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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. the word lunatic is derived from the moon. LUNA = moon do you know why, gamma?
  2. the fake news is only for the masses. the elites in each country are the only ones who really know what's going on with the moon. we don't know squat. so all we have is speculation. and a lot of conspiracy guys are CIA, so they're spewing out a mixed bag of lies as well.
  3. maybe they even have a base there. but it doesn't mean the footage that was shown to the masses is what's really on the moon. maybe they are concealing a lot of stuff.
  4. just because he has a lizard people theory, it doesn't mean everything else he's saying isn't true.
  5. I can't say exactly why I post.
  6. An 8 year old can figure this out.
  7. check her text messages on her iphone while she's taking a shower
  8. Sorry, I won't try to prove anything with links to scientific studies. Admittedly, many of my resources are lunatic fringe crackpots. Not everything in nature is good for you. Some mushrooms can kill you. But I'm not convinced that any chemicals concocted in a lab are not bad for you either. I don't eat lab grown meat. I don't even wear synthetic clothing anymore. Has to be cotton. That's how I roll.
  9. haha, theft at night. time of theft matters. you're really screwed if you steal in broad daylight.
  10. haha, ordering speed stick to get whiff of the usa. good one! had myself a good belly laugh there. nice job, gamster.
  11. Do you need a crappy deodorant to try to attract women? Jeez. I have gravitated towards deodorants with fewer chemicals to help prevent cancer. All that nasty crap they put in deodorants and shampoos ... watch out. It's 10 times more expensive though than the Mennen crap.
  12. I HATE this song. But a thread just made it pop into my head. If you wanna get down, get down to the ground
  13. cigar is one of the food groups in the food pyramid
  14. don't know about reverse polish notation. but have you ever seen a polish firing squad? they stand in a circle.
  15. jesus man, your breakfasts are FESTS ... they're festive ... never seen someone having so much fun eating breakfast.
  16. award winning farmer. but that doesn't explain the motive.
  17. especially hookers on beach road. maybe it's best not to film them and put them on youtube.
  18. what a bizarre post. what does that photo have to do with women being treated as inferior? all you have control over is yourself. if you don't treat the woman you're with as inferior, then you're good to go. your posts are sensationalistic. just because you've decided to leave thailand doesn't mean you need to paint a bleak picture for everyone else by making a collage of all the worst-case scenarios you can conjure up in one paragraph.
  19. yeah, like no one has ever tried that before. border officials never saw that before.
  20. Jesus, man some people are so miserable and frustrated with their lives they're just itching for an excuse to kill someone. Scary.
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