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ignore it

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Everything posted by ignore it

  1. I love it when advanced tech thingies are purchased through an open and transparent bidding process.
  2. Throw them in prison where they can reorganize the system there.
  3. She that is without sin among you, let her cast the first stone at him.
  4. It's sad really. An unconscious woman on a bus accompanied by a man. It's sad that it bothered you. Keep traveling, you ain't seen nothing yet!
  5. This one's a nothing berger. Old guy gets laid for pocket change. I used to have a prozzi come to my pad on slow nights when she had no customers for food cart money.
  6. That's awesome. Everybody should learn CPR. Next mandatory familiarization with a heart-lung machine.
  7. I think someone can't tell when their getting hit on by a Black (or other Eubonics speaking) immigration helper
  8. I a little disappointed. I got my aseannow.com email just over an hour ago and Pit Bull attack postings are still on page two. Still nap time I guess. I'll check back later.
  9. Jomtien Beach road safest. Still challenging with erratic bhat busses and three wheel vendor motorcycles. To be fashionable best to leave the shirt and helmet at home..
  10. I hate when this happens. Last trip they barfed which smelled like spoiled milk and was tough to clean up. Had to wait while one of the junior sargents cleaned up the mess in the Mercedes trunk. Darn missed the middleman's pick up. He was already furious because the buyers missed their flight from Wuhan and the chef was getting drunk.
  11. Put Russia on the VOA list. It'll bring in more Ruski draft dodgers.
  12. Great idea! Could they also just move some Thai taxi drivers over too, and a mini Thailand theme park. A 7/11 or two an overpriced jewelry shop and a condo sales showroom. Save us all a lot of grief and create some loopholes for corruption.
  13. IMHO It's not my homeland. It's not my ethics or morals. I've no dog in any of these fights. I don't give a poop about any politics anywhere. I live a nice happy life here. I play it straight and by the rules. And in fact it's nice to know that if I do screw up, an envelope here or there smooths the way. Actually I prefer that to a ticket, court appearance and fine. It's also very amusing to read about all the shenanigans by those in power from the very very top to those at the bottom motorcycle taxis. I do think that all the flaming done by some on aseannow wastes space and shows lack of maturity. But , just heck, just.... Ignore it
  14. Driver is contemplating legal action against the Daily News for defamation stating the Chevy has excellent signage and good lights
  15. The resident Russian tourist commisar strongly recommends that all water bottles sold in 7/11 have a sticker attached reading "это не водка" "This is not vodka"
  16. Correction: Should read; Be aware of your belongings and don't trust strangers or individuals patrolling in a uniform.
  17. Chinese investor seeking Thai nominee to open a neon sign manufacturing company. High ranking immigration officials preferred. Investor to provide workforce and capital.
  18. In unrelated news, former Thai Visa contributer NCC-1701 sent me some photos of an awesome party he had in Hua Hin on the 14th.
  19. UPDATE Mr. Coker was unexpectedly released on his own recognizance and taken to an undisclosed location near an airport when it was disclosed that he is the grandson of the founder of Coca Cola.
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