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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. He suggested that Jews go back to the European countries they came from. While trying to justify that by saying that jews should accept a muslim majority in a future Palestinian state. The very suggestion that Jews should go back from where they came when now the majority of Jews were/are born in Israel is antisemitic. Why is it that jews aren't allowed to have a homeland, But all other religions can? Hamas are a terrorist death cult. They care less for Palestinians as they do for Jews. So don't put words into my mouth trying to say criticising Hamas is somehow anti Muslim. The people of Gaza are starting to turn against Hamas for what they are doing. Which is a good thing even if it is a slow process. Also I note that no one cares of the deaths in Somalia, or talks about arabs killing arabs when they end up fighting each other. But when Israel defends itself from Hamas all of a sudden it is Genocide. So, yes waters is an antisemite as are those that claim Genocide is being committed against the people of Gazza. When Hamas are responsible for using these people as human shields. Hamas are scum and should be destroyed.
  2. Just go to your nearest immigration office and see what they can do.
  3. As usual nothing will come of it. It's just empty words.
  4. Bull<deleted>. You are the one bragging not me. It's the fact you need to mention it on this form. Not that you do or don't use a managment company.
  5. What is this BS about an asset management company? You really think that is going to impress anyone on this forum. If you really had money you wouldn't need to talk about it. Certainly not on a stupid forum. Oh you don't take advice from random expats on a forum But doesn't stop you from telling us to convert GBP to Thai Baht. Full of BS.
  6. He won't, if he rejoins the EU expect more immigration.
  7. That would be a big mistake. Buy Gold, Buy Bitcoin. Actually thinking about it, sounds like you know nothing as far as investing goes.
  8. There is no difference. They just want your vote, then they will do what they want. They do not care about the electorate other than to get your vote. They are all liberal globalists, they follow the WEF agenda. Vote Reform and the UK might be saved in a few years time. Otherwise the UK will be a third world country in 10 years time if not soon, If not already!
  9. There is no real difference between Tory or Labour party politics. They are both bad. They don't care about the country or the People. If the tories have to pick a new leader. They we are getting yet another unelected PM. They are both Bankrupt as far as having any real policies. Peoples best option is to vote reform, which will disrupt the status quo, and give a real opposition party. With the possibility of a reform government in 4-5 years time.
  10. 14 years of Tory rule and they have weakened the armed forces virtually to nothing. He is hardly in a position to criticise.
  11. David Cameron is a prat. Just like most of the Tory and Labour politicians.
  12. He just did and won. Get over it. He will be elected President in November.
  13. He's a convicted criminal who did a runner to avoid going to Jail.
  14. That sounds like a contradiction in Terms! You are also being racist. She only qualifies as president because she is VP. However she is not qualified to be in such a position. by the pure fact that she is a complete idiot. While you may not like it. I hope Trump does win. Because of the Dems stay in power, the world will be at war within 18 months. because neither Biden or Harris could actually control the neocons who want to break up Russia. And are willing to start a war to do that.
  15. Stating a fact is not whataboutary! Even if such Racism or Homophobia is not readily visible. I view your comment as an attempt to shut down debate, doesn't actually add anything to the debate and is Pathetic BS.
  16. I think you will find that if you did make a profit from selling a Condo here in Thailand. The Thai revenue department would have first call on any taxes due. You would then inform HMRC of the amount of tax paid and an allowance would be make. Any short fall in relation the UK CGT would then be levied against you. I think I'm right in saying this all falls within the double taxation rules between Thailand and the UK.
  17. So there are no racists or homophobes within the ranks of the Tory or Labour parties? Think on!
  18. You must be living in some alternate universe. Biden failed completely. Even the dem supporting media are saying he must go. Non so blind as those who do not want to see! Even his staunch supporter @Jingthing now say's he has to go! 555
  19. A dead body would have had more charisma than Biden had during that debate.
  20. Biden is a liar, On border issues Biden claimed the border patrol supports Biden, But the border patrols just issued a statement that they are not behind Biden!
  21. Then why are you getting disapproving looks from other westerners. Unless this is a BS posting?
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