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Everything posted by Drumbuie

  1. Think about it. Immigration will have every tourist's passport details, date of entry, and visa length on their database. Then it's the work of a moment to query that database and produce an easily circulated list of overstayers. So then police in tourist hotspots can keep an eye open - and so can CCTV with facial recognition software.
  2. It is standard practice for all embassies to have some members of their police forces on their staff. I suppose you could call that "being undercover".
  3. Wise would have had an arrangement with a "correspondent bank" , one that was a direct member in the Australian payment systems. Possibly it took a long time for Wise to become one, or perhaps they waited till they were sure they had enough Australian custom to make it worth their while applying.
  4. To apply for a TIN you need to go to the Area Revenue Department for where you live ( which may not be the nearest one). Take passport, lease/house book/ whatever shows where you live, a copy of your landlord's ID and photocopies of all of the above. You can download the form beforehand and use Google Translate to fill it in. Tax allowances are much more generous to oldies than in, say, UK. Also ..guys, the Immigration has your passport number. Your bank account is linked to your passport number. There is no data protection in Thailand. Get a TIN and fill in a tax return.
  5. That may have been true a few years ago but I think you'd be lucky to find one who'd charge less than £500 now - and that would not be in London.
  6. Imagine you're on holiday in the UK or Poland, or the USA or indeed any other country and you're told to go to the police station; would you decide not to go because you " thought you'd done nothing wrong" ? Slapping a stranger on the butt is unacceptable in any country - including Poland. I am not able to dig up the tiniest shred of pity for this guy.
  7. I regularly send letters to family in the UK - Airmail is 55 baht, they get there in a week. At Christmas friends posted Christmas cards Airmail from the UK - £2.80 ( about 120 baht)
  8. Or he didn't want his wife to see what he was up to when the bank/credit card statements arrived.
  9. It may well be that Wise is passing on a charge from the receiving bank.
  10. Putting somebody in prison costs tens of thousands per year and basically enrols then in the University of Criminality. He was 15 when he committed his first offence, and still a child. There was a chance that he might be diverted from the path and a humane ( Scottish - different from the English) legal system gave him that chance. Unfortunately he failed to be diverted from his downward trajectory - but with the British press, you'll never hear the success stories about the ones who took that chance to change their lives. Note the Scottish Tories' finger pointing, too. Newspapers have an agenda. Don't fall for it.
  11. The staff don't care, at least the ones I've dealt with haven't. I've topped up several times since they changed the rules. Anyway, OP..... what's the fuss over a couple of hundred baht? It's not a lifechanging amount.
  12. "it never did ME any harm"... But it did, if you think that violence is the best way to train children (or animals).
  13. The only significant difference between these sharks and private equity firm sharks ( like Blackstone) is that the latter wear suits.
  14. The disadvantage of using Spotify is that only a tiny fraction of your money ends up with the person who actually created the music. You are part of the commodification of the arts and eventually won't notice when everything is created by AI. If you use Bandcamp, and occasionally pay for downloads, you will help to keep musicians in existence. On the first Friday of every month 100% of any money you spend on a download, or vinyl, or a CD, or merch, goes to the artist.
  15. Indeed they weren't. In the middle 1920s, the UK government calculated that to maintain bodyweight a working man needed about 6000 calories a day.. a working woman slightly less. Wages were low. No NHS. No benefit system. Most people could not afford to eat enough to get fat.
  16. Possibly because ASEAN News is published in English?
  17. Proper porridge - brose - is made with stone ground pinhead oatmeal, hot water, a pinch of salt and a wee pat of butter. Basically a hot oatcake. Anything else - particularly sugar - is an abomination. 😂
  18. One of the reasons it's possible for both Thais and foreigners to live here comfortably on relatively low incomes is the comparatively low price of property and the restrictions on land ownership. Take those restrictions away and multinational corporations and billionaires will price everyone else out of the market, as they have done already in so many countries. When I was younger, it was possible for ordinary people to save enough money buy a house in a decent area of London. Now the Qataris, Chinese, Russians etc have changed that. So let's hope Thailand doesn't change.
  19. Some breeds have been deliberately bred to be aggressive for use as guard dogs, in dog-fighting, to bolster fragile human egos, etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domesticated_silver_fox Experiments with foxes have also shown how easy this is to do. So yes, it's reasonable to classify certain breeds as "prone to aggression".
  20. https://www.expattaxthailand.com/crs-information-request-thai-banks/ Apparently it is indeed genuine. Shall be writing polite letter to Data Protection division...
  21. I received this exact email as well this morning, having opened my KBank account last year. It is rather poor practice to send this to " valued customer" instead of addressing it to individual names. The bank has everyone's passport details so why not segment their list by the country the passport was issued in? I'll be going to my branch this morning to ask them about it - and if it's genuine, I'll be writing to head office to give them some feedback. .
  22. You'll get a better rate and a faster transfer using Wise. If you can get a Wise card, it's a useful backup, you can load it with THB and withdraw cash from ATMs till your Thai bank is sorted out.
  23. Mr DIY has lots of different sizes of teapots with infuser inserts.
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