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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. well ... "chemicals on my skin + scorching sun" scares the <deleted> out of me. they're selling a balm but i can't afford those expensive balms. they do contain nutrients for the skin. but i just stay in the sun without sunscreen long enough to try to avoid getting burned.
  2. https://www.the-office.com/seth/ “How about karma?” No, Seth does not advocate the concept of karma, or “paybacks” carried from one lifetime to the next. Seth speaks of physical lifetimes arising from a timeless, spaceless realm of Consciousness. In these terms, multiple lifetimes essentially occur simultaneously. Lessons not learned in one lifetime will be learned in another. Love not practiced in one lifetime will be practiced in another. However, there is no “karma” carried between linear lifetimes in the traditional sense of eastern religions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First of all, Tipaporn has quoted this teaching in one of his posts. And then, when I said he was dismissing the concept of karma, he denied it. But here it states that the Seth teachings do dismiss karma. So, you are contradicting yourself. You don't even know what you're saying half the time. You're the expert on the Seth teachings and you're contradicting what they're saying. Also, if you believe that "lifetimes occur simultaneously" ... then maybe you're .... gullible?
  3. who says I am "threatened" by anything? do I look scared?
  4. no, i agree that quote has some validity. that would be needed to read in context with the surrounding text. i'm guessing the Seth books is not the best place to get a good explanation though. I'm pretty sure Jane Roberts takes a concept which has validity and screws it up. here's a link for you: https://jayvay.wordpress.com/2016/02/22/stop-telling-me-i-need-to-read-the-seth-material-i-have-i-dont-its-<deleted>/ Stop Telling Me I Need to Read The Seth Material. I Have. I Don't. It's Cr*p.
  5. then, that's fine. go with your gut. it sounds like mostly nonsense to me. these people on this thread are playing psychological games if you don't accept what they're preaching.
  6. maybe you talk too much? and you can't even remember half the things you're saying? or you don't know what you're saying half the time? do i need to sift through your volumes of text to find it? i'm too lazy.
  7. as i mentioned in another thread, there's no time to fact-check everything. would take a lot of time and effort to read all the books. i'll cut my losses after that one silly quote.
  8. who the heck are you? never heard of you before. ok guys. THIS quote is NOT out of context and DEFINITELY BS! no such thing as "simultaneous lives". total garbage! “It is not correct, therefore, to suppose that your actions in this life are caused by a previous existence, or that you are being punished in this life for crimes in a past one. The lives are simultaneous.”― Jane Roberts, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
  9. I don't have one yet. It may not be worth it to use it in the same country as where you reside and have your main bank account. i think it's designed for travelers/digital nomads ...
  10. well, it's mostly a hunch on my part. but I re-read the quotes and maybe they're all "out of context". so this exercise is a failed attempt on my part. technically, i would have to read the entire books. which i will not do. hey guys, i'm taking a break from this thread. take care!
  11. well, she's talking about ego. maybe that particular quote shouldn't be taken out of context. but just because people limit themselves, doesn't mean what SETH is teaching is what people should open their minds to. what's worse? narrow-mindedness or filling your head with nonsense?
  12. yeah, his work ethic is relevant in this situation
  13. I had some down time. I looked up "Seth" ... it's the "Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts" you keep referencing, right? I had a look at some quotes here: https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/474304-seth-speaks-the-eternal-validity-of-the-soul-a-seth-book And I've concluded after reading these quotes that this is mostly rubbish. and that Jane Roberts was a charlatan / con artist. Good luck finding willing subjects you can indoctrinate with this garbage.
  14. Why You Shouldn't Use Any Sunscreens ...and what you can do instead! https://www.vintagetradition.com/why-you-shouldnt-use-any-sunscreens/ Yet more ironically, research and statistics indicate that sunscreen use actually promotes skin cancer!
  15. cult leader may be over the top. but there is such a thing as being too pushy with one's ideas. and especially if those ideas are not that sound, it could be a problem. you mentioned buddhism as a dogma in a past post. it's only a dogma if you treat it as such. i've personally read a few buddhist books, grabbed some ideas that interested me, but ignored 90% of it.
  16. There is a free coding school in Bangkok. No teachers, no classes. Self-teaching with workstations. https://www.42bangkok.com
  17. They're not a bank, but neither are they only a way to move money anymore. They've morphed into a sort of bank by offering an ATM card -- with lower fees than normal banks. The issue is you have to put money in the account to use the ATM. From the research I've done so far, they're reliable and the amounts deposited for use with the ATM card are protected as they would be in a normal bank. ie they deposit they money in actual banks. So the anti-wise crusade seems unwarranted as far as I can tell so far.
  18. bar girl + weed + alcohol + low balcony + friday the 13th floor = bad luck yo!
  19. because he's a cult leader? maybe i'll go back and read his "body of work" on this thread at some point to confirm my suspicions.
  20. @sunmaster, you made a comment about "information that has been passed down thousands of years". well, you would have to assume that the information was kept in tact for those thousands of years. never corrupted or modified or tainted in any way. passing through thousands of hands throughout those thousands of years. your comment reminded me of a quote attributed to buddha. "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
  21. just saw an interview with a guy who worked on wall street. he said a lot of day traders got heart attacks.
  22. ha, that's pretty wild.
  23. FYI: has anyone mentioned "mantras" on this thread yet? i came across this video by sadghuru. i'll post the quote in case you don't have time to watch the video. "In India, there are people that if you have a snake bite, just by uttering a mantra they will relieve you of the poison. Long distance." Apparently, there was a guy in India who got famous doing this.
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