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Everything posted by NORDO

  1. "It would be interesting to see if AirBNB, Booking.com, Agoda.com etc will be charged with being accessories" Not a chance, they are infamous for ducking out during any controversy.
  2. Many years of Kayaking in Arctic rivers and ocean. Been tumbled upside down by waves as if I washing in a washing machine. Capsized by seals and chased by angry otters. The saving grace has always been a proper sized Kayakers floatation jacket
  3. The issue I have with FB marketplace is the lack of integrity with local sellers. Some of it is language translation and some of it is obvious dishonestly. B&S tends to have a more farang group whereas you can communicate and mostly understand the honest representation of items being marketed. Asean Now Marketplace may offer expanded solicitation from Farang group.
  4. Where you're hot, "you're hot". When you're not, "you can't give it away".
  5. Bob (Seger) is the man. Of all my vinyl's, tapes, cassettes and iPods, Seger is labeled on most of them.
  6. I wonder if the local gals they are chasing are kosher?
  7. This a no-brainer. Often wondered why they dont combine all the transport stations for a more seamless travel. I.E-like Airport link and Phaya thai.
  8. Reverse discrimination? Interesting. Back at cha.
  9. Get over it! You are a guest in this country, you don't get to change the law or culture. Find it offensive, then leave.
  10. I have had excellent trips and service on business class EVA, Austrian and Korean. But you need to check on the layover times in ICN and TPE so u don't sit there all day. By far the absolute worst Business class flight was on Turkish. Unbelievable barbaric service and trash for dinner / breakfast. I would not even ship a corpse on them. I sent their customer service a very detailed complaint and never received an acknowledgment.
  11. several procedures and aircraft limitations here. Restricted Max speed with all gear and doors not properly retracted and stowed would not allow the aircraft to continue to destination with current fuel load. Fuel dump can take up to 25-30 min depending on the fuel load and operation of all fuel dump pumps and valves. As well, as local laws. Fuel dumping can be restricted to certain areas and altitudes, as DAL found out when they dumped prematurely over LAX. Abnormal Procedures can take 15-30 min to coordinate with company maintenance and dispatch personnel to make decision. Because it wasn't a "get it on the ground now" situation, they had time coordinate a plan. BBK is the better choice for a gear issue. Longer runways (HKT one runway and would close airport) . BKK has more medical and emergency response capabilities. Plus the trip to BKK would burn another 20k-25k lbs fuel due to low altitude and restricted speed. Unfortunately, they had an abnormal situation that could have easily progressed into an emergency. However, they had plenty of time to deal with all the issues. Crew ( flight and cabin), company dispatch, maintenance, air traffic control, airport authority and other aircraft in the area all need to coordinate a plan. Fortunately, they have several hours to do this. Bottom line...everyone was safe. The aircraft manufacturer and airline have spent years to develop response to abnormal procedure and emergency procedure, procedures to most every conceivable situation.
  12. That's what happens when Juan and Cochita retired.
  13. Pretty simple math. More tourist arrivals into Thailand equates to a relative increase in crimes. Every keg has a few bad apples. More apple kegs, more bad apples.
  14. I’m no, not the Frogs also. Tell me it’s not so.
  15. But hey, those tourist numbers are great. Going set a new record for arrivals into Phuket.
  16. Bush could always claim WMD and start another war he, Cheney and Rumsfeld should have been prosecuted
  17. More than 180 days present in Thailand in the year2024. would this be the total of days on TV visa and Non O visa, or just the total of days present in Thailand on Non O visa?
  18. Always amazed at the arrogance and ignorance of foreign nationals….expats….entering Thailand as a guest. Thailand has its own laws and its own customs. As a guest, u r not allowed to create or modify Thailands laws or customs. Don’t Like it , then leave or don’t come here.
  19. Fornicating...NOOOOOOO, cannot be. Not in LOFS.
  20. You wanted then Tony, now u can deal with them. Make sure u have plenty satang to make change for their purchases
  21. Most modern automated systems began to pressurize when weight is off the wheels. The outflow valves, most commonly on the rear of the cabin bulkhead, will fluctuate from open to closed to provide a cabin pressure between 6 and 8.6 psi, depending on the altitude. Above 8.7-8.9 psi, the pressurization system goes through several safety modes to maintain the pressure below a point of bulkhead failure. Each manufacture of commercial aircraft has slight differences with the same operating concept. Aircraft doors and E-windows that are of the plug type would be extremely, if not impossible, to open at these internal pressures. Exceptions to the plug doors would be the rear air stairs on some aircraft. Examples; some B727 and DC9/MD80s. However, these airstairs had a latching system that would not open with a pressurized cabin. Example: DB Cooper ordered the crew to descend to 10,000 ft and depressurize the aircraft so the air stairs could be opened. Some of the newer aircraft have internal mechanical pins in the window frames that are latched when the aircraft engines are operating above normal ground power settings. Im not real familiar with this system as I retired before this system was used.
  22. LOS...Land of Scams.
  23. Take a large hammer and bash ur Wiley as hard as u can. The pain will be much less than the pain she will cause u. The statement, "I have some land where u can build a house and we can live", is one of the oldest scams in Thailand. If you are applying for the Darwinism award, this will certainly earn you a dumb Fk coveted entry position.
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