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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. While I will comment on other peoples posts. I have not, nor would I ever start a post looking for advice.
  2. Dream on. I'm not Maga, I'm not even American. But you do show just how demented Americans are. There is no rationality, your either for Biden or Trump. Blinded by your own stupidity!
  3. That's right, blame it all on Trump. You really have swallowed the Dem talking points hook line and sinker. I feel sorry for you that you have been blinded by the madness that is US politics. I just hope I am wrong and that the world can live in PEACE. What is it with the USA if they can't stay in control they will screw the world? While blaming Putin for what they the US are doing.
  4. Realistically it is going to take a few years before Nato countries would be in a position to fight a conventional war. Long before that, Ukraine would have been overrun by Russian forces. The Neocons are stupid enough to think they can beat Russia. They will do something stupid and boom because of their miscalculations Nukes will fly. Sorry but the day's of America dictating to countries what they can or can't do are coming to an end. They cannot accept a multi Polar world where they are not in control.
  5. World war 3 won't be a conventional war. It will go nuclear, and be over in a couple hours. There won't any winners and most of Europe and the states will be obliterated.
  6. The fact that Americans are either willing to vote for Biden or Trump shows just how broken Politics in the USA is. When will Americans vote for a real politician as President. Oh I forgot, spend enough money and either side can buy the Presidency.
  7. As if the west aren't as duplicitous also.
  8. It's called living in denial. Believing all that the main stream media feed to the public.
  9. or in this case, Honey if you have the money!
  10. What gives NATO the right to tell countries what they can and can't do. Stoltenberg is a nutter, the west itching for a fight with Russia and China.
  11. That would just prove to the global south that the US had weaponised the dollar, as they have with Russia, and trying to confiscate Russian assets to give to Ukraine. This was a big mistake. Not to mention totally illegal. Trust in the dollar is fading even Saudi Arabia not renewing the petrodollar agreement they had with the US. American influence around the world is waining. Thailand is interested in Joining the BRICS countries. They see which way the wind is blowing. They know their future is with a rising economically powerful China. The US would be better off trying to work with other nation in a multi polar world rather than thinking it's empire can control the world. Those days are coming to an end. Not to mention the fact that it is the US who instigated this Ukrainian debacle just so they could put Nukes along the Russian boarder. Talk of morals when the US has none is a joke. The US needs to sort out it's own mess before trying to dictate what other countries should or shouldn't do. As Lynsey Graham said the Ukraine war is cheap for America as they are willing to fight to the last man. I think you can expect more anti American sentiments in the future.
  12. Does she go out a lot, leaving you at home for a few hours a day?
  13. I was quoting what the UK government recently said about expats seeking treatment in the UK, and the cost of that treatment. I accept that maybe the hospital would overlook that. However, I do wonder if it would be worth returning to the UK for treatment. It could take a very long time to get an appointment unless one is admitted via the Accident and emergency department! The NHS ain't what it used to be.
  14. Do you have a NHS medical card, Do you have a GP who referred you to the NHS for treatment, and do you have a UK address?
  15. As an expat you will be charged for any medical assistance by the NHS unless you have been in the UK for 6 months and a day prior to needing help from the NHS. I thing the cost is 150% of fees.
  16. Absolutely nothing to do with the new tax grab.
  17. The USA should sort out their own problems, before telling other countries what to do.
  18. Surely that is the same for heterosexual relationships and not just for gay relationships. I'm sure there are sincere gays looking for a relationship. You just have to find the right one, as do straight people.
  19. Not long before there is Sharia law in the UK. They should all be kicked out. See how they like living in Iran for example!
  20. Having just returned from Chiang Mai, Taking a stroll down a side soi in the Nimman area, There must have been at least 6 dispensaries just in that Soi alone. No way can they re-criminalise Cannabis and there not being repercussions!
  21. Actually, I feel sorry for you Yanks. And thank g-d I'm not an American. There is absolutely nothing to feel jealous about towards Americans only pity and sadness! Having been to the USA I can say America is a beautiful country, But shame about the people who live there.
  22. 5555. You have got to be joking! Open your eyes just look at that senile old man Biden. Or are you one of those dumb Americans?
  23. Will Americans be that dumb that they vote for a senile old man who probably doesn't know where he is most of the time. I'm not saying Trump would win against a better opponent . But seriously voting for Biden would really be dumb!
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