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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. I don't think I was being rude. I was just offering a suggestion. India, which is not too far from Thailand, has Ayurvedic practitioners. If I was in a similar position to OP, I might take a trip there. Without knowing much about Ayurvedic medicine in India, I wonder how many treatments expats in Thailand could go there for and pay less than private hospital care in Thailand? But I guess I'm ruffling a lot of feathers here. I'm guessing you are personally offended because you have a background in conventional medicine and you don't appreciate it when people suggest that conventional medicine has limitations.
  2. haha. sorry, the comment i made about 8 year olds was hasty. i'm tired and I can't address all these posts right now. to quote terminator, i'll be back.
  3. but it isn't. and they don't. if you remove those nonsensical ideas that some fake guru planted in your head. then we can work from there. you seem to have fallen prey to all sorts of abstract nonsensical spiritual mumbo jumbo that doesn't serve anyone. except possibly your own ego. as people become entangled in ever more complex mumbo jumbo, they pat themselves on the back for figuring out sth too complex for the average mind. but it's just mumbo jumbo. often the simple elegant theories are the right ones. karma is fairly simple. an 8 year old can understand it.
  4. they're based in the US. so i don't think there should be any concern about quality?
  5. I just watched this video .... Do humans have souls? by Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder She concludes by saying "in principle, it should be possible to upload your entire identity to a computer". I don't think scientists have the same notion of "soul" as the other folks who believe in the soul do. And this seems to be where science wants to lead us ... to upload us to computers. Scary stuff? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XovfK-IGbtw
  6. Fast food restaurant meals are high in: - processed carbs - processed sugar - seed oils (the unhealthy fats) All 3 of these contribute to poor health.
  7. so do you still have your pants on? or are they wrapped around your ankles?
  8. never tried it, but heard laser treatment doesn't always work
  9. good post, Neeranam. i tend to agree. and i've experienced it enough myself to know.
  10. "sitting in the living room watching netflix all day while the in-laws diss them ..." paints a bleak picture of life in the boonies.
  11. higher self just seems like another word for god to me. we all have higher impulses and lower impulses. we dont always act on our higher impulses. some people dont seem to make any effort to act on their higher impulses.
  12. the comic strips are not meant to make fun of anyone's comments, by the way.
  13. i might switch to decaf coffee. but not sure if it affects hypertension and arrhythmia
  14. Here's my best legal advice. Get your motor runnin'Head out on the highway Fire all of your guns at onceAnd explode into space https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egMWlD3fLJ8
  15. The doctor told you there is no cure? Have you tried alternative medicine? Acupuncture? TCM? Homeopathy? Even if you don't believe in any of it, might be worth a bit of time and money to experiment since the conventional doctors have shut you out.
  16. I am not resident, so I don't use those banks. But I did a bit of research on Cambodia a while back. Some of the banks are owned by foreign banks. ABA Bank, for instance, seems to be owned by a major North American bank with 300 billion dollars in assets. https://www.ababank.com
  17. how do you know so much about that?
  18. it's a relatively small walkable city with nice climate. better than the concrete jungle over-sized city with <deleted> weather where i come from.
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