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ignore it

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Everything posted by ignore it

  1. Yep it's pretty easy to stop. Straightening out gets to be like getting high. Best thing about it is that awesome immediate massive buzz on the first few tokes when break time is over.
  2. Dude, don't go there. She's changed. Your better off going to Korat and hitting on her granddaughter as even her daughter is also probably past her "sell date;"
  3. Oh please, please, tell us what country he is from.
  4. Unlike the Northern regions around Chang Mai, local residents are not complaining about the smoke.
  5. 77 here too. My EKG, pulse and BP very good, and even though such monitoring shows no problems, my new Doc says to do the echo-cardiogram to check the ticker out as the monitoring won't show any problems like myocarditis or pericarditis. Which you also just have to learn to live with.
  6. A double dose of free Pfizer back in '21, has caused me some problems and I'm set to go have an echo-cardiogram to check out the ticker. Made me an anti-vaxer though I wasn't big on them before. There ain't a level of hell deep enough for Fauci and the other scam merchants! OPINION
  7. Among the Asians I've known here in Thailand and in Vietnam there is a resistance to seeing a doctor for preventive care and diagnostic testing. If something is broken or bleeding they have no hesitance, but for a lump or an ache they just live with it till the pain gets too much. A Vietnamese friend of 30 years lived with an ache for months and months until the pain became too much. He finally got around to going to a doctor and discovered he had stage 4 pancreatic cancer, and died shortly thereafter. I had a heck of a time to get Mrs. Ignore It to go for an annual health screen, but after blood testing, a slightly elevated uric acid has her monitoring her chicken intake like a hawk. Yet a sniffle or twinge will find her gobbling traditional herbs, powders and pills. Granted it may be the class of folks I like to hang around with or marry. Just saying..
  8. Authorities to issue statement condemning such singular behavior as it makes Thailand look bad and may discourage potential tourists from visiting Thailand... Oh wait a moment, weren't they just complaining about having too many tourists? So just hide him away till something more newsworthy tickles the online community and it fades from memory.
  9. Chat GPT Story deserves a Chat GPT reply "Well, sounds like you've gone from 'Tick-tock' to 'Thai adventure!' Who knew a ticking clock in Manchester would lead to island-hopping with Apple in Thailand? Life really does have a knack for surprising us!"
  10. A simple terd count would suffice.
  11. Asking such foolish questions here is like writing a post longer than five lines and thinking people are going to read it.
  12. Hmm. Trees back in. Trees are the bacon of transformation here.
  13. Yeah, It's just something of a motor bike renting company tradition.
  14. Milk tends to be more expensive in Thailand compared to some other countries due to several factors: 1. **Import Costs**: Thailand imports a significant portion of its dairy products, including milk. Importing involves costs such as transportation, tariffs, and import duties, which can increase the retail price. 2. **Production Costs**: The local production of milk in Thailand is limited. Dairy farming requires specific conditions (such as suitable climate and pastureland) which may not be as prevalent in Thailand compared to countries with more developed dairy industries. 3. **Distribution and Retail Markup**: Like any imported or specialty product, milk can incur additional costs through distribution and retail markup. This contributes to the final price consumers pay. 4. **Demand vs Supply**: Demand for milk in Thailand may be relatively high compared to domestic supply, which can push prices up due to competition for imported products. 5. **Economic Factors**: Economic conditions, exchange rates, and global market prices for dairy products can also influence the cost of imported milk in Thailand. These factors together contribute to the higher cost of milk in Thailand compared to countries with more established dairy industries or lower production and import costs.
  15. Seems to be some kind of affirmation post. Is there a condensed version or an abstract available?
  16. If they are looking for romance they should get a Joan Collins novel, as anyone coming to Thailand looking for true "love" (gay or straight or whatever) is going to get exactly what they can pay for.
  17. Hamas has blamed these civilian casualties on the Israeli Army's use of IBMs and announces new targeting jammers have spared lives in Gaza. In related news pro palestinian students are organizing a protest tour to Phuket and Koh Phangan to coincide with the July full moon parry, depending of Soros funding.
  18. Got slow to login for me (said "cant do now come back later), but putting in for a password change put it right.
  19. Easy peasy. Just say "no prik" But use this phrase carefully on soi 6, walking street, Nana plaza, Pat Pong, soi Cowboy.
  20. Is there any way to attach a breathalyzer and keyboard lock system to a computer?
  21. Hmm Has the algorithm led me into a private trollers chat?
  22. Yep That's the trouble with wèd shops. Once you start vandalizing them it's hard to quit.
  23. I'm ordering a new sticker for my car.
  24. Flip flop advisory issued!!
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