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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. You have failed your history lesson... go back and read the posts and try to pay attention... then if you are honest you will apologize for your error.
  2. Well, for starters... the Japanese friends that I had when I lived in Idaho near one of the internment camps...
  3. After the effectiveness become an issue... switch to... Pregabalin was originally FDA approved in 2004 as an anti-epileptic drug, also called an anticonvulsant. It works by slowing down impulses in the brain that cause seizures. Pregabalin also affects chemicals in the brain that send pain signals across the nervous system.
  4. Every once in a while AIS blocks VPNs... then later after you reset the router you can access the VPN again.
  5. So the banks are trying to shield themselves from responsibility to vet the financials before giving out loans... If you ask your neighbor how much his house is worth, I bet that he states the value to be higher than what he can actually get for it in the open market... goes on everyday by people just like you... no one undervalues anything that they own.
  6. There were a whole bunch of Japanese Americans who didn't enjoy his internment camps... some would even say he was mentally crippled as well
  7. Those that live in glass houses should not cast stones
  8. Sources please... I have researched it and you again are completely off the rails...
  9. If you weren't so ignorant you would post one time that I supported Trump and his propaganda... typical uneducated democrapt attacking without proof to back it up...
  10. The vote was pretty much half and half... so yes she called those that voted for Trump "deplorables" My alignment shouldn't matter... but as I have stated many times Trump is a narcissistic ahole who makes it very hard to like him as a person... but the rest of the swamp are so corrupt that enough people liked him against Hillary to get him elected... When will the democrapts do something good for Americans now that they have been in the whitehouse for three years? To everyone but the deniers inflation is out of control... immigration is a shxtstorm... foreign countries laugh at our policies... and the list goes on and on... Biden under Obama's hand has misfired completely and now even they aren't getting along.
  11. Your response is sooo predictable... so playground name calling at it's finest... bbbut Johnny did it first... whatever the other person is doing should have no bearing on what a mature adult should do... stand up be a leader for unity and peace.
  12. Maybe you don't witness the small talk because you don't understand the language... or maybe they just do not like you enough to engage in small talk with you.
  13. Hillary called half the countries citizens "DEPLORABLES"... The Hateful 8 calls them "NUTTERS"... in their minds anyone who has an outlook or opinion different than theirs is not to be tolerated... so much for unity
  14. It does... you forgot to read or do not understand that the only burden on the emergency vehicle is that "The driver must be able to show that obeying the normal rules would likely hinder the response to the emergency..."
  15. Limited cities have traffic light control for emergency vehicles... Your reading and comprehension has failed you and do not support your FALSE statement... according to your own source and several others an emergency vehicle does have the right of way and only needs to show that "obeying the normal rules would likely hinder the response"... which if shown gives them the absolute right of way.
  16. I couldn't find that restriction in any case law... would you please show your sources.
  17. Begs the question why you do not like Israel... after all it is a free and independent country.
  18. Still not back to pre Joe days... typical democrapt reasoning... look it's falling... they never ask where it started or recognize the fact that it is still higher than what it was originally... but it a deal.
  19. In most countries flashing lights and sirens DO give emergency vehicles the right of way
  20. More Thai bashing from the ignorant... statistically Thailand falls in the middle worldwide... Violence against women: the statistics around the world | ActionAid UK
  21. Google... "does the liberal left support terrorists"... and read for yourself... there is plenty there to support his position.
  22. Just because you have never seen that movie doesn't mean it isn't playing
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