typical libtard response... if you knew how to properly use search engines in this day and age it could help you make up for not paying attention in history class.
  9. These are UK regulations not worldwide regulations... plus right there in the body of what he is pushing there is a clause that allows for emergency vehicles to take the right of way if the situation warrants it
  10. Oh... I have heard of it and fully understand what is and isn't involved... I also know that favoritism, insider trading and corruption is rampant within the USA and especially within the political faction in Washington DC... all I am trying to do in this regard is open the eyes of some of the people with blinders on when it comes to Trump... did you know that the prosecuting attorney that brought these charges is fully bought and paid for by George Soros who is an enemy of the United States... Let's go after ALL OF THEM.
  11. 1. Literally Rounded Up 120,000 Japanese Americans, and put them in Concentration Camps. 2. FDR Outlawed Private Ownership of Gold. 3. FDR was Pen Pals With Mussolini, Whom he Admired. 4. The Roosevelt Administration was Infested with Soviet-Russian Spies. 5. FDR Hated the Press and Suppressed Free Speech. 6. The Roosevelt administration seized and destroyed crops while Americans starved... It's in the history books that haven't been rewritten yet. Pay more attention in class...
  12. To be honest worab... you have no idea... so far no link to his information as he claims has been forthcoming
  13. And I quote... "'No one undervalues anything that they own'? Except those fraudsters like the Trump Crime family et alia, who want to pay less insurance and property taxes." So which did he do overvalue or undervalue... and before you say both... then that should have been caught out at the time of the loans or at the time of the taxes because that is those parties responsibilities.
  14. So you admit that what he says is of little consequence and it is up to the lenders to properly vet what the real value is... and they failed to do so in both cases
  15. Then where is your apology... I do not have my Roosevelts mixed up as you implied... "As previously stated, facts don't seem to be your friend." We were talking about Franklin D Roosevelt before you opined.
  16. Link please... Half of what you copied and pasted contradicts your stance on the matter... I would like to read the whole thing.
  17. So now you're saying that he didn't over value his assets... please tell... which one is it???
  18. Best to read up on real estate law... every contract ever written has a disclaimer that in essence makes it the buyer's (in this case the banks loaning the money) responsibility to measure (vet) the statements in the listing.
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