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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. yep, looks remarkably well for his age. the only famous person I've seen twice. once in a shopping mall with bodyguards. and another time in a restaurant in florida.
  2. balls are sweaty. well, I did say people were going to die.
  3. Junk food tastes too good and is highly addictive. Impossible for kids to resist. Even most adults will not cut out junk until they face a health scare.
  4. maybe you can get away with a couple of drinks a week without any negative impact. or try your luck drinking daily if you're feeling lucky, punk.
  5. yeah, all the mobster movies are fun to watch. but the sopranos and boardwalk empire might even be better than the movies because TV shows have more time to develop the characters.
  6. I'm not convinced that Reiki works, but I'm not convinced that it doesn't work either. I keep an open mind about it. One day I might explore it and study it to see if it's bs. But just because you don't understand sth, doesnt mean the other guy is a "nutter". But of course there must be a lot of charlatans out there claiming they are Reiki healers since most people don't understand what it is.
  7. In Thailand? Makes no sense. That's one reason to not date white women and stick to a Thai girl. Less chance of getting into arguments about politics. What you're doing seems silly to me. Women are for sex and companionship. Who cares who they vote for?
  8. twisted mind. blue velvet was creepy.
  9. split personalities. they're feminine when they make an effort and masculine when they make an effort.
  10. you're a riot, georgie boy
  11. there was a thread about this topic a while back. all the people who die seem to be divers?
  12. his liver fell out, your uncle?
  13. sponsor what? people are paying money for getting nothing in return except the expectation of sth in the future? I never understood that concept. Either you pay for sex or you pay a woman's living expenses and she's with you all the time.
  14. bashing pattaya every chance you get man there's a lot of nice people in pattaya. scumbags are the minority.
  15. I used to be very close to my sister. But she married a high-powered multi-millonaire and he corrupted her soul. So now she has a low opinion of me and belittles me because I'm just a regular joe with a regular job. So I decided to cut my losses. Part of her is still a lovely woman who I love, but she's way too caught up in her ego being filthy rich. I can't relate to her much anymore. And I don't want to spend much time with people who have a low opinion of me. You have brothers and there's no sibling rivalry? I am not sure if that's the exception rather than the norm. But there is an additional complication. I'm the "black sheep" of the family. I'm different, so that adds to the hostility.
  16. are there any physical stores that have a good supply of western brand supplements in thailand?
  17. Thanks. Also, some banks back home have pre-paid credit cards. You load up the amount you need, use it, and then re-fill it when you need to make another purchase.
  18. maybe from Hong Kong even, but not sure.
  19. who will take over? murderers? and what experience do they have running a lemonade stand, let alone a country?
  20. A failed marriage and a couple of unrequited love stories changes men in irreversible ways. Everything is reversible, man. In time.
  21. I would never have a large family. Too much risk of it turning into sibling rivalry. People should probably stick to having just one child.
  22. Try to get a credit card that has an app on your phone that allows you to block the card when not in use. I am looking for one now.
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