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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. ha, that's pretty wild.
  2. FYI: has anyone mentioned "mantras" on this thread yet? i came across this video by sadghuru. i'll post the quote in case you don't have time to watch the video. "In India, there are people that if you have a snake bite, just by uttering a mantra they will relieve you of the poison. Long distance." Apparently, there was a guy in India who got famous doing this.
  3. with the tragic news stories, they would be far more interesting if we knew all the events leading up to the suicide/murder. there's a whole lot of 'karma' behind those stories. but we will never know. so it's just fear porn.
  4. yes, that's correct. but it's hard to avoid. even forums like this are full of negative news. pays the bills.
  5. maybe people try to gravitate a bit too much towards the "sexy stuff". i recommend this book. it was written by a taxi driver. he's not an academic. he's not a buddhist, but he learned a few buddhist principles and he applies it to his life while contemplating on his life as a taxi driver. no outlandish claims about having visions of the virgin mary or talking to angels. simple language. and most importantly, uses it as a form of introspection on his own life.
  6. please don't give me homework. i watched 2 minutes of it and my initial impression is that he's completely fabricating everything. not that past lives or atlantis doesn't necessarily exist. but this guy looks like he's inventing stuff to make himself famous. i could be wrong, but i don't have time to watch.
  7. because living abroad is a mixed bag. and humans are emotional creatures. you may love some things ... but then other stuff causes you to leave. so it causes mixed emotions.
  8. I didn't read that much. I read that book and a few others. This is decades ago. I was disillusioned with the whole "spiritual crowd" after joining a meditation group. The people running it were screwed up. The were on a power trip and most members in the groups were recovering alcoholics. Then lived abroad. Not many people interested in talking about this stuff. Except one young American girl I met abroad. She had gone to a strict ultra religious school in the US... was it mormon? can't remember. They weren't even allowed to watch hollywood films. So she was escaping from that and was open to different stuff. This thread is memory lane.
  9. "wild horses" maybe their best song? dont listen to most of their stuff. i can't get no satisfaction listening to mick jagger.
  10. your definition of 'spiritual' may be somewhat narrow or very specific. the way human beings interact with each other is part of spirituality. if you're always playing one-upmanship, power struggles, bullying etc ...as discussed in celestine prophecy, this is part of spirituality. and it's happening everywhere. families, workplace ... cuz people are non-spiritual.
  11. yeah because he might get kicked out of the church if he doesn't meet his weekly quotas. these people are salesmen.
  12. well, someone mentioned james redfield's celestine prophecy in another thread. that's an interesting read. one thing i remember from that book is the discussion of power struggles. many/most human interactions involve power struggles ... do i do that? i hope not. i try not to.
  13. yes, that's right. found him. his name is michael mirdad.
  14. maybe try playing scrabble with the bar girls. don't just sit there and drink.
  15. ok. game on. there's literally a preacher out of sedona, arizona that looks exactly like jesus. can't remember his name. i'll try to dig him up. i have a funny story. my high school friend came to me one day and said he was "saved". so i went to his group's bible study. they tried to save me, but i was asking way too many questions and playing devil's advocate. they gave up and kicked me out of the bible study group. ha ha.
  16. i haven't dismissed everything you've said. i haven't read most of it. i pointed out that ONE of tipaporn's comments was bs. and i still think it is, 1000 years of wisdom handed down notwithstanding. but you've confirmed what i thought. you said you've been researching this stuff for 25 years. so this isn't a normal thread. you're basically "an authority figure" on this thread. from my life experience, challenging an authority figure is never a pleasant experience. and I don't feel like playing that game.
  17. yeah, for some people he is a great teacher. and some people think he's evil and the type of manipulative deceitful guru i mentioned in past posts. there are many interesting comments about Osho on this Quora thread. https://www.quora.com/Was-Osho-a-fraud-How-much-of-what-he-says-is-relevant have fun, kids!
  18. milk thistle supplements may help with fatty liver? but maybe only fatty liver caused by alcohol? not sure. you'll need to google it.
  19. that's a pretty funny way of putting it. maybe i've been too harsh on you. my apologies. edit: anyway, "guru" isn't a bad thing on its own. it's someone sharing information and knowledge to others. and I won't be posting in this thread anymore. this thread is more of a "book" than a thread. you guys have been on here for years and there are 500 pages. and i don't have to read all of it. so maybe i shouldn't comment on just a few quotes. so take care and best of luck without me interfering.
  20. one possible theory is to infiltrate and plant seeds of doubt to people living in thailand full-time because he's envious.
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