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Everything posted by Drumbuie

  1. Not my speciality, but that looks more like a caterpillar to me...
  2. People of all colours were travelling around the world long before the Anglosphere got going.. but the history books were until recently written by white guys who didn't bother to put that in. https://www.history.co.uk/articles/black-tudors-the-fascinating-lives-of-africans-living-in-tudor-england
  3. The whole point of the Schengen area is free movement/borderless trade and travel - which is why Brexit was and is such a disaster for the UK.
  4. What keeps wages low isnt immigration, though the billionaires who own the media want you to think so. "It's not us, look, it's those guys over there!" But in fact it's the selfishness of the billionaires whose business methods follow the "stretch and squeeze" doctrine, cutting wages and increasing profits for the guys at the top. That's why wages are low.
  5. I don't usually carry my passport around but I have a file of scans of the relevant passport pages on my phone. That's usually enough, even with the bank .
  6. I use the 32bit version on my laptop and it's fine. I've used OpenOffice for many years, it's much better than MSOffice - you can easily open, or save as, *.doc or *. xls files. Open Source software is great - I also use Waterfox browser (set to delete cookies every time it's closed) and the Ecosia search engine - which plants trees with its profits and doesn't sell your personal info. Every little helps.
  7. Stamped Addressed Envelope.
  8. Clickbait. If you want to understand where most "white" culture came from, read William Dalrymple's very thoroughly researched book, published last month - "The Golden Road - How Ancient India Transformed The World". Seriously, you're actually talking about "brownness", guys.
  9. People used to take a pride in their work and in doing a good job - but that was before private equity got involved where all the guys at the top care about is money and their workers are just cogs in the wheel. Underpaid, overworked, managed by people who don't care as long as they've hit their sacred KPIs, is it any wonder there are mistakes?
  10. No experience? Harris has two degrees, had a successful career as a lawyer and was elected Attorney General of California ( a state with an economy so large it would rank as #9 in the world if it were a separate country) despite not being either white or a man. AG is a position of considerable responsibility and is often a pathway into politics. Trump has managed to lose most of his inherited wealth ( hence his desperate merchandising ) and was the host of a TV show.
  11. Your passport is scanned at the check-in desk for all international flights.
  12. Because......colonial exploitation. And inherited wealth.
  13. Look in the mirror. You're an immigrant, probably what your home country would call " an economic migrant", in the East.
  14. One of the reasons Sweden is a rather nice place to live is that maternity leave on 80% pay lasts for over a year, with a shorter period of compulsory paternity leave. The result is healthier, happier people. It's that simple.
  15. It's odd that the people who complain about paying taxes are usually the same ones who complain about the services which are paid for by taxes.
  16. Not nearly often enough. One of the lowest conviction rates. Is your purpose in these forums purely to sow discord?
  17. Au contraire, mon ami https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-berkshire-64052080
  18. Useful post. No, not for finding out anything about US politics - for identifying possible pro- Trump troll bots by the asininity of their discourse. Something about the language reminds of my days on the platform formerly known as Twitter.
  19. The use of the word "disarm" with "machete" conjures up a rather gory vision.....
  20. Just imagine life without cars - freight sent on railways ( then electric floats for the final delivery). Roads safe and pleasant to navigate on foot, by bicycle, on electric scooters, bikes and trikes, golf carts, even on an electric suitcase. Solar panels connected to chargers. Clean air and no traffic noise. Everyone a bit fitter and healthier because of the clean air and the roads being pleasant to walk alongside.
  21. Of course there are sharks. The world's oceans are all joined. There are no borders. Sharks don't need visas. They don't even have passports. 😂
  22. Most of you are from countries which have with DTAs with Thailand -have you actually bothered to work out and compare the tax figures for your income? I did, and I'll be better off paying tax here than being tax resident in the UK. Also it feels right to contribute to the general good ( no pun intended) of the country I live in, whose roads I drive on, whose electricity I use, whose people grow, sell and cook the food I eat, whose schools educated the doctor I see, etc etc Always good to look beyond yourself at the bigger picture.
  23. Sweden is already reporting cases of the severe mpox variant. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4gqr5lrpwxo Better to be prepared than leave it too late - even the UK is taking precautions.
  24. It's a journalist's job to ask questions about things that are happening. That does not count as " winding him up".
  25. Not entirely BS, I think. In February the best deal I found was £2500 for two return tickets from UK for family members to fly out in July. These people were travelling from Sunderland, quite a distance from an airport with flights to Thailand. Train travel in the UK is very expensive, as are internal flights - and taxis. And petrol, if someone kindly offered to drive them. They were travelling at short notice and would, presumably, have travelled with checked luggage. It all adds up.
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