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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. I've changed diets. I was on low carb. Now I eat a fair amount of carbs, a fair amount of fat, and also fairly high protein. I'm not low anything anymore. I love all macronutrients equally. I only pay attention to the good fats vs bad fats, good carbs vs bad carbs. One thing I noticed is that many experts and doctors on youtube do contradict and sometimes even debate each other. There is by no means a general consensus of what the best diet is. The other thing is I don't even check my blood work. So for those 2 reasons I will not push my ideas on anyone. I just take in information from different sources and then go with my gut. So if you want to do high carb low fat, who am I to twist your arm?
  2. are you a low fat guy? check out sten ekberg's latest video. he tried another crazy stunt. 100 tbsp of butter in 10 days.
  3. another old-timer. the radio only used to play "dancing in the dark" off this album back in the day. but i like this one. round here baby i learned you get what you can get.
  4. who? bigstar? has he posted any pics of his body on here or links to his instagram?
  5. some old-timers have good recent songs.
  6. > > Walking, hiking, cycling are of course all to the good. I often walk on off days. The problem is that they don't get you fit. cyclists seem rather fit to me. i'm not sure if the hunter-gatherer tribes did resistance training. and they didn't have chronic illnesses like modern society. i think they walked A LOT .. walked all day to hunt for prey ... and occasionally sprinted when they were being chased by lions. not saying resistance training is bad, but you might be underestimating the power of simple walking. maybe everyone should take up golf. how many steps do you take in a round of golf? there's an obsession in the fitness community to have a perfect body. these guys post pictures of themselves on social media to inflate their egos. it's way too much work to try to have a perfect body and it's not really necessary to be healthy.
  7. whoa ... too much info ... no time to read all of it. someone mention dairy? has protein, good fats. some cheeses have vitamin K2 which is good for arteries. yogurt/kefir good for gut microbiome. but some people don't tolerate dairy well. ps: i think alcohol really messes up the gut microbiome.
  8. sorry, this does not answer your question but i want to put in a plug for donating blood. donating blood apparently helps to reduce cardiovascular risk factors. https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/surprising-benefits-donating-blood#:~:text=A healthier heart and vascular,risk factors%2C” says DeSimone. give blood if you can once or twice a year. it's good for your health and helps others.
  9. answer to OP - this is just a GUESS: bitcoin will not become worthless. .but it will become less volatile (ie it will stabilize) as acceptance and user base grows. so eventually it will not be used as a way to make money speculating. and i suspect this was the plan all along when they introduced it. i think they're using the popularity of bitcoin to normalize blockchain currency in the future.
  10. maybe too much coffee gets the heart rate up too high. but it's good for the brain. it makes you more alert and focused. there's a lot of stuff much worse than coffee that is harming people's health.
  11. I didn't bother with links because one of the sources is a 3 hour podcast and the other links I don't have handy. But here you go if you're feeling ambitious. Dr Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist at Stanford (I think) ... here he discusses what appears to be the most up to date science on cannabis. He also has a podcast on alcohol. Maybe people need to be careful smoking cannabis at a young age! 02:25:57 Cannabis Use & Adolescence/Young Adulthood, Predisposition to Psychosis 02:34:36 Adolescent Cannabis Use: Brain Development & Mental Health Disorders
  12. well, 'loser' is vague and subjective.
  13. I used to think crypto was a scam or a ponzi scheme. But I think you've hit the nail on the head. It may only be an investment tool in the initial stages ... it's not meant to be used for investing forever. Eventually it will likely evolve into sth that replaces the current system and become the standard.
  14. yeah, alcohol ... the same neuroscientist who did that podcast on weed also did a podcast on alcohol and it was scary. alcohol has been normalized in society, but it's quite harmful. when you're drunk, it's because your brain is starved of glucose. scary, no? recent studies show that drinking even 2-3 times a week can increase risk of cancer. good luck quitting if you've been drinking your whole life.
  15. I don't have the link, but I recently watched a video by a neuroscientist. And he claimed that people's brains are not fully developed until the age of 25. So chronic smoking of weed before the age of 25 specifically increases the risk of serious mental health issues later in life (bipolar, schizophrenia).
  16. well, one economist i came across claims multiple currencies around the world will deflate, there will be more hyperinflation until the govts will finally step in with a solution. i won't say what he says govts will do. but there may be some sort of economic restructuring taking place soon.
  17. greece has announced it will pay its citizens 10% of their food bills as a result of inflation. not sure if other EU nations will do sth similar.
  18. I wonder how effective these NGOs are anyway. Back in my home country, they're giving out "kits" to people. It seems like they've given up getting the people off drugs and are giving away kits so at least they consume the drugs safely.
  19. i could be wrong. but it may have to do with sheer numbers. american digital nomads grew from 7 million in 2019 to 15 million in 2021. so countries might be more concerned in attracting those fast growing numbers of digital nomads than retirees right now. also, people who stay a few months might spend a lot more. and the constant turnover of short-staying digital nomads may bring in more money than long-term stayers. don't know. just found it odd that this news comes soon after a new digital nomad visa in bali.
  20. no, i believe digital nomads are exempt from taxes. not sure how they're crunching the numbers, but is it a coincidence that bali has just recently introduced a new digital nomad visa? don't shoot me ... i'm only the piano player!
  21. that guitarist from ac/dc looks like he's "possessed" to me.
  22. more people are working remotely. digital nomads are on the rise. more and more countries are issuing digital nomad visas. and because of the increase of digital nomads, maybe countries no longer need retirees as much?
  23. you guys are far braver than me for getting your blood work checked and even posting the results on here. i haven't gotten blood work for two reasons. one, i was really out of shape at one point (to put it euphemistically). now i'm in decent shape. so i'm confident that whatever changes i've made are moving me in the right direction. also, even if my numbers were off, i wouldn't know what to do about it. i certainly wouldn't want to take statins. i'm trying my best to stay up to date on health information and making tweaks to my diet as i see fit.
  24. this may not be helpful, but do you exercise? i'm thinking exercising may help build up your appetite. i would try going for long brisk walks .. at least 1 hr per day. what else? food tastes terrible? what about sipping on smoothies with a straw? at least you're getting some nutrition. yogurt, banana, egg yolks, protein powder.
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