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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. Americas proxy war with Russia is not Thailands war!
  2. That is quite a feeble excuse for not allowing the extension. They could have been out shopping or something. Why didn't they arrange another visit? Phuket immigration is one of the worse offices to have to use. They charged me 200 baht too do a 90 day report, There is no charge for doing a 90 day report. I don't live in Phuket anymore.
  3. Indeed, She was applying to renew her visa, But was refused. But she could have got a (i think) three month visa based on visiting family. Which would have covered her when her Non O expired. And allowing her to re-apply for her extension! The immigration officer was not helpful. He just did what he wanted. Even though there was no need to give her a 7 day notice to leave. IMO.
  4. Surprised they didn't offer her a visa for visiting family, so she could re apply for her Non O for marriage visa. IMO the 7 day notice to leave is the immigration officer's decision not an order he had been given. Should have said why her application failed.
  5. That is just BS. I doubt Putin is even thinking along those lines. There are many dual Russian Israeli citizens living in Israel. It's just anti Putin propaganda.
  6. Thailand are going to send military aircraft to repatriate Thai citizens stuck in Israel. But because of the conflict. The only planes allowed over Israeli airspace would be Israeli Planes. In war time you don't clutter up airspace by allowing foreign aircraft into that space when Military jets are flying sorties.
  7. On the basis that cremations seem to be organised by the family of the deceased it's probably going to be very difficult to find a funeral service that perform such duties. Consider finding a trusted friend who will help, and give them authority to carry out your wishes. You may need a lawyer to make it legal. There are some Christian churches that have cemeteries. If that is an option for you.
  8. History will prove you are the clueless one!
  9. If you actually took the time to educate yourself, you would realise there is some truth in the fact that Russia was pushed into invading Ukraine. Rather than making silly "another Russian vlogger" comment! It's actually a posted comment, not a vlogg. Try getting it right?
  10. The SET is just an indicator of how all stocks listed on the SET are performing. It is not an indicator of how individual stocks are performing. It is easier to be wise after the event. SO I won't say, "you should have sold when you were up 700K". Especially as it was due to the IPO. So the question is. What is your pain threshold? How low are you willing to watch the price drop before you sell, IF you sell? Sadly most novice investors tend to buy when price is high and sell when price is Low! No one can answer your question. As they say previous performance is not an indicator of future performance. You could wait and see if price improves. But up to you! I looked at the BANPU chart. IMO it could rise from where the price is now. But It could continue down. No one can say for sure. It is just my opinion. With the situation you are in price wise, You either wait and see or sell. are you willing to be a long term investor waiting to see what happens or do you take the loss, And move on? It all depends on how badly you need the funds in the future, or if you can afford to lose the lot? It is possible the price drop is due to investors taking their funds out of stocks because of what the government propose with future spending plans and what the future tax liability might be. In which case the current price reflects that. Once Government proposals are known the price may recover a bit or not. Some might say, if you are thinking of selling, then why wait till the price drops further! The worse thing to do is panic sell, especially if your view is more positive than negative. Only you can answer that question. This is just my opinion. It is not advice as to what you should do. Again, ONLY YOU CAN ANSWER THAT QUESTION. Good Luck.
  11. you sound disappointed! lol
  12. So, for you retiring in Thailand is a pipe dream. If you won't risk it with 23 million. you never will. If, as another poster mentioned you have diabetes. Then for sure you will never reach 100 years of age!
  13. What makes you think you will live to be 100? Sounds like you will never retire in Thailand!
  14. No assets limit. But UK expats don't get any annual increase in the Pension if living in certain countries other than the UK.
  15. Since making that post I am aware you can now get interest on funds lodged with wise. However. if you read the details you will see that they put funds into the bond market. Whence their using Barclays and JP Morgan depending on whether your account is USD or GBP. They even explain that depending on how the bond market is doing, there may be times when there is a restriction on funds being withdrawn/converted. So funds are at risk as any investment. Seeing the state of the economy in the west with possible recession, stagflation, even a possible collapse of currencies. The bond market may be the last place to have money invested. imo. Not sure of your tax status. But you are probably liable if any tax is due on the interest earned.
  16. So you are for transitioning kids before puberty, or Just attacking him because you don't like him?
  17. Sounds like you have the problem! Afraid of letting go and living your life. As the saying goes. "The best laid plans of mice and men".
  18. Sorry, my error. I meant Cities!
  19. Neither impeachments succeeded. Pelosi failed!
  20. I suppose it's the Republican states that have defunded the Police then! I really don't know who you are kidding. Certainly not me.
  21. Actually, as an outsider looking in. I would say the politicians are conning their electorate. Sadly the electorate are falling for the con. Banana republic anyone!
  22. That's Funny. 5555
  23. I understood your post. It's just that Biden is being accused of similar things, and there seems to be proof. So forgive me if I got confused. I know Trump is a target. But everyone has him guilt before it has been proven in a court of Law. But that is just a minor detail for Trump haters! As I am sure Biden's Grifting is a minor detail for Biden supporters.
  24. the only evidence needed is Biden is senile. No way is he making policy decisions. He can't even string a sentence together.
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