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Everything posted by NORDO

  1. Read about these occurrences quite often, but never hear about what happens when one cannot pay the hospital fee and no family to help or retrieve them.
  2. I don't interpret this as a rambling post, but rather a Gent blowing steam to vent his frustrations. Most all of us could improve our written construction and conveyances, but we should never let another restrict one's desire to express themselves through harmless literary comments . As an Expat in LOFS you'll live with "Thaism" daily and most will try to ignore it. However, the acceptance of it can be difficult when we see little ones like Dang take some of the abuse due to their association with "Falangs". We are a guest in this Country with little chance of ever becoming a citizen and even if we did, the discriminate actions would continue. Love reading these type of narratives on how other folk experience life in Thailand.
  3. 27 years later? Why not Two, or Three, or even Four years after the alleged rape? Her book was a flop, she's not of the notoriety that she once was. Was she actually raped? Maybe yes and maybe no. This certainly going to be based on how sympathetic the seated jurors are going to interpret the case. After all, Ms Carroll really has little to lose. She will be able to write another book, no matter the outcome and garner the sobbing hearts of many a "woke" pathetic souls. Ms Stormy? What a riot. Previous Madame of night that has previously profited from her allegations would like to jump on the band wagon with Ms Carroll. If indeed Trump and Ms Stormy entered into a business agreement for a short tryst and she was compensated as agreed, then later is paid an enormous sump to keep quite, would she not be liable contractually? These are two aging ladies that are attempting to gain financial status in the woeful aging years. The previous rape allegations of a former USA president known for his sexual escapades in the White House office and lying to the USA public lead to a senate investigation. But the rape allegations went nowhere.
  4. No marriage extension stamp in passport No registered in Thailand You are not recognized as being married. My current Thai lady hooked up with a yank Ten years ago. They married in Temple to please her family, but never registered in Thailand. When he ran out on her, she had no recourse for a settlement because marriage was never registered and there is a period in which u must register the marriage.
  5. My brother had dual citizenship. USA was one of the Passports. He lived BKK married to Thai lady. They went Las Vegas and did a legal five minute wedding. Never registered Thailand. When they took different paths in life, he called a divorce Attorney in Nevada and did the whole shebang online Zoom call with Judge. Contested... He had the Divorce attorney send the "soon to be" ex the divorce papers via FedEx with signature required on acceptance. That met the legal requirements of being served the notice. She had 90 days to respond. She did not respond and the judge gave her nothing in the divorce. Uncontested... Get a Paralegal to draw up the papers and submit them to the court. You and "soon to be" Ex will need to each submit a financial statement and attest it is a pre-agreed, non contested divorce. I did this when I divorced a yank fro the State of Oregon. Paralegal was $375 USD. Court fees were around $450 with the papers certified and FedExed to me. took about 45 days. THE KEY WORD IS UNCONTESTED NO CHILDREN UNDER 18 NO LEGAL RECORD OF SPOUSAL ABUSE ONE OF YOU NEEDS A USA ADDRESS All this information is online.
  6. Their Country, their laws. Don't like it, don't go there. There is a reason Singapore is safe and orderly. Harsh? most certainly. However, a safe and orderly country requires harsh Governance in todays World. The Western World could learn from Singapore's laws.
  7. How can you offer compassion to a person guilty of a premeditated violent crime that directly caused the deaths of innocent people. Give them 10 years? Twenty years? More? The victims gave all their life. Let the families be the judge and decide the punishment. Allow the guilty to choose between their type of execution with a few choices. Rope, Gun, Chemical. Take a life and forfeit yours.
  8. Penalized for "adverting and encouraging". What a riot. Maybe the Court should stroll down SukTown late at night and read the adverts on every pub.
  9. Often wonder, while standing in IMM line at BKK, where do the TM6'es go? Does some one file them and then stack them in a dark, dank, humid room for the rats to feed on. Or, are they entered into a computer file then burned.
  10. Many Robinsons stores have a small selection of Thule bags and luggage. However, they are far more expensive than the same product in the Western World or online.
  11. 5555, too funny. Double dipping. The upper level lads run the brothels and stuff the THB in the car. Now they want to tax the Dildo industry so they get the THB on Both ends...per se'.
  12. When in the last three years, or so, has anyone in current administration come close to projecting tourist numbers. Rolling a set of dice may have been more accurate.
  13. There are 37 countries in the Americas. Which are u from ? Ive ridden my through Bkk Numerous times over the last 13 years. Never an issue except honking horns and yelling at me. I’ve been North to south and East to west borders. Never an issue. Other than people of opportunity hosing the farang.
  14. Most people don't have a true legal understanding of that law and how it is interpreted by a jury. Nor do most educate themself on where it applies. The yanks don't have strong enough laws to deal with the individuals this mismanage their firearms and the few weak laws they have are not always enforced. Guns, knives, weapons, vehicles don't kill people. People kill people. Start eradicating the people that misuse inert items to kill someone. Guns, drunk drivers, misc weapons won't go away. They need to start executing individuals that misuse these items to murder other innocent people. Constitutional rights? Presumed innocent until proven guilty? What about the rights of the innocents that were victims? The rights of the innocent victims families? 20-30 years if convicted vs total death for an innocent person. Where is the justice there? Rights groups hover over a convicted killers legal rights, but they don't recognize the life the convicted killer took. You'll see them at an execution site waving banners about the convicted killers rights. But you don't see them at the funerals of the victims. Until these ludicrous lawmakers start to balance the penalties with misuse against the right to own firearms, the issue will only continue to fester. Owning a firearm must be balanced with the penalty of misuse. Sound utterly gruesome? How do you explain or view innocent children being gunned down in their school? We see photos and news articles about the murder scene and victims lives, but seldom see the execution or hear of the convicted.
  15. There are a myriad of vans and private taxis brow beating travelers the post-arrival area when crossing into Thailand. Also down by the vehicle parking lot there are numerous private cars that may take you for a few. The vans are usually the lowest price. Some will take you to the Udon airport and some MAY drop you off in town. Another option is to hook up with some other travelers and three can get a taxi reasonably close to the van fare. Then you have more of an option where to go. Late one evening years ago, I hired a private car to take me from VTE airport direct to Udon airport. He got me through immigration at the border with the proper stamp in Passport. I believe I paid him 3000 thb.
  16. As our lustrous PM replied, "You just don't understand "Thaism".
  17. Not my "go to entertainment guy". However, he is making 5mil THB monthly and Im not. He drives a hot car with a hot chick and I don't. His soon to be "pa inlaw" has got big kahonnas and big baht, I don't. Sooo, Im not going burst his bubble.
  18. The yanks did a movie with Comedian Bill Murray,, "Groundhog Day". same same every songkran.
  19. There are several copper to Aluminum connectors, splices and clamps that are designed specifically for this type of connection. Just wrapping the wires together will complete the circuit, however it will also cause a breakdown of connectivity eventually and could possibly lead to other detrimental issues.
  20. Was told by a few Yank associates that their taxation department, IRS, shares a bit of the cash with the informant when the IRS is informed of a major tax fraud. Maybe Thai's anti-corruption team could try this scheme. Imagine a poor groundskeeper or housemaid comes across a pile of baht notes at a residence. One day they ride an old rickety bicycle, the next day a MB. The rats would be eating their own.
  21. Agreed. If they were paid a livable wage with good bennies, then the corruption would decrease. It would never completely stop, but fewer bobbies would be on the take.
  22. Don't marry in Thailand...to much BS and the usually inevitable divorce takes forever. I took my Thai Sweetie to Vegas and got married. Piece of cake, less than $500 of their USD and only took an hour. But the best part....no sinsod. Told that didn't apply to USA marriages. The inevitable divorce though cost me about $3600 of their USD. I structured my funds as pre marry retirement funds so she couldn't touch them and the judge didn't give her a pence. So married one year of bliss, two years of hell and a divorce for less than the airfare. The best advice, the taxi driver suggested I talk to a divorce attorney before the wedding. Best advice I have ever got. Should be required for all marriages that you consult with the Preacher and an attorney.
  23. Americans? North, Latin or South Americans, there are about 37 Countries in the Americas. Many languages and tonal dialects. Including the accents of Brits, Aussies, Kiwis and Euro people who have immigrated there.
  24. NEVER EVER let a preacher or politician form your personal values. You are just a hoar to them. Align your beliefs and morality with common sense and not an external source attempting to capitalize on your worth.
  25. There are Buses built in US America. However, they are not widebody aircraft. There are, or were Boeing’s being built in China. Either Company sources parts from many entities and assembles them in various locations due to monetary and political reasons. it is all about the “ brown or white” envelope. I recently attempted to source two small Amphib aircraft for a startup carrier in SE Asia and lost the brokerage to my ignorance in accepting the paramount importance of the envelope funds. Apparently, it’s more important than the item being brokered.
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