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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. People focus on the horizon. How much do ships weigh? 200 tonnes? On a spinning ball earth, the ship would literally have to be upside down for a good portion of its trip across, say, the Atlantic ocean. So a 200 tonne ship sails across the ocean upside down? And is held down by what exactly? Gravity? And a helium balloon rises?
  2. Yes, I think it is about combatting environmental degradation. If you read the daily news more carefully, as opposed to just reading the sensationalist garbage, you will see a constant thread. There are numerous articles encouraging people to shift to EVs, to drive less, to use public transport more, to work from home if possible to reduce emissions from driving, to simplify your life, to be happy with less, to buy less stuff, to only buy what you need. Nobody seems to read these articles. People seem to be fixated on doom and gloom and sensationalism. Maybe people love drama? Regarding control, it's not an end in itself. Nobody wants to control you just for the sake of controlling you. If there is some degree of control, its because the powers that be estimate that it's benefiting the collective. The one-child policy in China is an example of this. They have no interest in preventing people from having children just for a power kick. It doesn't mean that every decision they make is a good decision. But they're not controlling people for no apparent reason.
  3. I just made up a wild and crazy theory ... since you brought up the vaccines. Would you like to hear it? Many people were afraid that the vaccines would kill people. It never happened. Maybe the powers that be wanted people to be afraid ... or to soften it ... maybe did not try to suppress that narrative. ... because fear is a good way to jolt people out of their apathy and complacency with regards to the seriousness, complexity and urgency of environmental issues.
  4. I respect that you have your own belief systems about things. I don't think we'll resolve a debate about flat earth on here, but that's totally fine with me for people to have their own opinions.
  5. You are taking the absolute MOST EXTREME example. China imposed a one child policy. This is an example where the collective takes precedence over individual rights. Even that is debatable I suppose. Whether govts have the right to impose population control. But I will not play your game in using an extreme dystopian scenario to debate this.
  6. I didnt come here for investing advice. I came here to paint a negative picture of the stock market. I don't believe in investing in the stock market. I believe it's too corrupt and/or cryptic and the average person is mostly getting screwed over. And I am not going to engage in endless debate. I've met stock brokers who will argue their point for decades insisting that stock market investing is great. I don't buy it.
  7. sorry you had to experience that. check your health insurance policy to see if you are covered for 'post tramautic stress'. as traumatizing as that incident may have been, it's still way better than sitting in a cafe in chiang mai with those annoying digital nomad youtubers.
  8. some 'human rights' diminish the well-being of the collective. some difficult decisions are sometimes made by govts that seem to be infringing on human rights, but are decisions that are well-intentioned for the well-being of all. if you think govts are doing nothing but plotting evil all day long, who helped create the environment for you to save up money for a comfortable retirement in thailand in the first place?
  9. sorry, i never bought that sales pitch in the past. but in the future, it seems even more likely to be useless advice, i came across this video. even proponents of the stock market are advising against traditional investing these days.
  10. thats the sales pitch they all use and have been using for decades.
  11. for climate change, it may be hard to prove to what extent human activity is causing it. and maybe we can't fully trust the science. there are other aspects of climate that is never talked about. air pollution is out of control in many parts of the world. the oceans are heavily polluted to the point where it is hardly not safe to eat fish anymore. many species are going extinct. this is easily provable and cannot be denied. we should stop focusing on the term "climate change" and call it sth broader like "environmental degradation". one thing the WEF is planning to combat environmental degradation is "15 minute cities", where everything is within walking or biking distance. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/03/15-minute-city-stickiness/
  12. maybe one defense of the sex industry is over-population. if 15% of people stop having a traditional life and getting married with 2.4 children, then maybe the planet will more likely be able to sustain everyone.
  13. you're a flat earther?
  14. you jealous because you don't look good in speedos anymore? dont look at other men. just look at the women.
  15. some old people look like prisoners in their own big "proper" homes. they never leave the home. try to get yourself back to thailand. you don't need a big proper home.
  16. hahaha, never ever ever take health advice from random strangers on forums is what i'm getting from this.
  17. mark sisson recommends lifting, sprinting, and moving at a slow pace. prolonged intense cardio like cycling with an elevated heart rate for 2 hours is not on the list. he mentions gentle cycling, not intense cycling for hours and hours. i'm more a fan of sports. like when you play soccer/football, you have to sprint ocasionally but then you're basically walking most of the time. the stop-start elevated heart rate and then moving at a slow pace is better than keeping an elevated heart rate for an hour like jogging or intense cycling. which can damage the heart. that's why marathoners sometimes drop dead. https://www.primalblueprint.com/blogs/primal-blueprint/the-primal-blueprint-4-essential-movements
  18. how can you even prove that she borrowed the money? do you have a paper trail?
  19. if it's meant to be humor, it's not that funny this is NOT "research" it's partly stating the obvious it's partly trying to portray a negative one-sided cartoon picture of reality and ridiculous stereotyping it's partly ridiculous exaggeration ... is the homicide rate of wives on farang husbands really that high?
  20. you're dis-recommending thailand? ha ha. the health insurance bs is a bummer. i'm still a long way from getting my ducks in a row, so i'm just trolling in the meantime.
  21. there's lots of info on here. there's a thread on chiang mai going on at the moment. i may take an extended holiday at some point to see more of the country. where are you?
  22. thats all people do there? then i guess i shouldn't move there. ha ha.
  23. yes, i think a lot of people underestimate the benefits of walking. there was another thread recently about hypertension. i believe walking an hour a day will help regulate that as well.
  24. i was/am only a non-quality tourist. but when i saw them i wondered if i would end up like them if i made the move permanently.
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