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Everything posted by NORDO

  1. Don’t need to buy Mont Clare. Just put a pan under buffaloe when he urinates. It’s the same stuff
  2. I’m retired Lao Air captain. Did this many times as I commuted from BKK…if flights are on time, u walkoff airplane from savanakhet, get your luggage and go to counter to checkin for vte- bkk flight. Then go upstairs and clear immigration to officially leave the country. it only takes about 30 minutes to do all this. Also advise staff in savanakhet that you require expedited assistance
  3. Fold it in half with the squirt end out.
  4. It's no secret that Preachers, Politicians, as well as Insurance brokers are the scum that feed off living flesh.
  5. Very, very normal application or model usage of a business tool. Would written notes been accepted any different.
  6. I'd call it, "I need more black voters".
  7. Like to throw a bag tag on her and head home.
  8. NO, absolutely no, interest in Western Women. Let her complain all she wants, a good Asian gal beats her hands down. (no pun)
  9. Never really grasped the fascination with staring at a naked body. Basically only two flavors since the beginning of time , though some have attempted non OEM modifications. if it bothers you, then turn your head or walk away. Shame that children brought into this world naked and then told the naked body is a sin.
  10. After years of a tablespoon of vinegar in my shoes weekly and daily swabs of tea tree oil, I finally went to the doc in cnx. She said the topical treatments just slow it down a bit and do not stop it. So she put me on three months of the Itracon, orally. She explained the fungus is internal and topical treatments don’t eradicate the internal root of the problem. other than the biweekly liver tests and a moderate reduction in predinner cordials, it was a big deal and the toenails are back to the normal state.
  11. On this planet, humanoids control noxious problems through eradication. Except for fellow humanoids. Premeditated murders and vicious drug lords / personnel should be eradicated. It is totally amazing how the Worlds humanoid societies will protect a toxic group of murders at the expense of law abiding, tax paying citizens. Death is inevitable for all of us. Why let threats to society linger at our expense when we could accelerate their demise, rather than stretch it out. It is a choice they made. Did their victims have a choice? The age should not be a determining factor .
  12. Sad, but true. Rome , I.E. DC, has fallen. The next incoming leader should declare martial law and force the USA of The Americas back into middle ground. Maybe Columbus was correct, The World is flat and either right or left, red or blue, the majority is about to follow the Lemming leaders.
  13. Just a more lucrative source of envelopes. K-daddy pay more than street shop.
  14. History has proven that when u mixes nationalities , religions and races within a species, not all will assimilate into ur new planned society. This happens in all species. However in the Human structure , the non assimilates are protected and not eradicated as in other species, thus eroding the foundation of a civilized society. Thus the continued destruction of human species. The World becomes smaller each day and the non assimilates issues fester to an unmanageable problem. Until we control the Human species as we do all other species, we will participate in the annihilation the human species.
  15. History has proven that when u mixes nationalities , religions and races within a species, not all will assimilate into ur new planned society. This happens in all species. However in the Human structure , the non assimilates are protected and not eradicated as in other species, thus eroding the foundation of a civilized society.
  16. Really doesn’t matter, ain’t nothing you can do about it. You are a pawn with a bark, but no bite. The individual USA Americans vote sucks hind teat on the USA politic sow.
  17. Cool ur jets partner. Nothing u or anybody else can do about it. Standard politician and preacher maneuvers. The USA elections are set up so the actual wage earning voter is the second choice for selecting a candidate. The paid for delegates are first in line to select the candidate. im not a USA voter, but previous employment required a working knowledge of it. However, it’s not really different than other leading democracies. it’s just standard preacher and politicians feeding a line of BS to a group of people and expecting a percentage of them to eat it up. but what I’m reading on this election cycle is many people don’t want the Don, but really don’t want the Obidens. Kind of like do I date the ugly gal so I don’t have to date the uglier one
  18. Rome destroyed itself, now misfits like Newsom are destroying the USA of the Americas as well. I am totally in awe when I attempt to rationalize that extreme liberal decisions are anything other than voter attractions, rather than sound governing principals.
  19. Requesting financial assistance? Structure on the Ala Carte system, just like TAA does to its passengers.
  20. I have used BKK hospital in BKK for the last few annual checkups. Usually around 20,000 THB or so for the real old guy checkup. price has been climbing every year and the exam protocol has been shortened. I’ll try and upcountry hospital this year
  21. Being the unfortunate recipient of each, I’ve come to the conclusion that Western women want a man to start their life with, but are quite happy to dump him for a better life. The are significantly influenced by friends and family, than by their spouse. Asian women have a completely different hierarchy , Their family Your ATM card Their social status Their home and finally you. However, you are the first thing they will get rid of to maintain their status quo. Lying stealing cheating are okay if they can maintain their status or recover it. Ironically, my Thai friends and crew members always tell me never-ever-never give them free rein.
  22. "Thai homeless couple was arrested for public sex in the Isaan province of Khon Kaen in May. The homeless man admitted to the act and emphasized that being homeless, he had no choice but to have sex in public." Sounds logical, maybe a bit Freudian, but logical.
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