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Everything posted by NORDO

  1. A properly compensated agent could locate the Red Bull Brat and return him to Thailand, IF that is what the RTP want.
  2. Im thinking someone was not getting there share of the "payoff" and got pissed off.
  3. His sentiments seem to follow the linage of a Thai male's perspective.
  4. Good friend of mine hooked up with a Thai nurse years ago. She worked at Bum for 13 years before going tp USA on an Ed visa. She recently completed her two year degree in Nursing and is now enrolled in a 4 year program. The comments of comparison from her are very entertaining. But the most significant advancement in her opinion is the med staff working as a team and not being isolated as a Nurse. She is also shocked a medical fees and doctor salaries in Yankland.
  5. Its called negotiations. Standard business practice that borders on the concept of morality.
  6. Your body shuts down and it begins a decomposition process that is affected by the funeral process. Burning , preservation, or a naturally composition process. Thats it, nothing more. None of the nonsense that preacher and politician feed you.
  7. Not quite as vane about myself, however one needs to accept the fact that in the Asian culture a women priorities are: Mum n Dad Family Marriage home Money and then you at the bottom. So if you ae seeking a "Yankish" style lass, then there are probably very few in LOFS. She may say the she loves you, but only in the previous mention priority. Marriage is a weaponize, one way contract. If you are going to go that route, then seek a mutually legal contract that provides for entry and exit provisions. I highly suggest that when you and your soon betrothed visit a preacher or village headsman for approval, you should both seek the consul of a divorce attorney as well. Then you will have an understanding of the legal noose you are about to slip around the neck.
  8. The majority of Asian women are predators. Westerners appeal to them because the women feel its a pathway to more freedom, financial sources, equality, education and lifestyle. They know the Westerners are not as likely to screw around and beat them like their Asian male spouses do. The Asian ladies know the legal and monetary value of a marriage certificate. They understand pensions and retirement funds. Some are far more adept in how to extort these from a legal marriage. Legal marriage has nothing to to with love and life-long companionship. It has been promoted through Preachers and Politicians in order to establish power and financial gain. Marriage is a conceptual wet dream from the past...if you are contemplating a long term relationship, then treat it like the business arrangement it is. Write up a prenup followed by a contract to establish the basis of the relationship and how your lives will evolve together. You don't need a scum-bag, bottom feeding. short-pekered preacher or politician to profit from your marital demise.
  9. Maybe the Red Bull heir will follow his footsteps.
  10. You're dead. Your body starts a decomposition process. No different than running over a feral critter with Moto. End of story, there's no 72 hot babes waiting for your reincarnation...or what ever line you bought into. Preachers and politicians push all the mind boggling concepts to appease the general public from the reality of death. Your TU and burned, planted in the ground, or left to decompose naturally. Nothing pretty about it, just the facts of life.
  11. Had a thick leather one made up in JJ market shop. Secure buckles and thin wire through a double layer strap. Carry PassPorts, Wallet, iPad, phones and misc. Always a chance some scumbag will try to rip it off me from a motorbike a drag me down the street. Lost wallet in a pickpocket scam many years ago in Silom area. In Daylight. Use to bother me carrying the bag, but now I'm comfortable with vs old mini backpack. Some store won't let you in with backpack, but never stopped when I have my "fagbag".
  12. What a riot..."lets tell the mafia to play nice". What kind of an under-educated, short puckered flatlander came this concept. Like telling Al Capone to smile when he wastes someone. What a fricken joke.
  13. "Survival of the Fittest" Don't interfere with his plans or threats. It's nature and evolution working to protect the rest of us.
  14. Lived with Thai gal three years, then married in Vegas for 300USD. After the official voiced the chain and ball commitment of you are now man and wife, she whispered to me “ now your dolla my dolla”. took it as a joke, however the atmosphere became very cloudy as every other question “ how much u got”. this is a gal from a good South family. Two university degrees, long time job, never dated much. She was 39 years then.. Not a pub girl, though she enjoyed porn very much. after four days of financial interrogations, I contacted a local divorce attorney and he had his paralegal draw up dissolution papers and filed them. Took two months and about 3k quid. She challenged it in court but did not retain legal services as she was now in BK and thb pipeline dried up. bottom line , I spent about 48k quid on her over three years. Holiday girl at three times a week, plus expenses would have amounted to the same . As well, new model as you desired. Marriage is an outdated concept that has nothing to do with commitment and companionship. It’s all about politicians and preachers controlling your life. working girl, pub girl, 40 year old virgin or even ladyboy (yuk) , if there is a true bond based on love and trust between u, marriage is more of a threat to ur relationship. Some gals view it as an ace in the hole when comes to splitting up.
  15. When I worked contracts in VTE, I would quite often go to Nong Khai and UD for entertainment and medical. Always enjoyed my time there. Usually stayed at Centra and was within walking distance of venues. Friday and Saturday eves in Nong Khai on the boardwalk was usually entertaining as well. Never had any issues or problems there. Only went BKK if I had a specific reason.
  16. Siem Reap... I worked a six month contract there in 2012 for an asian upstart LLC.. One A320 and all we did was go from Seim Reap to Incheon, spend the night and come back the next day. Easy gig, good pay. I did take in the cultural aspects of being there ..Ankor Wat, Ankor Thom and such. But I was appalled at the way the locals let tourists trash the place. Very little respect for the Khemer reverence. Otherwise, it was a giant gambling, drug sucking, rundown brothel. Mickey's was the best. Can't say I didn't enjoy myself, but really disgusting how World heritage sites were allowed to be over run. Hope it changed for the better.
  17. I’ve gone to BKK Dental Hospital in BKK for11 years. Last year decided to try ASSAVANT dental. Was a nightmare. Overcharge me , paid for tooth repair I never got, cleaning was a torture trip. ended up going back to BKK dental to fix all the mistakes.
  18. Given the State of affairs in the USA, it amazing me how much Time and USD are being expended for two political factions trying to destroy each other. From my prospective there are so many more events in the USA, as well as World-Wide that would benefit to a much greater degree given the Resources, Time and USD that is being depleted over these issues.
  19. When did U-Joe check out? I never heard about it. Was great guy to visit with and fantastic source of info over the last 12 years. Hope he doesn't have to deal with 90 day reports in the next life.
  20. If an assumed victim waits several months, or even a year to grasp the reality of an assumed incident and report it to the authorities, then one might think it was just period of rationalization and acceptance of the assumed event. However, a multitude of years passing and no action taken to report the assumed event lay suspect to ones alleged occurrence of the event. The assumed victim should be held responsible for not reporting an alleged crime of this magnitude rather than attempting to "play the Ace card" many years later. She is in her golden years. Her book deal failed. She lacks the notoriety she once had. She is likely being played by a pack of "woken" and bitter political mongers.
  21. They are a pack of hyenas sporting to be the Alpha and be the first to grab the "Kills" loin.
  22. My ex Thai Lady (then 39 years old), was oblivious to the outside World and many places in Thailand as well. Two University degrees and an interpreter, yet had little idea of the World around her. Probably the most astounding comments she made were the Holocaust did not happen, it was a political stunt and the moon landings were staged behind a barn somewhere. Took her to Europe and USA on several trips. Her only interest was the pretty home and good wine. No interest or knowledge of history or political figures. She would prefer to sleep most of the day and sho for clothes and handbags in the early eve. As the old saying goes... if it flies, floats, or .......; just rent it. Holiday girls are the answer.
  23. Get your mrs or friend to ring them up and ask them. Do same with BKK hospital for high and low numbers.
  24. The the term "Cockpit" was considered inappropriate, the Yanks coined the term "flight deck". We always like the term "Box Office" more, but decided the "awakened" people would be offended. Many aeronautical terms originated from a Nautical background. During the days of large sailing vessels, the crew carried livestock for their daily larder as needed. The Cock (rooster) would often perch up in the wheelhouse area and thus the term "Cockpit" was coined. Flight crew is good for 30 days in Thailand without visa if they carry a copy of the crew dec they entered the country with. Don't know if Thai IO stamps your passport now days as flight crew on Crew Dec status. They never stamped mine when I enter on crew dec, but that was few years back.
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