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Everything posted by BananaStrong

  1. Can imagine the stress of some Russians now? Of course, Ukrainians are under likely greater stress. With an insane amount of stress, crazy stuff happens.
  2. Life is not free. 20 baht noodle soup and death air to all, or clean air and $15 noodle soup. No pollution next year, sure. A quote every year from 1970 as millions are forced to go to the hospital. I recommend to save yourself. Plane. Ticket. Today.
  3. I am 99 and my goal is to enjoy Pattaya every minute. I have 200 million baht left, and I like to be around my fellow men who understand Pattaya is heaven. I’ve been here for 54 years, my life’s goal reached. Thailand……life goals…..three words that don’t work together.
  4. Send him installments of 5 baht, actual mail with a 5 baht coin inside. Once a week. Or send him 1300 if it costs you 200 to send the money, and I'm sure he will never stop bothering you. Then keep sending him the balance MINUS the shipping charge, which means he'll never get all his money or might end up owing you cash. I'd NEVER borrow money from anyone I couldn't pay back the same day (like if I forgot my phone or ATM card or whatever). Send him pictures of the money and ask, "Is this right?" "You want this, sucker?" lol money and anyone is horrible. money and a farang in Thailand? OMG, literally the worst of the worst of the worst of the biggest nightmare possible!!!!!!!! lol
  5. Is Thailand even in the Top 10000000000000000000? doubtful.
  6. The OP said ESPECIALLY Russians, so it might not be worth western bashing in this thread!!!! I am sure if there are 87,000 Russians and 1 Westerner, the westerner is worth mentioning!!! But the OP made it VERY clear it was ESPECIALLY Russians, and I'm in his thread. You can start your own thread about bad western ED holders, but let's not get distracted. especially russians.................of course. of course. I need someone else to do a full investigation and get some facts!!!!! How do we know the Russians aren't taking night classes, turning in homework, maybe private tutoring, fluent already, or maybe they aren't Russians at all???!!?! But it's not my thread..................now I'm on the look out!!!!
  7. Google OWNS every search engine out there, but it's not public information. The CIA wants you to think certain sites are "better"!!!!!! Oh, you don't believe me, just google it!!!! nobody says, just duckduckduckduck it!!
  8. Cotton is the LAST thing I want. get cold, stay cold, get wet, stay wet, die.........................die!!!! lol polyester can smell, but will wick. cotton is cheap horrible horrible horrible horrible stuff. It's everywhere I look here. I only wear animal fur. Call PETA I don't care...that stuff works!!!!!
  9. You CAN'T blame the West for this one......I was a teacher for five-years and saw kids drink those Taiwan bubble teas all day, plus ice cream and you name it.. plus white rice isn't good for your blood sugar. spikes blood sugar easy, the West didn't make Thais eat rice. all those sauces with tons of sugar, plus MSG just to really mess you up... and Thais like cakes, sure. Plus no exercise. Plus it's way too hot for exercise for most. Plus nobody seemed to teach people how to drink enough water. Plus all the coffee is really 50% sugar, that 3-1 horrible stuff Plus all that Red Bull stuff probably messes up your system..... Plus their diet is about as balanced as broken stick. whatever that means. anyhow, Thais are ADDICTED to sugar. Sugar is an addiction. Western food works because Thais are already addicted. 95% cities in Thailand don't have McD's, BK, etc..... and pizza is expensive for most. nah, Thais love sugar. HUMANS love sugar. Even educated people get addicted to sugar. This is why I own a sugar company and the FIRST taste is free!!!!!!!!!
  10. short-term effects.....I guess you want sex, talk a lot, increased heart rate, .... LONG-TERM effects: Changes in brain structure and function. Decreased motor skills. Verbal learning declines. Chronic anxiety. Mood disturbances. Aggressive or violent behaviors. Delusions. Paranoia. Visual and auditory hallucinations. Repetitive movements. Memory loss. Severe dental problems. Malnutrition.
  11. He will soon be on the cover of every paper in the world!!!!! Top 10 most wanted!!!! 25 days, OMG, this is not your country!!!!! I've never heard of a worse crime in my life!!!!! When 25-days of overstay becomes a story, you know your country either has their priorities wrong or it's super safe. hint, it's not super safe. lol
  12. Imagine being kept away from Pattaya for even 1 hour???!?!?!?!? Imagine a week!!! or a month!!! OMG, or a year!!! Or many years!!! EVERY male on the planet has dreamed of Pattaya during COVID. Expect 60 million tourists next year, 100 million the year after...................retirement, doomed!!!!!!!! lol
  13. I own 1 rai in the jungle, bought under my wife's name. Put in a 29233923928 km pipe that sucks out all the oil from under Thailand. I'm digging to the Sea of Oman!!!!! In 1700 I told everyone to BUY, BUY, BUY!!!!! But oh no, they wanted to go to Pattaya and spend their money!!! I'm currently buying planets 100 light years from here.
  14. It's important to follow customs of the country you are visiting, and respect people's health!!! COVID, everyone is wearing a mask. It may not be the law, but it's common sense. Protect Thais!!!!!! I would NEVER risk a trip to immigration without 100000 masks and a HASMAT suit on. giving us Pattaya red-light beer gut bar girl broke backpackers a bad name!!!!!! There's always that one guy
  15. I like helping the poor. Giving them clothes, a little money, etc.....it makes me feel good. Plus I'm a little lazy when it comes to packing and moving. Especially with COVID (before), but that's changing. In America, people have given me the equivalent of 300,000 baht for work, bonuses, gifts, whatever.... plus some luck added a few extra zeros. I didn't have a hard life, at all, even thought I thought life was hard at times. It's my time to give back a little bit. I would be 100000000000000000x more productive back home, but I like to put a smile on the faces of those less fortunate. Even once a week is better than back home...............back home you had to have the RIGHT BMW model or you were a loser. I played that game for too long. Driving a paddle shifting LEXUS wasn't even fun. Living in a 2.5 million USD dollar house felt like a prison, and I hate working. lol. But people like me and give me work that has nice perks. I have the education and experience to back it up............ Impossible to tell if I made the right decision. In some aspects, yes, but in some, definitely not. Not retired yet, so I still have time to ponder life's mysteries.
  16. Are you in Bangkok, CM city or Pattaya????? I'm in the REAL Thailand............................every kid has coins in their ears, the elders balance snakes on their heads, wives dance with elephants, and I have to fight 10 water buffalos just to get to the local well. Ghosts run the local 7-11, and I haven't heard English in 12 years while covering my body in tattoos to protect me from everything.
  17. BEFORE you comment.... 1. Do you own a motorbike/scooter/etc....? YES? 2. Have you even been on a motorbike in Thailand? YES? If everyone had cars, these deaths would be much less. Ban motorcycles in Thailand!!! Charge farangs 100,000 more and buy Thais cars!!!! A motorbike is a coffin. YES, you might die and it's not your "fault," but you are way more safe in a car. a good helmet is only a slight help........ even in super poor places in Mexico, everyone has a car. It's no wonder that Thailand is known as “the land of 100 million scooters.”
  18. It's impossible to connect with a student online in the same way as face-to-face. Teaching is much more than simply talking, and online is absolute garbage to learn a language. It's the easy way out, but there's a reason why Ivy League schools aren't closing their campuses. Being there is important. Especially if there are more than a few students. If you don't understand, I really can't explain it to you. People like online dating, why even meet the person??? lol. Why not just do Thanksgiving dinner via Skype??? Xmas with your kids over Skype? At my last school, every teacher, student and parent said online teaching was worthless. It's a quick and lazy way to make money. If a student is 10,000 km away, I would recommend they stick with FREE YouTube instead of paying anyone online.
  19. I honestly consider it a privilege that I'm here!!!! I've help hundreds of Thais, donated tons of stuff worth well over 100k, etc..... They should very VERY lucky I came here. Not the other way around. Maybe the first few weeks here I was overwhelmed, but it wasn't long until I realized I offer way more value than value given to me.
  20. Normally, I'd disagree and give the guy the benefit of the doubt. He only has two posts, which means it is LIKELY a troll. It's a non-Spanish name, and I don't know ONE American who would ask TVF a question like this. He is getting married (looking to married and not "marry") and wants to ask us instead of using the normal channels. More TROLLish evidence. Hey, I want to get married to a ladyboy and bring them back to the States. I wonder what paperwork I need..................I know, I'll ask TVF!!!!! yea, no.
  21. google images can be your friend, just to understand the poster's intent. Nerf footballs......................wow, the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. not to that degree. Here's MY beef. the DISCOUNTED fruit that is rotten. I've fallen for that trick a few times a year. Definitely there is a defined season for fruit when it's cheap, then one day it's not. to answer your question...................maybe I've noticed 10% rise, if that.
  23. saw a guy in a store where ONLY he wasn't wearing a mask, swearing to his Thai gf about the products sold.... near full capacity of bad farangs? impossible, always more coming. it's much better when they complain in a language I can't understand, but in English you can hear it a km away. That's when I knew things are getting back to normal.
  24. any girl that drinks..........bar girl. older, ex-bar girl. if they speak English, bar girl. talk to you first, bar girl. ask for money, kiss on the first date (or more!!! lol), bar girl. 99% odds are you will ONLY meet bar girls. on her phone with 10000 brothers, bar girl has EVER known a foreigner before, bar girl. lol good luck convincing yourself otherwise.
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