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Everything posted by NORDO

  1. As a retired flight deck member, I’ve often wondered why the airline doesn’t restrict the size of a pax or crew member to a size that can readily negotiate an evac through the smallest emergency exit. This would also correlate to weight in some, but not all cases. Imagine an accelerated evac procedure with screaming and yelling people in a very dimly light cabin trying to make it out the wing exit window. Some windows are of the plug type and must be pulled inward, turned and shoved outward. Some you just drop on the floor and crawl over. The newer aircraft actually use a gull wing design that un locks several door pins and allows the window open outward and up. Now imagine you are the fourth or fifth person trying to get out the window when an oversized person can not fit through it and it plugging up the exit. Average passenger weights have bee used by carriers for a long time. Their are many variables due human physical sizes from different geographical areas. As well, winter clothing and tropical clothing. Carry-ons are another issue. Iv’e often thought the carriers should charge by the Kg per KM concept as in frieght.
  2. I’ve been to five other Dental facilities in Thailand with unpleasant to extremely horrible results. After a very expensive hose job last year with a piano dentist, I returned to BKK dental hospital with pleasant results. I have been going there for ten years, thought Id try others to see if less expensive. That was big and expensive mistake. Went back to BKK dental to fix the mess Piano man made.
  3. For Apple stuff Houk and Bank now relocated to MBK
  4. But misuse of a Public vehicle will net you 50 years.
  5. I’ve gone to six dentists in Thailand. Ran into several scams. But the ten years I've been going to BKK dental hospital, Ive been very pleased. However, granted, there are several scams that seem to key in on how much they can scam from you for the least amount of dental work.
  6. I went Mai Sae to BKK to Chumphon, then over to west side down to Krabi and Trang, thence in and out of coastal towns on the west side to Malay border. I've drive from ST south through NST to Hat Yai. I thought much more traffic there. Fellow on u-tube called "bike 360”, has got several videos of his southern biking trips. I ran into him in Krabi. We had a few beers and chatted. Interesting chap.
  7. Hope they are not planning to do it with the Suk Jets that Andre’ scammed them on. AerMex grounded all theirs long time ago.
  8. Please note: Many require deposits and some up to several months in advance. Depends on the rental term. Not uncommon to find these amounts are not recoverable. Varies much. Just be aware.
  9. Maybe a 2000 THB prize for passing exam, but a penalty for failing? Who thinks up this stuff?
  10. Should be Land of Fake Smiles, because their laughing whenever they get to hose you.
  11. He is obviously living his dark days presently. Nothing wrong to escape the environment that caused those dark days. TELL HIM…do not hook up with a young gal and promise her the world or marriage . She will lie to him and milk his bank account dry. There is more than one cute lassie in Thailand. There is no need to marry at his age. Get a nice home (rent or buy) and hire a nice housekeeper. Pay her well. Take holidays with her. Treat her exceptionally good. Record some of the conversations she has with her friends and have them translated. I did and it presented the real person my ex was. But never elevate her above housekeeper status. That would be like giving the Fox a key to the henhouse. jing-jing. But never, ever marry again. There is no need for it. You can have a life long relationship with out the “ball and chain” of marital legal constrictions. If he is utterly stupid enough to marry again, only do it in the Temple…do not register it. Marriage is just a path to your destruction. It is a preacher / politician founded concept to rid you of your monies and rights.
  12. I spend the US dollar amount of about $50k each year in Thailand, depending on the exchange. Quit treating me like a piece of dung and I would consider spending more.
  13. It’s a severe optical impairment , he cant see going back to prison.
  14. The majority of Thai workers have never had professional training. They learn on the job by incompetents, then go into the workplace replicating their learned incompetence.
  15. Somewhat akin a family of Fox trying solve the Henhouse issues.
  16. An international bounty hunter and 200,000 quid would have settled this charade years ago.
  17. You do not understand Thaism
  18. Why? One runway with one directional approach. No Cat II or III. move the airport out in the valley towards HD. This current plan is just plain stupid.
  19. Been going on since the start of time. You’ll never stop it, but you can avoid it.
  20. Slit your throat or get a younger girl.
  21. As Prayut was “quoted" at a NYC UN meeting when being queried by journalists, “You don’t understand Thaism”.
  22. DON’T do it! College educated professional lady that is a Virgin and comes from a wealthy family won’t be worth it. The parents will always try to hose u over on the dowery, but most of all, the daughter loses face if she can’t give the parents a respectable sum. Good parents will return most of it to a THAI groom. Farangs aren’t so lucky, because they are all super rich. Go to your home country and get married. We took a vacation to LAS VEGAS and got married at City Hall for about 300 quid. Don't register the marriage in Thailand. The 400,000 thb is not worth it. The divorce was much easier and quicker than a Thai marriage. Take a big hammer and beat the hell out of your willy. If you still want to marry, see a divorce Attorney first so you know the way out of your biggest mistake. The marriage concept was developed by scumbag preachers and politicians as a way to separate you from ur Wealth and well being. Marriage has nothing to do with the intent of a long-term sincere relationship. Once the paper is stamped, she controls your bank account and ur willy, you control nothing. THE first warning sign is…”My father gave us some land to build a house”. Translated that means “Im a gonna really hose you over”. Dont do it.
  23. easier to get laid in Siem Reap…go to Micky’s. VTE a bit more work to pickup local girls and they don't like running around the room naked.
  24. Should have told the FA to take a number and wait for her turn.
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