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Everything posted by NORDO

  1. Some people just don't know how to deal with trash. 1. Recyclables…..can be cleaned up and repurposed. 2. Consumables…one time use and must be discarded. 3. Organics….usually biodegradable and won’t harm the environment. 4. Rotting trash... filthy, scum sucking, infectious, bottom feeder’s that have no place in a civil society. If you’re going run the Tourism department, you gots to know your trash.
  2. You must be referring to the USA. The Americas have 37 Countries. The USofA has it’s own ideas that contradict many other standards throughout the World. KM vs Miles, Metric vs SAE, F vs C, Right vs Left, Fat lib females vs petite mannered females. Not going change it, so deal with it.
  3. 1. It’s not your home, you're just a visitor. (like it or not) 2. On the "Sow’s Teat scale", you’re sucking on the rear Teat, he is on a forward Teat. Anything that is emitted from the rear of the Sow, you have to deal. (Rear Teat theory) 3. Very frustrating to deal with, however one of you must leave the sow. 4. The kid is her son. The house is hers and his birthright. Kalasin is his home. 5. You won’t win this fight in the end. I’ve been there and it is tough to accept. Save the frustration and move on …along with your THB. She will have to solve the issue herself.
  4. You can go back in history as far as you can and you’ll find this has been going on in every geographical area. Humans hosing humans. It will continue until we destroy ourselves. People have conveniently forgot the Mongols, Japanese, Dutch, French, Germans, Romans, and many others. Seems you are hung up on the last 100 years or so.
  5. Or……..find the right corrupt official. Kings Roman resort in Laos Bokeo province serves as a reminder what is possible. say it ain’t so Joe.
  6. Give him 300 thb and see if he can feed and shelter his family for a week.
  7. I use VYKE World-wide
  8. I avoid taxis to the greatest extent I can and use public transport or private cars when traveling into the city. Ill never go to Phuket or Pattaya again due to the taxi issues. There are many quite beaches that are accessible through bus or private cars.
  9. If and when you get her to USA, take the full 90 days before you commit sideways and get married. Once she has been 90 days in the States, maybe she will develop a new personality that may not be compatible to your desires. Even non-round eyes can develop the symptomatic disorder the affects most Western round-eyed women. If you want to stretch in out longer, get her enrolled for an Ed visa. Do this and you get up to 24 months before you commit sideways. Remember, legal marriage is a conceptual form of bondage created by preachers and politicians to ruin your life and extract funds from you.
  10. Guess he succeeded..did not have to submit to breath test.
  11. I have used BKK general dental clinic for years. Used a few different dentists there until I found one I really like. I tried Bum Dental department once, but was not happy with the Dentist and did not return. Tried the Asian India hollywood Dental clinic and walked out after a few minutes in the chair. Truly disgusted. Tried a Dental clinic with a really nice Grand Piano in the center of their gleaming white clinic, and felt I was a farang taken advantage of. Never went back. Tried a Dental clinic in CNX on the South side of the Old Town Moat. Nice people and nice clean office, but 2400 thb for cleaning was a hose job. Never went back. Now Im back at BKK general dental department and love my dentist, not the cheapest but mid range. Just wish she would give me her cell number. 555 Most clinics post prices on their web site. For extensive work, go in for a consult first.
  12. Maybe the demonstrators and activists should march about the special treatment the Red Bull-Brat is getting, as well.
  13. A bit perplexing. A high profile prisoner arriving at a domestic gate. Military side of airport is secure and can be accessed from either DMK runway. There are helicopters in a secured area. What numbscull is putting this together. Oh wait, now I understand Thai military cannot be involved in civilian affairs.
  14. He went back to DXB to source more expensive Wrist Watches as a political gift on his DMK arrival.
  15. I don’t care for the FB site, however rather than trying shut it down, find a way to tax it’s users or pay a user fee in Thailand. They could always get Interpol involved, however it did not work for the Red Bull Brat, so little chance it would discourage freckle face.
  16. Use a server in another country and funds deposited to another country bank, then make regular withdrawals in cash. Don't leave a paper-trail. Most of all, if the operation may be considered rouge, don't acquire expensive titled properties or assets. Rent or lease, don't buy titled assets in the countries you are operating a rouge business.
  17. You are being setup. She is doing this to build her wealth, not yours.
  18. Cross cultural relationships can be difficult. Concepts, expectations and social standing can be interpreted in a myriad of ways that may not be congruent between the parties involved. Politicians and Preachers push the concept of marriage to extort your life of funds and choices. In Thailand, housing and companions should not be a permanent arrangement, but rather a “pay as you go” contract.
  19. You cannot be a scammer and get elected as PM. You can only collect expensive gift wrist watches to do this.
  20. Wow, can you believe this? A land scam, who would thought this could ever happen in LOFS.
  21. Im still try to resolve what the exiled Royal sons are up to. Awfully influential time to show up on Suk Street after a 25 year absence…or maybe just taken advantage of the low season prices.
  22. No real surprise here. It’s just a ploy to wear the locals out. In the end it will be a “Junta Jerk"
  23. You don't rescue bar girls, tyou give them a chance to hose you. If you want to pick one up for a holiday, then 20 quid daily and expense is plenty. If you are going to keep one long term and pickup the expenses, then she should be paying you. Otherwise send her back to her rats nest and let her flip tricks.
  24. Cambodia and Thai election very much the same, except Thai’s spice it up with more candidates. However, end results are the same.
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