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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. It's a major issue in UK and Europe also. But the UK and Europe seem to be committing suicide, the sanctions right or wrong have more of an effect domestically than it seems to effect Russia.
  2. It's the divide and rule concept. While citizens argue with each other politicians can get away with what they want. However did the kremlin really influence the vote that these useful idiots got elected? Or Politicians blaming Russia to cover what they do? Probably opening a can of worms here, But can the Kremlin really influence the vote to such a degree that they get the president they want in the white house?
  3. The journalist is anti right, He is sadly or not, no longer living. I could suggest It's an opinion piece at best. If not a pro Dem hit piece against the Republicans. Agree to disagree. I will just say, The whole Russia Russia thing is a great way to avoid dealing with the issues that effect the USA. It seems being anti Russia is more important than the issues.
  4. No you Don't get it. You are just deflecting. So where is your proof? You say don't use Russia Russia Russia, But you are using it yourself. There in lies the problem. If you can't get beyond the Russia Russia thing. How does the US sort out it's problems? I agree RFK is a loon. Coming out with that Ashkenazi rubbish, has hopefully ended his candidacy. It just Proves there isn't any candidate who should be President. Or are you saying your a Trumpist?
  5. I think you'll find that it was HR Clinton who started the Russia Russia Russia thing. If anything it is you who is saying that in relation to RFK. Accusing him of being a Kremlin troll! Without any real proof. It's just a way to avoid the real issues. At some stage someone has to deal with the issues. Rather than Blame Russia or China for the failure that is American politics.
  6. Wrong. I don't have a horse in this race. As useless as Biden is, Trump is as useless. I just wish there was a candidate who was a real politician who would sort out America rather that trying to start WW3.
  7. If that is all you have, some youtube'r? that is hardly proof. Sorry but it looks like all you are doing is continuing the Russia Russia trope. That's like me linking a youtube'r who would claim that Biden is China's man? Bought and paid for! whether that is true or not would be another question.
  8. Just asking, do you have a link for your assertion of being a Kremlin troll. Or is this just a theory of yours. Is not American politics messed up enough. Does the kremlin really need to interfere in what will be another mess for Americans.
  9. If he walks away, he was the wrong Guy in the first place. His principles are worthless unless he is willing to stand by them.
  10. Actually it's ignorance as to what really is going on.
  11. You could try Homepro or similar. Any wood flooring company may sell it, you could try Lazada. Being a step it wants to be a two part mix because of the wear. As mentioned in another post, maybe a tile repair kit might do it if you can match the colour. For this repair I doubt that wax repair kits for wood flooring will work..
  12. 1 never. But if I did, I would think, they missed their chance! 2 been there done that. Europe isn't what it used to be these day's. 3 Nepal. Far more exotic that Cambodia.
  13. There are two part repair kits for laminate flooring. Or you need to find a wood flooring company. They should be able to replace like for like, or maybe they have beech wood step edges they could use instead. As that looks like beech laminate in the photos.
  14. Go to any mall you will find small stalls selling gold very very cheap. Gold plated!
  15. Do you think that maybe, just maybe, that the big problem was that the west did not negotiate in good faith? https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2022/12/13/merkels-confession-could-be-a-pretext-for-an-international-tribunal/ Speaking in her interview for “Die Zeit”, published on December 7, German ex-Chancellor Merkel said the following: “The 2014 Minsk Agreement was an attempt to buy time for Ukraine. Ukraine used this time to become stronger, as you can see today. Ukraine in 2014-2015 and Ukraine today are not the same.” According to the ex-Chancellor, “it was clear for everyone” that the conflict was suspended and the problem was not resolved, “but it was exactly what gave Ukraine the priceless time.”
  16. What about the Minsk agreement which was negotiated with Russia? Only for the west to recently admit it was only to allow Ukraine to arm and train to fight Russia. You think Russia trusts the west in any future negotiations?
  17. Sorry but you definitely came to the wrong place for advice. Go see a lawyer.
  18. you are being ridiculous. I don't think the OP is talking about bring with him from another country. It is perfectly legal to take with you on internal flights within Thailand. Done it a number of times and no one has tried to arrest me for it.
  19. Get yourself a lawyer and start divorce proceedings. If need be go through the family court. With the evidence you have there should be no problem getting a divorce and custody of the child. Don't delay!
  20. CME is the only place to trade uranium. Minimum futures contract size is 250 LBS. You would need around 14K USD per contract. So it's not going to be easy for a Thai to trade.
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