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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. If that boggles your mind then this just in will blow it... Joe trails the flimflam man in the polls... doesn't speak well of your hero.
  2. This situation begs the question as to why Thailand insists on inventing the wheel all over again... is it pride or ignorance that blinds them to other tried and true systems that are up and running with all the bugs already dealt with. Asking for a friend.
  3. No wonder there are so many terrible drivers and traffic jams if that is really what you were taught.
  4. Visiting Vietnam for us Vietnam Conflict Vets... first a day in Saigon (HCMC) visit the War Museum but be advised that the perspective is from North Vietnams eyes... we were the bad guys... they like us fine though because we lost they won... I then flew to Cam Rahn Bay and visited where I got shot... no big deal really... just something that I wanted to do... great seafood though... then hired a car and driver and travelled to De Lat... don't miss it... I would live there in a heartbeat... be sure to visit the 3D Museum... and have meals down by the city center lake... from there went to Hanoi... hustle and bustle big city... nice but not my cup of tea... plus... unless you want to spend the night on a "cruise" in the very polluted Han Long Bay with hundreds of other "cruise" boats all around I suggest skipping that particular "attraction"
  5. Do you "brake" while going through a green light? The truck was going through a green light on a highway... the motorcycle hit his rear wheels.
  6. Or satisfy the health insurance requirement and the money requirement disappears...
  7. As Todd says above... satisfying METV is NOT a one step process... it involves doing reservations and plans in a way that they can be cancelled and changed after the METV is approved.
  8. There are two seasons in Thailand... "HOT" and "HOTTER"... there is no cold season.
  9. OP didn't ask a question... he made a statement... "Agent suddenly tells me that i needed 500,000 in my Thai account for at least a month to renew my visa. Well thanks for telling me this now !"... as if it's the agents fault that he doesn't know the requirements to extend his visa... just more farang whining and woe is me.
  10. Officially 800,000 baht must be in the bank 2 months before your application...
  11. It still continues to amaze me that people want to apply for certain visas and such without checking what may be needed... then when they are told by agents who respectfully arrange these certain visas and such everyday what is required and they are dumbfounded. Believe it or not the information is available in this day and age... not that it doesn't vary from time to time and from IO to IO... but generally it is right there to be had. Instead they resort to a forum voicing their astonishment.
  12. Even funnier is that the solar enthusiasts remain ignorant of the drawbacks and cost of solar power... not just the obvious ones like limited service and initial investment... but the fact that the long term servicing for solar has not been properly planned... ie... renewal of systems over time... proper disposal of batteries and panels (recycle vs replace)... plus the real cost of producing panels and batteries pertaining to energy and resources used to do so... right now solar is not the "end all" that you enthusiasts purport it to be... sorry.
  13. Went to Pai and bought a brownie/cookie... ate the whole thing for desert... wow, best high ever. Went back to Pai twice since then just to buy those brownie/cookie again.
  14. Shouldn't he be calling to go after ALL the criminals in Phuket??? Start at the police station and move outwards.
  15. The whole Thai lottery is a gigantic scam from start to finish... starting with the lack of official pricing being enforced (that's a minimum of 20 baht per ticket that does not go to prize monies) which results in lower payouts... but you pay your money... you take your chances.
  16. Unfortunately he won't... 50% of the posters on here do not live in Thailand.
  17. Because in the Middle East not all muslims are terrorists, however all terrorists are muslim.
  18. So how many more quarters will it take for it to return to pre Joe years?
  19. Definitely look into the billing... who do you pay and what are your meter readings... have your lines tested for draw and trace your lines while looking for scabbed on wires... you are paying for three households at the very least.
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