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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. You don't need a fitness room. Just chill out. Get back into fitness when the trip is over.
  2. I'm not sure there's any one supplement out there that is a magic pill. One guy is getting famous for life extension, Bryan Johnson, and he take a boatload of pills every day. He's a multi-millionaire. And he is possibly a huckster. Solving life extension may be too complex for the average human being. There are people who are claiming AI will eventually solve the problem of aging. Assuming AI gets smarter than humans.
  3. Nah, I was just kidding. Every country has its negative sides and some negative aspects of the culture, by the way.
  4. you may end up wasting a lot of money, at the very least, if it's not as effective as claimed
  5. why would anyone pretend to be german? that's the most disturbing part of this story.
  6. Obviously, you haven't swallowed the "Health Industry Blue Pill" yet. And I don't want to be the one responsible for any psychological side effects you may have when you finally realize one day that you cannot (always) fully trust your Doc.
  7. like I said, there's a lot of conflicting info out there on coffee.
  8. robotic waitresses coming soon to serve coffee in thailand maybe? this is in china, of course. in
  9. None of the above. I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day and it's way too expensive to be in coffee shops all the time. When I'm in a pinch, the nearest coffee shop will do the trick. And this coffee snobbery is silly as in a blind taste test maybe most of you wouldn't be able to tell which is which. Is coffee healthy? The debate rages on ... there are mixed reviews out there. This guy claims it is. May help prevent kidney stones? Maybe even some anti-cancer properties? Or is that a grandiose claim? And claims 2-3 cups a day is the Sweet Spot.
  10. haha, fat farang acting stupid. there should be an AN CLASSICS ARCHIVE and this should make it in the list.
  11. whats the drug situation like in philippines with duterte's "I will shoot and kill you" anti-drug campaign?
  12. how many drug users come from broken homes? abusive fathers? one parent familes?
  13. what a total and absolute a-hole. the driver did stop his car to let him go through. it's not like the driver was driving aggressively. another american? brit? swiss? does it make any difference?
  14. Yes, perhaps. Probably. Almost certainly. But let me play devil's advocate. Did his woman cheat on him after he put her up in a 20 million dollar mansion and send their children to top private schools? Still doesn't jusfify murder. Just putting out that scenario and if you might try to imagine how it might drive you mad if that happened to you.
  15. so you have the most cash AND the biggest shlong on AN? First time for sure anyone can make that claim on here.
  16. govts are largely controlled by lobbyists people are paying way too much attention to what these people are saying in front of a camera most stuff takes place behind the scenes
  17. good idea in principle. but i wonder if the OP is serious about it or just finding a topic to start a thread on AN.
  18. Of course you are. I am the only person on the planet who doesn't. Millions of people clinging to his every word. Millions of people clinging to every news story about him, when he himself told people that most news is fake. Pied Piper leading people off a cliff.
  19. What if it's all just an act / a comedy show / a circus performance? What if he's just acting? Why would a president do that? That I don't know.
  20. the reason apples is on my radar is because a guy invented a "3 Day Apple Colon Cleanse" a while ago. You basically eat nothing but apples for 3 days (or 2 days) and it apparently clears out the colon. I'm not advocating it though. I don't want to be responsible if you try it and it causes problems. Anyway, you don't like apples ...
  21. If you found a brand that actually tastes good, that's good news. I always hated the taste of that stuff. health folks are all pushing apple cider vinegar, but all vinegar has health benefits. I much prefer the taste of balsamic vingegar. But they can get expensive maybe.
  22. what do you mean find some? you get pectin from eating apples. when I eat loads of fruit, i have no digestive/constipation issues. but I also don't eat a lot of pizza, etc ... stuff that may cause harm to digestion. bon fortuna!
  23. lack of magnesium in diet is one possible cause of constipation. eat lots of fruit - include some bananas as they are fairly high in magnesium. coconut water, avocados also high. and you can consider magnesium citrate supplement, very effective against constipation. also apples ... pectin in apples may help with digestion and constipation
  24. well, he's responsible for the suicide of someone. so the penalty better be stiff. it's not just financial fraud.
  25. They're starting to put these programs into Robots. That's when things will get interesting.
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