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Everything posted by CharlieKo

  1. Wait till they come up with a fart tax! It's coming!
  2. One riff doesn't make a great guitarist. He's no Eric Clapton or BB King. He just doesn't rate in this category.
  3. This guy doesn't belong on any list of great guitarists. He's a wanna be at best.
  4. If you read the RD tax rules you will see this is correct.
  5. When has wise not worked? Still the cheapest option around!
  6. You could just run the cables on the walls, but aesthetically not very nice. Once they have channelled out the bricks for the cables they then cement over the conduit to fix it in place, then the walls are rendered on both sides. I don't think you lose anything structurally.
  7. That is standard practice here in Thailand. All builders do the same.
  8. Exactly right. Regardless of the funds remitted, if it's in a Thai bank account. Those funds have been remitted in Thailand.
  9. Just go to the immigration office with the old and new passport, and they will stamp the visa into the new passport.
  10. Does bob swing both ways? He may not want you behind him!
  11. You can try this website. You can see artists works that are for sale. You can also ask them about commissioning a piece from some of the artists. As for price, That really depends on the Artist! These are recognised artists in their own right. Not the same as art work you will find tourist areas. https://silpastore.com/
  12. Probably not. The reason you use the recipients email is so you don't get to see their banking details. All you will know is if the recipient received the funds.
  13. If his wife can't make the payments, they will take the land.
  14. I'd like to see the proof that 7000 children were killed. This is Hamas propaganda!
  15. Unfortunately it seems most posters are big girls blouse's.
  16. If I were you I would do it in 20K GBP lots. As long as you do it this year there will be no problems with Taxes. The new taxes start from 1st of January. So anything transferred before that date will not get caught up in the new rules. Besides which, I doubt it will be a problem even after Jan 1st. Thai Revenue department aren't set up for dealing with the issues that arise from the new rules when dealing with expats and double taxation etc, etc.
  17. Just an observation! If you are on a Non O for marriage visa. You have to give a reason for your stay in Thailand. Which normally would be to support Thai wife and family. But you want it to look as if your wife supports you? Somehow I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill! Why don't you just wait and see what happens with the new tax rules. I really doubt they are interested in cheap Charlies. Especially when they are many thais who should pay tax but don't.
  18. Is that THB or GBP? I did a 132K THB transfer beginning of the week. No questions asked. SCB!
  19. This is BS.
  20. I'm guessing the exchange rate from the Debit card will be worse than the rate from wise. You would need to know the rate the card will give to compare with wise's rate at time of exchange. Also depends on the amount you are exchanging.
  21. It is interesting that not one well known Politician has died from Covid. Certainly non that I have heard of. So I call this a load of BS. I seriously doubt any well know politician was given the vaccine. Even though they were supposedly shown to be given the vaccine!
  22. China is not at war with America, However America wants a proxy war with China using Taiwan, Just like they use Ukraine to fight Russia!
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