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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. there are healthy fats and unhealthy fats. unhealthy fats cause all kinds of problems. ghee is considered a healthy fat by all non-misinformation health folks. if you don't eat ANY healthy fats, you will also have problems. for instance, your testosterone levels will be low if you don't eat healthy fats. so just blaming weight gain on eating ghee is inaccurate. of course you can eat too much of the healthy fats. but i think very few people are getting too much of the healthy fats. most people are probably not getting enough of the healthy fats and consuming too much of the crappy fats. all foods in supermarkets use crappy fats and restaurants use crappy fats to save money.
  2. maybe not the rice. but maybe not the ghee either. maybe the naan bread? lol.
  3. yeah man . let me know if you get wind of a parallel universe where we can live off fruit, pizza, beer, and cakes and never get diabetes.
  4. never denied the existence of god. denied the accuracy of seth's time-space theories.
  5. why would your God make bad things? to what end?
  6. i cook eggs softly in butter. so cleaning the pan is not a problem but for meat, cooking them in butter will make the pan a pain in the butt to clean. so i put vinegar and hot water in the pan, let it sit for a while so i don't need to scrub! animal fats are ok. restaurants use highly processed oils and re-use them over and over.
  7. i don't mind being in a tiny apartment if it's close to all the amenities, cycling paths, a gym, restaurants, vibrant neighborhood ... i'd rather be walking distance to a vibrant neighborhood than a big isolated house in the suburbs. only read and see what they approve? there's millions of books on amazon. turn off the daily news garbage. and most of this conspiracy stuff is nonsense.
  8. by the way, let's say you live in Bangkok. you may not be able to drive anywhere you want, but i don't think there will be restrictions on using public transit. maybe being in bigger cities like Bangkok will be better in the future. if you're bored in your local area, at least you can pop in the public transit to get around to different parts of the city.
  9. people who act crazy are often shirtless ... ha ha ..
  10. In my opinion, fasting for several days is unnecessary. Not only unnecessary, but you lose muscle mass as you have no protein coming in for those 72 hours. In my opinion, the only Intermittent Fasting necessary is cutting down the eating window on a daily basis. Ie maybe try not to eat past 5 pm in the evening. If you eat breakfast at 8 am, well do the math and that's your daily IF. And that's good enough. Eat at home as much as possible. Restaurants use unhealthy cooking oils.
  11. sunmaster, check this dude out. you might find this interesting. he's apparently using "scientific methodology". lol https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/who-we-are/history-of-dops/dr-ian-stevenson/ Dr. Ian Stevenson founded the Division of Perceptual Studies in 1967. Dr. Stevenson established the Division in order to conduct research in which scientific methodology is utilized to empirically investigate phenomena which cannot be explained by the currently accepted scientific assumptions and theories about the nature of mind or consciousness, and its relationship to matter. Examples of such phenomena, sometimes called paranormal, include various types of extrasensory perception (such as telepathy), apparitions and deathbed visions, after-death communications or ADCs, poltergeists, experiences of persons who come close to death and survive (usually called near-death experiences or NDEs), out-of-body experiences (OBEs), and children’s memories of previous lives.
  12. most people from western countries have reasonably comfortable lives. if you're from a decent country with a decent standard of living complaining that the govt does nothing but stomp on your head, i am not drinking your Kool-Aid.
  13. you don't need to live in the same area your entire life. don't be too lazy. also, you won't be trapped in your local area. I think you will be able to drive out occasionally. i think you will get a quota. also, you can take planes, buses, trains.
  14. that argument doesn't hold up. they could have decades ago, therefore it's a hoax. it's highly disruptive to many industries. and many job losses are incurred. it's a massively complex undertaking. also, if unemployment rates are too high, then there may be revolts, the economy may break down, etc.. they don't want that. so there are many reasons why they could have but didn't decades ago. also, i'm guessing the newer technologies were available, but not sufficiently available to make the shift. do you realize how complex it is to run a govt and manage all of this? do you think they do nothing but sit around figuring out ways to "control" you for no apparent reason? that's all they do, right? it's one elaborate hoax to control you. the massive shift to EVs now is about control? there needs to be some level of "control" to keep society functioning. they can't just let everybody do whatever they want. having said that, it's possible that the measures they put in place may become TOO strict? i'm outta here.
  15. that's a different topic. and that whole system of "work 40-80 hours a week until 65 and then retire" will be completely revamped.
  16. do you think they will prevent you from going there twice a year? I don't think the restrictions will be that severe. we need to get the exact data to see what the restrictions are exactly. also keep in mind that some places have fairly good transport. like most parts of EU have a good rail system. i personally like trains when they are available. you can get on the laptop, which is more fun than driving to me.
  17. no, i'm not from Netherlands. just from what I've gathered. https://bicyclenetwork.com.au/newsroom/2021/03/11/the-netherlands-by-numbers/#:~:text=The Dutch make 28 per,km per day per person. The Dutch make 28 per cent of all trips by bicycle
  18. i visited a nursing home where an elderly person was staying. those places are sad. read instead of watching TV all day like a zombie like most of those folks do. also, take up other hobbies. keep exercising. stay active physically and mentally.
  19. Yeah, well let's just agree to disagree. Keep on truckin'.
  20. if you don't believe in man-made global warming ... limit the often mostly unnecessary use of your car to: - combat air pollution. do you like clean air? - to give the streets back to people rather than cars, which are occupying all the space on the streets - to replace parking lots (which occupy 60% of land) with greenery and parks and cycling paths - to transform from an overweight pre-diabetic who never walks or cycles to someone who walks more and is fitter and leaner - to stop wasting 1/4 of your waking life sitting in traffic
  21. you will be likey mostly be walking and cycling everywhere rather than driving. like the Dutch are already doing. the need for cars will diminish is what I understand. i'm guessing a lot of streets will be converted into pedestrian and bike only. keep track of all the trips you make to the other end of the city with your car. how many of them are really necessary? how often do you take you car just to justify owning one?
  22. just did a quick google search. https://www.yogabear.org/why-is-kundalini-yoga-dangerous/ In the worst situation of Kundalini awakening dangers, there have been reports of psychotic episodes resembling anxiety attacks and LSD trips.
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